Author Topic: Hello from Big Dave in Beijing!  (Read 7917 times)

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Offline David

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Hello from Big Dave in Beijing!
« on: December 20, 2009, 11:53:27 am »
Hello to the Brotherhood!  Well I made it too Beijing safely!  However my checked luggage did not!:@  The flight between LA and Tokyo was 55 minutes late and I only had a one hour layover.  All Nippon Air literally paged me and ran me from my landing gate to my departure gate.  No one could speak very good English so they could not tell me if my luggage would make the transfer.  They said they did not think so but could not tell me when or how it would arrive.  So I landed in Beijing and the luggage never showed up in baggage claim.  I had to file a lost luggage claim before exiting through customs.  But it was all worth it when, after a further hour delay I finally exited and there was Anna, smiling and waiting for me!!:heart:  We took the express train and the subway to the Downtown Holiday Inn Beijing and checked in.  It took about an hour from the airport to check in.  My luggage did not arrive until almost 10 pm the next day.  So it was 48 hours in the same clothes.  Ughhhh!  It looks like I can have access to the Chinalove info site from here and can view my blog from the ninjacloak site that Martin posted.  Martin also showed me how to removely post to my blog via my email.  I am downloading my photographs as i type this so I will try and po[/b]st to my blog later today or tomorrow.  

Big Dave
« Last Edit: December 20, 2009, 11:54:50 am by David »

Chet Sams

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RE: Hello from Big Dave in Beijing!
« Reply #1 on: December 20, 2009, 11:55:38 am »
Hey dave. How was the runways in Beijing. They open or stilld elayed a bit.

Offline Peter

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RE: Hello from Big Dave in Beijing!
« Reply #2 on: December 20, 2009, 12:12:11 pm »
Great news.. Have a good time and keep the photos coming :icon_biggrin:

Better to be married to a wife from Changsha then have 7000 women in Chnlove

Vince G

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RE: Hello from Big Dave in Beijing!
« Reply #3 on: December 20, 2009, 12:57:57 pm »
Big Dave does Beijing. :icon_biggrin:

Glad you made it, good luck and have fun.

Offline David

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RE: Hello from Big Dave in Beijing!
« Reply #4 on: December 20, 2009, 10:22:55 pm »
No delays from the runways... however it takes some time to get through all the health check and security check points.  I think I had to pass through two or three health point checks.  At these there are meters that read your ambient body temperature to make sure you do not have a fever.  Also on the plane I had to fill out a health questionare.  The Chinese government is very concerned about the swine flu at the moment.  This health paperwork had to be turned in at one of the check points.


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RE: Hello from Big Dave in Beijing!
« Reply #5 on: December 20, 2009, 10:47:21 pm »
Big Dave in Beijing . Dave meet's Anna but no Luggage ? Dave meet's Luggage but no Annna ? I take the first one even if I have to stay in my Clothes for 72 Hour's . Sometimes there is a chance , she'll take them off you and Wash them in the Bathroom of the Hotel for you . Hahaha
 Anyway , it did not come to this ( too bad ) but have a great time and we'll check and inspect all you send us .

Offline mustfocus

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RE: Hello from Big Dave in Beijing!
« Reply #6 on: December 21, 2009, 12:06:19 am »
Quote from: 'sameldrum1' pid='26092' dateline='1261366313'

It's awesome to know at least YOU made it safely, and met your wonderful woman!

P.S. Which terminal in Beijing did you land at?  I'm landing at Terminal #3 on an Air China flight...I heard you need to take a train to the baggage area for your checked luggage...if you were at terminal #3, let me know some lady sounded a little unsure how she would meet me...if you could provide some insight, would certainly be appreciated.

You actually need to take a short train ride from terminal 3 to get to immigration/customs.
梦醒时分 - Meng Xing Shi Fen

Offline David

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RE: Hello from Big Dave in Beijing!
« Reply #7 on: December 21, 2009, 01:17:48 am »
Scott yes I arrived at Terminal 3.  There is a short train ride to get to baggage claim and customs.  Also you will have to pass through several security and health check points too.  Your lady won't be able to meet you until you clear through customs.  There is an exit gate area with short glass wall barriers just outside of customs where most people wait for those arriving.  After you get out of customs just follow the signs for transportation and exit.  Beijing airport is really huge so just watch the signs and you will be alright.  Also one tip... you can take an express train to the Beijing subway station and using the Beijing subway you should be able to get to most of the main hotels in Beijing.  This is much faster and cheaper than taking a taxi from the airport to Beijing.  I was suprised that the airport was so far outside of Beijing.  I think it took at least 40 minutes to reach Beijing.

Big Dave Who is currently stuffed with dumplings, happy and in heaven, to be in the arms of Anna!:heart::heart:


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RE: Hello from Big Dave in Beijing!
« Reply #8 on: December 21, 2009, 05:36:01 am »
Terminal 3 is nice and easy to navigate. Don't worry about the health checks - I was horribly sick but still managed to slip through :icon_cheesygrin:.

Offline David

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RE: Hello from Big Dave in Beijing!
« Reply #9 on: December 21, 2009, 06:05:48 am »
So Brett now we know who brought the swine flu into China!:icon_cheesygrin:

Yes Arnold I completely agree... It was much better to be here with Anna and not have my luggage than to have my luggage but no Anna!

I came to the same conclusion at the airport when I decided to throw caution to the wind and not worry about my luggage.  They actually put me on a bus and drove me right up to the already loaded aircraft and I had to cling one of those ladder things on wheels to board the aircraft... it had actually already pulled away from the gate.  I am surprised they let me board... I had thought once the plane had left the gate no one else was allowed to board.

Big Dave
« Last Edit: December 21, 2009, 08:51:05 am by David »

Offline Buzz

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RE: Hello from Big Dave in Beijing!
« Reply #10 on: December 21, 2009, 09:06:24 am »
Dave,  don't forget to ask for money for the late luggage.  My luggage was left in NYC for two days, and China Air gave me $500RMB for the inconvience.  But the up side was, I learned that shampoo was a suitable laundry detergent.  Enjoy the time with Anna.  buzz


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RE: Hello from Big Dave in Beijing!
« Reply #11 on: December 21, 2009, 12:37:39 pm »
Yeah, I read the small print of my travel agent's insurance policy and you get cash for lost luggage. Maybe the airline will give you cash as well :icon_cheesygrin:.


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RE: Hello from Big Dave in Beijing!
« Reply #12 on: December 21, 2009, 12:53:07 pm »

Your right, in fact the gate is closed before they close the door to the plane!!
But, .....this is China, and everything is possible, if they need to get a passenger on the plane they will.

I had a similar experience at Jeddah airport, on the day before Xmas Eve, They drove me out to the plane that had already taxied halfway out towards the runway. You wouldn't get that sort of customer service in our so called civilised western countries, would you!!! ...haha!! Then again, it may of been because i was carrying an important letter from one of the Princes that was to be handed over to a courier waiting for me at Heathrow.

Whatever, ....i was just pleased to get on that last supersonic taxi back to Blighty!!  lol!!


Offline David

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RE: Hello from Big Dave in Beijing!
« Reply #13 on: December 26, 2009, 09:00:31 am »
Things are going very well with Anna!  We spent our first 5 days in Beijing.  While there we visited the Lama Temple, Tiananmen Square, the Forbidden City, and some park that I can't remember the name of at the moment!  I was pretty tired while in Beijing from jet lag, the excitment of finally being with Anna, my recent surgery, and all the walking we have done doing the touristy things.  I really love it here.  The people are very friendly and very curious about me.  I seem to even stand out amoungst other foreigners... Anna thinks it is because of my size, bald head, my hat, and the earrings! Hehehe...  We spent two nights in the Beijing Downtown Holiday Inn and then Anna went out and found us a nice hotel for half the price so we switched hotels for the next three nights.  We also went one evening to a famous place that serves Peiking Roasted Duck.  It was interesting but I find that duck is not my favorite dish... the meat is a bit oily.  I was glad we tried it however.  And I really enjoyed the corn and pine nuts in sauce that we ordered as a side dish.  It is quite cold here... about 14 above zero.  I am loving the huge variety of dishes here...  thus far my favorites are all the different dumplings, beef over rice, little buns, Bean Curd Soup, and Beijing noodles.  One highlight thus far... we took a ride from the Forbidden City inside a little enclosed motorized cart.  The driver was very friendly and it was fun to move through the city this way.  I thought that we were going to be crushed between larger vehicles a couple of times but the driver always knew just where to go, wether it was on the sidewalk or in the street!  Hehehe... I have some pictures to share if I can figure out how to either upload them directly to the forum or find a hosting site I can use here in China. The add attachment function here does not seem to work. I found I did not have enough time or energy to write much or try to do my blog from Beijing.  Anna and I left Beijing and travelled to her hometown of Hefei.  We took the D train and had sleeper bunks.  The train took about 11 hours to get to her town.  I am really amazed how efficient the trains and subway systems are here...  they really move alot of people!
Anna has a large flat in Hefei at the university.  Most buildings here have no elevators if they are 6 stories or less.  Anna lives on the sixth floor.  It is quite amazing... people only heat the bedroom and leave the windows open in the main rooms even in winter!  Everyone wears full clothing and coats while in their homes.  Perishables like vegetables and sausages hang from the windows outdoors.  Water for washing is heated by the sun from tanks on the roof so baths must be taken in the winter using a wash tub or basin and water heated on the stove.  Today Anna and I took a train and went to have my first visit with her family.  Her parents live about 40 minutes from Hefei in a small university city named Looann.  This spelling is not correct but that is how the name sounds.  Anna has had to leave for the night to go back to her parents (also no kissing while with the parents) so I can't ask for the proper spelling of the city. The parents went all out and cooked quite a spread for our dinner.  They served grilled shrimp, sweet and sour pork in a black sauce, sausage, chicken with carrots and radish, fried egg and tomato, duck, and a sea food soup.  All this is served in dishes and each person has a bowl of sticky rice.  Everything is tossed on top of the rice and the flavor of the dishes soaks into the rice... very delicious!  Edward gave me a pair of chopsticks and I practiced using them before leaving for China... everyone was impressed with my skill using the chopsticks!  Thank you Edward!  Also Edward gave me some good advice about bringing my slippers... I didn't forget Edward!  Slippers are placed on the feet as soon as you are indoors.  Your feet never touch the floor!  Whenever I forget and start to put my feet on the floor Anna makes a noise and points to my slippers... hehehe it is very cute!  My gifts to Anna's family seem to have gone over very well.  I gave her father a nice bottle of white port and a mint US dollar coin.  (Thanks for that advice Edward).  Her little neice got a stuffed Panda.  Her neice is just cute as a button!  Anna's sister received a nice box of sweets and her mother a nice bottle of olive oil.  The parents seemed to like me and we tooks pictures of the dinner and the family.  They invited me to go meet her Aunt but she had already gone to bed so we will go visit her aunt in the morning.  When we got to Hefei Anna wanted to wash all my clothing.  She didn't realize that she should not wash my good leather coat and placed it in the washing machine.  We had to take it to the dry cleaners and it took them almost 48 hours to get it dry so I couldnt go outside during that time so we spent most of it in bed!  Snuggling in bed with Anna, with it cold outside, may be one of my favorite things in the world at the moment!  Hehehe.  Anna felt bad about my coat but I told her not to worry it is just a coat.  She is so caring and attentive to me it is incredible.  I am amazed at how well we get along... it already feels like we have been married for a long while.  I feel very blessed to have met Anna and am so happy I could burst!  The internet service is not so good from Anna's home but we will try and make it work.  I am not sure how often I will be able to post but I am taking many photographs so I might have to post them when I return... I will still try to post some at the forum if I can.  Talk to you all again in a few days!

Big Dave
« Last Edit: December 26, 2009, 09:09:56 am by David »

Offline Ed W

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RE: Hello from Big Dave in Beijing!
« Reply #14 on: December 26, 2009, 10:52:19 am »
What a great time David. Glad things are going so well. I died laughing about the slippers and her making the noise. My wife does the same thing. I, jokingly, tried to get away once walking in the house with my shoes, I got maybe 2 steps and she came running back to stop me. LOL.

I cant take credit for the coin idea, but only the suggestion. It was one of the other guys on here who had the idea and I think it's a great one.

If you get a chance, ask your wife to buy a small carton of unsweetend milk. You just have to try it. It's not the's got a funky taste. Thats the only word I can use to describe it. You just gotta try it. haha.

BTW, how's your back? I dont think they believe in spring mattresses. haha. My back was pissed most of the time but a small pillow in the small of my back seemed to help quite a bit.

Looking forward to all the pics. Have you filled the memory card in one day yet? haha. I doubt you will. That card is plenty big and I couldnt fill it with my Nikon DSLR.

Enjoy my friend....Enjoy.....
Alright earthlings, what form do you want me to take?....How about a taco, ....that craps icecream?  My trip to china