Author Topic: ugh, setbacks  (Read 16951 times)

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Offline Rhonald

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RE: ugh, setbacks
« Reply #60 on: July 25, 2009, 10:51:33 am »
Quote from: 'David5o' pid='9844' dateline='1248531703'

CRAP !!  Same as everywhere else at the moment !!   lol !!


Crap, then you could make a fortune in the fertilizer business. But what a stinky mess!
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RE: ugh, setbacks
« Reply #61 on: July 25, 2009, 02:38:35 pm »

Crap, then you could make a fortune in the fertilizer business. But what a stinky mess!

The only stinky business i can see, is all these chairman and CE's walking away from the banks and societies that they headed, with vast person fortunes, while there banks and there companies go to the wall world wide!! A perfect lesson to all, how to f**k-up big time, and walk away taking massive bonuses, and pensions for getting and doing just about everything wrong that they could get wrong.

Makes you wonder what ''fraud'' actually means these days!!!!!


Offline Brian Mc

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RE: ugh, setbacks
« Reply #62 on: July 25, 2009, 03:34:50 pm »
Greetings all.
I have read through this post and others like it and wish to say something about my personal situation.  Back in 1989 fresh out of the Canadian Armed Forces, I moved to Edmonton knowing no one.  I picked up a newspaper and started checking out the personals.( that was how it was back then  no internet dating sites.)  I sent a few letters and met a couple women.  The last one I met in mid april, became engaged to in early June and married on Sept 30 1989.  Everyone and their dog told her we would not last six months never mind six years.  That marriage lasted almost 20 years.  It was a good marriage.  We discussed and compromised and did everything right and yes we were in love from the start.  I new she loved me before we were engaged and I loved her also.

 The fly in that ointment was the inability to have kids.  In 2003 we started adoption proceedings because what man would not go to great lengths for the woman he loved?  In Nov 2006 we adopted a 12hour old baby girl.  Everything seemed perfect.  However that was also the death knell for our marriage.  She wanted a child so bad that when we finally got her she transferred everything to our daughter.  Her love, affection, time , everything.  She even slept in the same bed with her. Those last two years became a living hell for me.  I am a very romantic person... Must be the Scottish heritage in me (Born and raised in Scotland, left when I was 15).  I cannot live in a relationship without love and affection.  While I tried to show her my love and affection it was not welcome or wanted.  We barely spoke unless it was about mundane things or our daughter.

I made the decision to move on and am now seperated waiting for the divorce to finalize so I can move on.  The point of all this is that I believe some people can fall in love very quickly and have a lasting and meaniful relationship, and marriage.  Even a long distance one such as we have here is possible IF both parties use their head and their heart.  Heavy doses of that not so common sense are also required.  Some people cannot do this and are often critical and astounded at those of us who can.  I say be thankful that there is so much variety in the world and we all think differently to each other.  No one is alway right and no one is always wrong.  You have to go in with your eyes and heart open and as the saying goes " To thine own self be true".

So I say to those who wish to go slow and be sure and confident.... Bravo!  follow your heart and mind and you cannot go wrong.  To those of you who are more romantic and like me  I say to you.... Bravo! follow your heart and mind and you cannot go wrong.  

Remember this thought  " whether you think you can or you cant...... you are right!!

Regards to all and remember this is why we come here, for the help and advice and the discussion.  Most stuff here will help someone through a difficult time and that my friends is the whole point.

Brian Mc


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RE: ugh, setbacks
« Reply #63 on: July 25, 2009, 03:54:55 pm »
Thanks Brian , for sharing this unfortunate Story with us . When this baby Girl in fact should have gotten you two even closer , it has gotten out of Hand from your Wife's side of the marriage . Seems this Woman could not Love two People at the same time or devote equal time to both of you . Us being Men , we know exactly what your saying . There are Motherly duties to a Baby , but also Wifely duties to her Husband . This would have worked in NO relationship for very long . It is a shame though , this Girl could of had a wonderful Family to grow up with . Now , your Ex must change her behaviour or this Girl will grow up with no Father figure . SAD
« Last Edit: July 25, 2009, 03:55:54 pm by Arnold »


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RE: ugh, setbacks
« Reply #64 on: July 25, 2009, 06:12:56 pm »

No offence to you but,  both the types of guys you mention can get it very wrong, those that take it slow and certain, and those that romanticize about an idea. The later i believe will stand a far, far higher chance of getting it very wrong. Yes we all have our own ways of doing things, and we will do things as we please or see fit.

Yes Brian, on your thoughts of common sense, i am completely astounded, sure there's variety in this world, but we also have to live in the real world too!!. What is your thoughts about your life experience (wisdom), are you suggesting that this also should be tossed to one side??

You say you fall in love very quickly, what are you falling in love with right now, ....a lady, ....or pictures and translated words of a lady, (may not even be your ladies words). Your at the beginning stages of your journey Brian, so use more head and less heart as you put it. The heart can be let loose when you meet her on your first trip. Because believe me, ....that's the only time your going to know if the, Passion, the Chemistry and the Compatibility is there for you both, .....your now dealing with real flesh and blood. No amount of romanticizing is going to help you there Brian.

It's only after you have met face to face so to speak, that any future between you, can be then be built on. Right now you should be communicating, finding out all the things you need to know about her, and her about you. The common attraction you have right now is just a basis of what can or could be if everything gos right for you both.

You sound like a nice guy, and it's a shame that you've been left in your present position with your family. I hope your still on friendly terms with your soon to be Ex wife, ...if only for yours daughters sake. Life really sucks at times.......


Offline Brian Mc

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RE: ugh, setbacks
« Reply #65 on: July 25, 2009, 11:46:12 pm »
Umm David I do not believe I said anywhere in my post that I had or might or will fall in love with anyone.  I was merely pointing out that it is possible to fall quickly and have it last.Perhaps it is you who needs to come out of that little corner you sit in and see that there is a world out here bigger than your interpretation of it.  Lets not forget that for centuries arranged marriages were the norm for many cultures and you must agree that many of those people must have found love.  When one thinks of all the ways people meet and fall in love why is it that you feel romantics stand no chance?  Is it really any better meeting someone first, having the vision in your face as it were before any words are spoken?  Is it not as has been said in many of these threads that when you communicate without the distraction of the visual you get out of your own way and say what you really mean and feel.  I had almost 20 years with that marriage most of them good years.  How many folks who do it your way can say the same?  Divorce is the greatest pandemic in the world, it can shatter homes and lives and loves.  Thankfully some of us are prepared to go on a little faith when we communicate through CHnlove and give our hearts and souls and minds a new chance at a future.  If you read any of the profiles from these wonderfull women you see many of them are in the same boat except one thing..... we are virtually their last and only hope for a lasting marriage and a happy life with their partner.

 So I propose the following  ...... we agree to disagree... you believe what you will and I will do the same but please do not ridicule or slight those who follow their heart rather than their mind.  Remember as has been said   Love Actually  IS all around us.

Regards to all,

Brian Mc
« Last Edit: July 25, 2009, 11:46:57 pm by Brian Mc »


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RE: ugh, setbacks
« Reply #66 on: July 26, 2009, 12:09:05 am »
Well , I must say ... that is about as close as I would have put that . Thank you Brian , well said and very true . I'm also a believer to winning a Lady's Heart first , if through writing or whatever , not jumping into Bed and then ...let's see ?? Was she good enough ? Maybe , I will ... maybe I wont ... give her another chance . Wonderful way of building a foundation for a great  Marriage . NO , I'll go the Romantic way , hence it worked for me . To each there own . I'm not perfect , but we won each other's Heart before seeing each other Eye to Eye . So of course I'm going to shoot down anybody saying it CAN NOT be .

Offline Neil

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RE: ugh, setbacks
« Reply #67 on: July 26, 2009, 02:28:27 am »
I figured I'd update again.

I got my Visa yesterday!  Quite the experience in the Visa office.  Me and my daughter were the only white people there for a while.  The security guard laughed at me for standing in the wrong line up and laughed with me when I had to get a new number...twice.  Talked to a beautiful Chinese lady, definitely a "queen bee" who examined my form, circled what I had filled in wrong or missed, but WOULD NOT smile, no matter how hard I tried.  She stands behind a glass partition and talks into a mic that blasts loud enough for everyone to hear.  All went well though, it took 3 hours but I was grinning the whole time.  It was cool to watch and mingle with everyone.  I had to make some changes on my form and didn't have a pen so asked a young man who was busy writing.  He looked at me and gave me the typical "no english" shrug, but I waved my finger like I was writing and he reluctantly handed me the pen.  

That's it, all my ducks are in a row.  Next stop, China.
Oh, and the security guard told me I couldn't get more than a single entry for my first time, but I got a dual entry six month visa.
« Last Edit: July 26, 2009, 03:08:40 am by Neil » irresistible as chocolate


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RE: ugh, setbacks
« Reply #68 on: July 26, 2009, 06:23:07 am »
You LUCKY dawg (don't want to swear lol) Neil.

Congrats Bro:icon_biggrin::icon_cheesygrin::angel:


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RE: ugh, setbacks
« Reply #69 on: July 26, 2009, 08:11:46 am »

Yes, i totally agree, we will definitely have to agree to disagree. As i said we are all different, and we will always do what we think is best for us. You may not of actually stated you were in love or the like, but you did "imply" that you very well might do. As for me being in my little corner, not knowing much about this world. I'm afraid that doesn't hold water. I've lived and worked in more countries in this world than i can count on two hands Brian. In fact I've spent more time overseas than i have in the UK.

Yes, arranged marriages were and still are common in certain parts of the world, sure some are going to find love, the law of logic and percentages dictate that is going to be the case. But how many of them were, or are happy and fulfilling marriages? I can't tell you how many, not so good arranged marriages I've come across in my travels, but more than enough to prove to me, that there not, and never have been the answer.

I can't see where i said that romantics, don't stand any chance Brian, sure they do. But there is still a need to use common sense in being a romantic guy, ....jumping in with both feet,  without it, doesn't make you a romantic, it makes you something quite different.

Yes Brian, is, and always has been better, to be in a normal face to face relationship / courtship. Apart from being aware of the commonalities, you are also aware of the differences between you both. More importantly, you have the interaction of body language between you. No I'm not talking Sex and jumping into bed. I'm talking about reading peoples facial expressions, and how the body reacts to words and actions. It's always the little personal things, that can tell you more about that person, than any amount of writing can ever achieve....
Brian i could write pages on body language, it was my compulsory choice of an unrelated subject during University. Boy, has that course paid dividends for me, over the course of my working and private life!!

On the divorce thing you mentioned, and going by the accepted statistics, of 1 in 3 marriages ending in divorce, i would have to say ...more than you would imagine. I myself had 20 yrs of a, (for me) perfect marriage before she passed away.   I haven't personally known the hurt of going through a divorce, but know plenty that have. Yes it is as you say, a great pandemic across the world, even more reason to do your damnedest, to do all that you can, so that it doesn't happen to you. ...Right??

Brian, yes I've read plenty of the profiles on chnlove, I'm also aware, that some are not as wonderful as they might first seem to be, also.
I agree that those over 30/35 and or with a child, don't have much of a future in finding a Chinese husband. But please don't think that these ladies are all perfect, there not.
It's just as hard to find a good Chinese wife as it is anywhere else, hence my point of using your common sense and wisdom, in these matters. Don't get me wrong Brian, when you do find a good Chinese woman, it's like finding a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, that's for sure!!
Now, are you saying, that's not worth waiting,  a little longer for ??

I don't come on here to ridicule or slight, my posts on this matter are always to try and give awareness that things are not always as rosy as they might seem to be. I have nothing what-so-ever against anyone being a Romantic in there outlook here. ....But everyone of us needs to use there common sense too, along with what they have learnt along the way in their life. Some just need to stand back a little, ...maybe there racing, before they can walk!!  Love maybe all around us, but then so is the real world, which makes it just a little more difficult to find that love....

« Last Edit: July 26, 2009, 01:19:25 pm by David5o »

Offline Rhonald

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RE: ugh, setbacks
« Reply #70 on: July 26, 2009, 11:48:18 am »
Every Rose has its thorns

The prudence in us pays heed to the posibilty of being cut and hurt. The Romantic in us sees the beauty of the flower. It takes a skilled gardener to nurture and care for the rose. A pinch of common sense and patience - but always heed the thorns. :heart:
« Last Edit: July 26, 2009, 11:49:26 am by Rhonald »
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RE: ugh, setbacks
« Reply #71 on: July 26, 2009, 01:54:55 pm »
Rhonald , seeing a beautiful Flower like this Lily , by my front Door ... how can one not think that Women are much like a Flower , all different in beauty . But all you see is the outside , to get to know the " Roots " one must befriend the flower and study it carefully with Love . No wonder I am a BEE for my Lady , because a BEE knows a beautiful Flower when he see's one . Hehe
« Last Edit: July 26, 2009, 01:56:24 pm by Arnold »

Offline Rhonald

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RE: ugh, setbacks
« Reply #72 on: July 26, 2009, 03:28:06 pm »
Quote from: 'Arnold' pid='9958' dateline='1248630895'

Rhonald , seeing a beautiful Flower like this Lily , by my front Door ... how can one not think that Women are much like a Flower , all different in beauty .

My wife's name Ziyan means purple Lily so I understand the flower metaphor. This thread topic is about setbacks and difficulty. I was tired and had a nap this morning and just woke up. The first bad dream I think I had about my wife. We were in the airport clearing immigration when her son decided he did not wish to be here and just took off. I chased after him since he knows no English, and I lost him in the crowd. My wife went one way and I lost her in the crowd. I woke up feeling uncomfortable. I thought about my dream and my inability to find them. Reminds me of a patrolling exercse we were taught in the army. As we progressed further into new territory, we set new rally points if ever we were seperated. Also we learned to look back because the place would look different returning from a different direction. I will try to remeber this tip when I bring my new family to Canada, thus if seperated, they will know where to go if lost. My wife speaks a bit of English so I am not as worried, but her son doesn't.

Also when I feel distraught about my situation, I always come to this site to read and ease my burden. Thanks for your ears my fellow country men.
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RE: ugh, setbacks
« Reply #73 on: July 26, 2009, 03:49:13 pm »
I know Rhonald , the Thread is about Setback's , but to answer ones post that is slightly off the Topic , what is one to do ? Go and answer in another Forum thread away from the question or where the discussion was at that moment ? Sorry , this happen's here and there , but it can alway's be put back in it's place . By the way Ziyan is a beautiful name . See what I mean ?

Offline Rhonald

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RE: ugh, setbacks
« Reply #74 on: July 26, 2009, 05:27:17 pm »
Quote from: 'Arnold' pid='9965' dateline='1248637753'

I know Rhonald , the Thread is about Setback's , but to answer ones post that is slightly off the Topic , what is one to do ? Go and answer in another Forum thread away from the question or where the discussion was at that moment ? Sorry , this happen's here and there , but it can alway's be put back in it's place . By the way Ziyan is a beautiful name . See what I mean ?

Sorry Arnold,my coment was not a critique, just my own discourse before going off course. Actually I was reflecting backwards and I guess resetting my own rally point since I did feel disorientated from my dream. Hum... orient is part of that word. I guess i was just reorienting my compass to find true north, which for me allows me to find my true :heart:
« Last Edit: July 26, 2009, 05:32:02 pm by Rhonald »
Life....It's all about finding the Chicks and Balances