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Offline Willy The Londoner

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RE: Religion Thread
« Reply #255 on: October 25, 2009, 10:12:27 pm »
In 2006 my best friend died of Prostate Cancer.  

In June he entered hospital for some tests and never walked from hospital again.   I would visit for an hour or two every day and I was amazed at the spiritual strength he possesed.  He was a solid Christian and held firm beliefs of his destiny.   His attitude was that he wanted to live his life as if there was a God and find in passing there was none rather than live his life as if there was no God and find in passing there was one.

Each day he would have many more visitors than the average patient and this culminated on his 51st birthday when gathered in his small ward was a total of 39 people such was the love he gave and received.  From that time onwards they moved him into a side room and I was at the hospital every day from 8am - 8pm and his wife was there from 8pm - 8am to ensure when the time came he was not alone.  He battled on for another three months and in the last two weeks I was praying for his pain to end.  I wanted the Lord to cure him or to take him to remove the pain.  I made that prayer many times a day as I watched my friend go from a strapping man to a human skeleton.

This was just a normal man whom had a talent for training singers and asked for no payment from them.  They all came back. Those from TV and recording artistes - they all came to see the man that gave to them freely.  He would say that Jesus gave freely so why can he not do the same.  His talent was provided by the Lord and he gave it freely.

Everyday I would shepherd 20, 30 or more visitors a day in and out of the small room.  Prays were said by the minute.  Singers would come and sing and even doctors and nurses would come and listen.    When there was no visitors he would want me to read from the Bible to him. Each one would come in and emotions rocketed and as each departed they left a little bit of that emotion went with them and I would each my home every night and be emotionally drained.

This went on for three months until the Lord took him home.   Before he died I found a recording I had made of him as lead singer on his beloved choir that he formed some years before and I put it on CD and that became a mini hit around the Hospital.

This man had touch some many lives in his time with his belief, both before and during his illness that we had to find the largest Church in our district of London.  For him the Church was overflowing and the service had to be relayed outside to those who could not get in.  

And all those singers he had helped in the past and who now earned thousands through his help - they were all there making it the most valuable choir that has ever been assembled. And they were all there for the love of two - one being God the other being the man I was proud to call My BEST FRIEND.

« Last Edit: October 25, 2009, 10:44:38 pm by Willy The Londoner »
Willy The Lpndoner

Now in my 12th year living here,

Offline Irishman

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RE: Religion Thread
« Reply #256 on: October 25, 2009, 10:22:35 pm »
Willy, what were your beliefs afterwards?
I understand if you don't want to answer.
Become the change you want today, or all your tomorrows will be like yesterday.

Offline Willy The Londoner

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RE: Religion Thread
« Reply #257 on: October 25, 2009, 11:25:19 pm »
Quote from: 'Irishman' pid='21028' dateline='1256523755'

Willy, what were your beliefs afterwards?
I understand if you don't want to answer.

It had a profound effect on me.  The fact that at that time someone could be so content with knowing that they were going to die.  I lost all my fear of death at that point.    I used to lay in bed at night and tried to cope in my mind and how I could no longer exist.  That has now gone.

I do believe that there is a place awaiting me and I make sure that even with the way I have been living up till now the Lord will forgive me provided I ask him every day.

I now live by my late friends maxim.  I attend church and have found a church in the City where I am now living.

I have extra strength now because my lady is a firm church going Christian.

Believe it or not but I have stood and preached, in London, for an hour or so at a time on Death since.

« Last Edit: October 25, 2009, 11:27:55 pm by Willy The Londoner »
Willy The Lpndoner

Now in my 12th year living here,

Offline Danny

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RE: Religion Thread
« Reply #258 on: October 26, 2009, 05:29:20 am »
Quote from: 'Willy The Londoner' pid='21034' dateline='1256527519'

Believe it or not but I have stood and preached, in London, for an hour or so at a time on Death since.

It embarrasses me to say, Willy, but when I was at university I used to preach (some would say shout) at people passing by *laughs*

I would preach still, if I thought it was the truth. But alas, I don't.

I have always thought that if it really was the truth, I would want others to know about it too.

And so now mostly, I keep my thoughts and doubts to myself.

But you're a good fellow.

So I wish you all the best.

I think everyone should walk according to the light they have received.
« Last Edit: October 26, 2009, 05:33:48 am by Danny »


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RE: Religion Thread
« Reply #259 on: October 26, 2009, 05:34:09 am »
Quote from: 'Irishman' pid='21026' dateline='1256521106'
Why does a good man, that never harmed anyone, that brought up a family with four kids and never said an angry word to any of them....get struck down with a painful drawn out disease?

I try to reconcile this with my firm every cloud has a silver lining belief.  Only thing i can see here is that its focuses the heck out of his children to achieve some milestones that would make him happy and proud of us..then again isn't pride a sin?

I saw - The Invention of Lying recently and it plays heavily on my mind.
I dunno how it would play with some here but it stuck home to me. You'll know what I mean if you saw it and the premise where it all starts from.


Many people struggle looking for the answer that you are looking for right now.  There really isn't one good answer that I could give you.  The question is much more complex than you could imagine and the answer is also dependent on the person who has been stricken with a disease. But the humanistic answer is that this is a part of life.  Spiritually is where the answers becomes complex.

The question I have for you is how is your father handling this.  Is he wanting to investigate other options or is he wanting to move forward in the course he is taking?  Is he wanting to go or is he wanting to stay?

Having not seen the movie I do not know what you are driving at.  But instead of achieving a milestone that would make him proud why not focus on him and celebrating the wonderful life he led which included his magnificent children.  Pictures, stories, and family together.  If there is no cure for him then change the focus and let the medical people do what they need to do and you focus on his happiness and family.

« Last Edit: October 26, 2009, 05:37:23 am by shaun »

Offline Willy The Londoner

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RE: Religion Thread
« Reply #260 on: November 14, 2009, 01:49:51 am »

When you were over here did you attend any Church in that time?   My lady is a Christian and prays every night.

I go to a church in Zhongshan it holds about 700 people and it is packed for every one of it three services on a Sunday.

They sing the same songs as we do in the west.  However the music is the same but I do not think the words are a direct translation.

They problem is that I want to sing out but -- can you imagine how off putting that would be for all the Chinese who sing there heart out in there own language.  So I just whisper the words to myself.

It seems to be a mixture of anglican and pentecostal - not worked it out yet. The service is in Mandarin and they do have a translator alongside but that is for Cantonese - or its the other way round.  

I was quite flattered on my first visit that my lady thought so much of me that she gave an offering of one months salary for the blessing she received in meeting me.

« Last Edit: November 14, 2009, 01:50:16 am by Willy The Londoner »
Willy The Lpndoner

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Offline Willy The Londoner

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RE: Religion Thread
« Reply #261 on: November 15, 2009, 12:51:39 am »
Quote from: 'mpo4747' pid='22817' dateline='1258199524'

everything was in Mandarin, and I could not understand it.

Jessica turned the bible to the passage they discussed during the sermon
it was Psalm 23
I enjoyed the service, but I wish I could understand it ....


I was able to follow the sermon as the order of service was printed out - Chinese of course - but how many books have a Chapter 119?  It had to be Psalms.  

Willy The Lpndoner

Now in my 12th year living here,


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RE: Religion Thread
« Reply #262 on: December 22, 2009, 08:48:52 am »
The Christmas season is upon us. I was wondering what some of your opinions were as to Christmas the real reason vs. the Commercialism reason.

For my family it has been a difficult balance.  We never wanted to deny the children the commercial side because it was so popular and so many people participated in it.  But we always tempered it with the real reason, that being the birth of Jesus.

We took time to do local charity work and we still do.  This year since donations are tight most ministries are not doing very much and we are having a hard time finding one to help.  We will however celebrate Christmas as a family; that is including the ex. (for the adult-children benefit)  Someone in the family will read the Christmas story from the Bible and then we will exchange presents.

We do not spend a lot of money on Christmas.  It has always been modest when it comes to presents.  All 5 of us would rather give to Charity.

Merry Christmas to all.


Offline Willy The Londoner

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RE: Religion Thread
« Reply #263 on: December 22, 2009, 09:45:55 am »
Christmas is a time when we remember a Great Prophet came about.  Now it seems that the word Prophet has changed to profit.

Even here in China the shops and stores all have their christmas docorations up and I must admit that I am a bit pissed of listening to 'Rudolph the red nose reindeer' or the alternative choice of 'Santa Claus is coming to town' in just about every shopping centre and store I go to.   Believe me these appear to be the only Christmas songs played here.

Father Christmas hats cost just 1 yuan (about 10 pence or 16 cents). and are very popular amongst the store staff,  

To be honest I am slightly amazed at the lengths people do go to here, not to celebrate Christmas the way we do in he West but to get involved in this way and the shops have large sectionsd for decorations for the home.   They do not give presents or gifts or celebrate Christmas day itself except for the growing, but still small, numbers of Christians in China.  

One thing I have noticed there are a far greater percentage of Chinese men to women attending the churches than in the west - not quite 50 - 50 but very close.

Willy The Lpndoner

Now in my 12th year living here,


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RE: Religion Thread
« Reply #264 on: February 14, 2010, 11:20:55 am »
Hi guys,

I was going through the back pages here and came across this thread. Wish I'd have been here when this started. I made my way through about half of it, and then decided to just post a little bit of my own thoughts and background-since this topic is, believe it or not, one of the central topics of my life.

I didn't grow up in church, but was aware of the religion called 'christianity'. It was alla roud me, and in my family. I have spent a lot of time reading the bible in my life. I've read it through some many times I can't count them. Parts of it literally thousands of times, if not more. I also listened to all the preachers and teachers try to explain it, until finally after many years I put it down and threw all my bibles away, because it did not makes sense as they insisted on interpreting. Long story short, sevral years later god brought me back to it, with new eyes, and I began to see what I had been blind to before.

The scripture is a spiritual book. It is full of allegories and symbolism, and if you are approaching it as simply history-and judging it as such-then you will find plenty to contradict. If you are going to understand scripture at any real depth, you need to have a handle on the symbolsim and allegories, because all of scripture is, from beginning to end, one great allegory/parable based on real people and real events that have been overlayed by the author-God-with the unseen spiritual reality recorded in ways that look out of place if you are taking it all literally. For example, the apostle Paul briefly sketches an allegory from Abraham to Israel at Mount Sinai that contradicts what you would expect the conclusions to be from the literal reading of that broad passage of scripture.

Secondly, if you are reading english translations, you are at the mercy of the translators-and their doctrinal biases. The truth is 'in the beginning' the language is that of a recreation of something that existed previously. Adam is not a literal first man; but you will only understand this through the symbols used to describe his creation. 'Dust' is a symbol refering to a vast number of peoples. Eve is not made from his literal rib either. That word translated as 'rib' there also refers to a clan related to a larger family.

One of my main passions is writing about these things, and others, related to the scripture. I own several yahoo discussion groups where these things are discussed and debated. Since I came back to it, I have spent countless hours being led to understanding-because I submitted to God's way of doing it. And that only because He granted me to see through His eyes, and not my own human eyes.

Just thought I'd add my bit, as I said. I know that after 35 pages you guys probably burned out on the discussion. I've been at it hot and heavy for the last 8 years, discussing and debating what God has allowed me to see so that I could share it.


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RE: Religion Thread
« Reply #265 on: March 15, 2010, 09:26:37 pm »
True Mike on the tragedies and sad events.  One happened on February 13th to the wife of a very good friend of mine.  He is a pastor and his wife suddenly passed at the age of 45.  She got sick, it turned into pneumonia, and then she suffered cardiac three times and they could not bring her back the last time.  She was a friend too.

Offline Willy The Londoner

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RE: Religion Thread
« Reply #266 on: March 16, 2010, 01:43:55 am »
Thought I would liven this thread up with a couple of photo's.


Quote from: 'Willy The Londoner' pid='34579' dateline='1268718235'

Thought I would liven this thread up with a couple of photo's.


But how does one add photos without replying to ones own message?  The first is to show that churches are permitted in China and the second shows a services can be a bit different.
« Last Edit: March 16, 2010, 02:19:15 am by Willy The Londoner »
Willy The Lpndoner

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RE: Religion Thread
« Reply #267 on: March 16, 2010, 05:20:18 am »
Ah Ha.  Willy the 2nd photo is not that different.  Peggy would fit right in there.  She loves to dance.

Offline Willy The Londoner

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RE: Religion Thread
« Reply #268 on: March 16, 2010, 08:43:21 am »
Quote from: 'mpo4747' pid='34614' dateline='1268735771'

Willy, where are you in these pictures ?????   :huh:


I am the one with my back to the congregation.  Must say that borrowed size 12 outfit and the wigs is OK.  I even fancy myself.
Better not let Brett see these.

Willy The Lpndoner

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RE: Religion Thread
« Reply #269 on: March 16, 2010, 09:02:50 am »
i couldnt resist,

the second picture was of one week when they realized Angel showed up
and left Willy at home and didnt bring him to church.
but all kidding aside not what people think
there are churches in China of denominations
and they are full of people each week
« Last Edit: March 16, 2010, 09:03:55 am by ttwjr32 »