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Offline Willy The Londoner

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Re: Religion Thread
« Reply #375 on: January 16, 2012, 12:30:02 am »
OK ...point taken Martin.

I am starting to lose my I am outta here for another 12 months  ;D ;D ;D

Maybe venture back when I calm down !!
C'mon David - you cannot be going just when your Cricket team is starting to do well again!  Who will be jibing me about an English defeat.

You have some good arguements and I cannot see anything personal in them.   

You are really highlighting things that I brought up. Many christians have a blind side even though we wont admit it.

I think in truth many Christians are really Humanists who like to live in a Christian manner. I am sure that you follow in the Humanist course. You don't steal, you don't kill and I hope you are no longer coveting your neighbours wife!

Willy The Lpndoner

Now in my 12th year living here,

Offline David E

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Re: Religion Thread
« Reply #376 on: January 16, 2012, 03:30:01 am »

I think in truth many Christians are really Humanists who like to live in a Christian manner. I am sure that you follow in the Humanist course. You don't steal, you don't kill and I hope you are no longer coveting your neighbours wife!


You haven't seen my neighbor's wife  ::) ::) ::) ::)

Offline David E

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Re: Religion Thread
« Reply #377 on: January 16, 2012, 03:31:03 am »
Now if anyone wants a good read then I have read a certain book a few times. Probably one of the few that I have ever read from cover to cover!

Masses of killing, Murder, rape, treachery and a bit of sodomy thrown in for good measure.

You guessed right as to what book it is.


Mrs Beatons cookery book ???????????????

Offline Scottish_Robbie

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Re: Religion Thread
« Reply #378 on: January 16, 2012, 06:09:25 am »
David E..calm your jets my friend, dont you dare go for twelve months...

Whos gonna keep me in line? keep me on the straight and narrow :( :( :(

Like Willy said I never read any personal attack from you  :o
"Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts" Winston Churchill

Offline john1964

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Re: Religion Thread
« Reply #379 on: January 16, 2012, 06:53:30 am »
Ha Ha David, Very funny.

Offline David E

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Re: Religion Thread
« Reply #380 on: January 16, 2012, 05:13:05 pm »
I believe I have found her, thank you very much!

  I just have to go visit. Incidentally, I found her thru prayer, too. God chose her for me thru the Word. They were four. Fei, Angel, Lily and one whose name I've forgotten. After praying for which to choose, later that day, I happened to be reading my Bible. Came across this verse in Hosea 14:5, " I will be as the dew unto Israel,( God calls all His children Israel, meaning "Prince of God", that's what we are, see. ) he shall grow as the lily".  Immediately, He quickened me in the Spirit to let me know that Lily is the answer to my prayer, and that I will grow old with her. Can you believe that?.

That is interesting...when I was looking for my Chinese partner of the future, I was reading a book that had just been released and I was at this paragraph:

"In fact, the reduction in symmetry arising from the formation of the Higg's Ocean is more extensive still. Above 10 Trillion degrees, when the Higgs field had yet to condense, not only were all species of fundamental matter particles massless, but also, without the resistive drag from a Higg's Ocean, all species of force particles were massless as well: (Today the W and Z messenger particles of the weak nuclear force have masses that are about 86 and 97 times the mass of the Proton). And, as originally discovered in the '60's by Sheldon Glashow, Steven Weingerg and Abus Salem, the masslessness of all the force particles was accompanied by another fantastically beautiful symmetry"

Can you imagine how exited I was...surely this was a sign that I would find my future wife and that she would be named......Higgs, Sheldon, Steven, Abus, or even W or Z...alas...her name is Ming...bummer !!!

ps..the logic is identical......

Vince G

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Re: Religion Thread
« Reply #381 on: January 16, 2012, 05:31:06 pm »
Ah Dave you just didn't look hard enough. Turn the W, take the I & G (Higgs) and the N from either Sheldon or Steven and you have....

MING  Seek and ye shall find. Matthew 7:7

Offline shaun

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Re: Religion Thread
« Reply #382 on: January 16, 2012, 06:47:45 pm »
You boys ain't right.

Offline funkymusician

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Re: Religion Thread
« Reply #383 on: January 17, 2012, 12:14:33 pm »
 To the Moderators,

 I was on Steve Pavlina's (Self Help Developer) website sometime ago, and he advocates putting up of "Donations Buttons" on the website of all his followers, since he makes, according to him at least $40, 000 a month from donations alone.

What you do here is equally or more important.

Offline funkymusician

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Re: Religion Thread
« Reply #384 on: January 17, 2012, 02:16:23 pm »
   David E, if you are planning a hiatus from this site because of my posts, then don't bother. I won't be posting here much  longer for a long while yet. Oh, not because of oppositon.( I am not here for any personal agenda, but ultimately for individuals', who need solutons to life's numerous problems to trust Him.("whoso findeth me findeth life,... they that hate me, love DEATH. Proverbs 8: 35,36) It just takes too much of my time now, and I definitely have to finish some work before going to China this summer hopefully. I nearly fainted yesterday during recording sessions in the studio, because I'm trying to do too much at once. Never happened before. But thank God, finally did a great job in a very short time. Impressed recording engineer greatly.
And Vince, only Jesus heals.

 There is this story of the rich man and Lazarus I was looking  for I wanted to include in a post. I knew it was in Luke 16 or 14, but when I went there last Saturday, couldn't find it (too tired, perhaps). Anyway, Luke 16;31 says "If they listen not to Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded even if one rose from the dead." Very sad, but true. All I'm doing here is probably for one person God loves very much, and ultimately going to use greatly
For Christians and Bible scholars out there, have you ever wondered why the Rich man's name was not given but Lazarus' was? I wondered about that myself, till God showed me an answer. It shows God is not only very merciful,  but also has a sense of humour as well.

In John chapter 11:42, we read of Jesus raising a man from the dead. What was his name? Lazarus!  God granted the rich man his wish. In Luke 16:22, the  rich man had initially wanted  Abraham to send Lazarus to bring him just a drop of water since he was being tormented in the flames. When that request was denied because there a great gulf separating the then Paradise and Hell, he wanted Lazarus sent back to the earth so he could warn the rich man's five brothers still living, so they too don't end up in that awful place, hell. Abraham's answer is Luke 16:31.
  But God went beyond what Abraham answered and sent back Lazarus from the dead through Jesus! See! ( albeit a different one).
And guess what the reaction was? They plotted to kill Jesus for bringing back Lazarus! And also poor Lazarus! John 12:10-11,"  the chief priests plotted that they might put Lazarus ALSO to death, for because of him, many of the Jews went away and believed on Jesus!" How crazy can you get? folks. All the man did was being brought back to life by Jesus. He had no hand in his resurrection whatsoever, and they were going to kill him again!
 God has since that time brought back thousands from the dead, including the six men whose video I have posted on pg 31. Make of it what you will. The decision ultimately rests on the individual.
  Anyway Christians here, hold on to Christ, and those who don't know Him, find Him.
 Find the best lady you can in China or elsewhere. Make tons of money. Make the best out of your life, knowing one day, sooner or later, you will stand before Him, justified or condemned.
Proverbs 18:22 " Whoso findeth a wife findeth a GOOD thing, and obtains favour of the Lord".  BYE.

Offline David E

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Re: Religion Thread
« Reply #385 on: January 17, 2012, 04:43:54 pm »
I am not the slightest bit interested in making a "hiatus" or any such thing on the Forum in my replies to you or anybody's posts.

I have been a Bro here for long enough for the people who are significant in my life to know that I am a crusader for BALANCE.....and a somewhat caring individual for those I respect and admire.

That is the creed I chose for myself and my life.

You have the freedom to post any ideas and thoughts you lilke here, provided they dont get offensive.

I (and anybody else) have a similar freedom to provide a balanced opposite view if I choose...again, if I dont get offensive

The purpose of a Forum is debate, discussion, information and support.

You may not accept that you could posibly be wrong in your views...but that does not protect you from a balanced opposition to them.......

You are very quick to threaten me and people like me with the most horrendous punishments, evil outcomes and eternal dammnation if we dont convert to your views on the World....

I dont find it at all surprising that people like me feel we have a right to respond to this "Bible Bullying"

ps...It is quite fascinating for me that you never respond to any SPECIFIC points of discussion, only come back at me/Vince with more "Bible-speak" you not have an opinion of your own that you can
      articulate in plain English ???...just curious.

pps..If you want to see how a Man with deeply held religious conviction responds to objective debate without the need to threaten all and sundry who dont share their views , with gross punishment, by burning for
       eternity in a "Lake of Fire , then go and read some posts from Shaun or Mike (MPO) may learn how to earn respect.

« Last Edit: January 17, 2012, 04:59:49 pm by David E »

Offline Clayton

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Re: Religion Thread
« Reply #386 on: January 17, 2012, 06:36:40 pm »
ps...It is quite fascinating for me that you never respond to any SPECIFIC points of discussion, only come back at me/Vince with more "Bible-speak" you not have an opinion of your own that you can
      articulate in plain English ...just curious.

pps..If you want to see how a Man with deeply held religious conviction responds to objective debate without the need to threaten all and sundry who dont share their views , with gross punishment, by burning for
       eternity in a "Lake of Fire , then go and read some posts from Shaun or Mike (MPO) may learn how to earn respect.

David, We share the same op pinion, You just know how to put it into words better than I.

This is the way to go


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Re: Religion Thread
« Reply #387 on: January 17, 2012, 06:50:54 pm »
I also dislike People pushing Religion on me. Especially when it comes from a Step-daughter with her Faith Baptist view of me also going to burn forever. If that is the case, so it will be. Funny though, when they tell you this..they always do it with a smile! Almost, like their glad and it gives them plus points in some strange way?


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Re: Religion Thread
« Reply #388 on: January 17, 2012, 07:41:50 pm »
Mike , I don't want you to think .. I don't believe in the Lord . I just do it my own way and not have someone tell me .. I need to do it that way. I've been Blessed more than I deserve (I think), so I believe when you ask Him for help .. he's listening. I seen his work in me and how he takes care of me in ways only I could see . I can talk about it, but I'm not one to convince other's .. "SEE" !

Offline Scottish_Robbie

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Re: Religion Thread
« Reply #389 on: January 17, 2012, 08:16:10 pm »
I have a questionthat maybe could start a debate

Was John really Mary in the da vinci painting?
"Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts" Winston Churchill