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Offline David E

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Re: Religion Thread
« Reply #300 on: May 21, 2011, 05:40:30 pm »
Just another fruitcake so deeply rooted in his own little world that he doesn't see the obvious.

Haha Vince....I think he DOES see the obvious..."a fool and his money are soon parted"...straight into HIS pocket  ;D ;D ;D

Vince G

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Re: Religion Thread
« Reply #301 on: May 21, 2011, 06:06:38 pm »
OAKLAND, Calif. – They spent months warning the world of the apocalypse, some giving away earthly belongings or draining their savings accounts. And so they waited, vigilantly, on Saturday for the appointed hour to arrive.

When 6 p.m. came and went at various spots around the globe, and no extraordinary cataclysm occurred, Keith Bauer — who hopped in his minivan in Maryland and drove his family 3,000 miles to California for the Rapture — took it in stride.

"I had some skepticism but I was trying to push the skepticism away because I believe in God," he said in the bright morning sun outside the gated Oakland headquarters of Family Radio International, whose founder, Harold Camping, has been broadcasting the apocalyptic prediction for years. "I was hoping for it because I think heaven would be a lot better than this earth," But he added, "It's God who leads you, not Harold Camping."

Bauer, a tractor-trailer driver, began the voyage west last week, figuring that if he "worked last week, I wouldn't have gotten paid anyway, if the Rapture did happen." After seeing the nonprofit ministry's base of operations, Bauer planned to take a day trip to the Pacific Ocean, and then start the cross-country drive back home Sunday with his wife, young son and another family relative.

The May 21 doomsday message was sent far and wide via broadcasts and web sites by Camping, an 89-year-old retired civil engineer who has built a multi-million-dollar Christian media empire that publicizes his apocalyptic prediction. According to Camping, the destruction was likely to have begun its worldwide march as it became 6 p.m. in the various time zones, although believers said Saturday the exact timing was never written in stone.

Many followers said though the sun rose Saturday without the foretold earthquakes, plagues, and other calamities, the delay was a further test from God to persevere in their faith.

"It's still May 21 and God's going to bring it," said Family Radio's special projects coordinator Michael Garcia, who spent Saturday morning praying and drinking two last cups of coffee with his wife at home in Alameda. "When you say something and it doesn't happen, your pride is what's hurt. But who needs pride? God said he resists the proud and gives grace to the humble."

btw it's 6:05 PM eastern US coast. Hope my neighbors raptured? Was getting rid of them anyway?

Offline shaun

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Re: Religion Thread
« Reply #302 on: May 21, 2011, 06:50:05 pm »
Really I just wanted to wait until after 6:00.  It is not 6:20 and I am still here.  Rats now I have to answer the question.  I'll keep it simple and not even go into all of the implications and theoretical mumbo jumbo even though it fascinates me.

Mike has it.   Genesis 8:21 says, "I will never do it again, I will never again curse the earth, destroying all living things, even though man's bent is always toward evil..."

Churches are another story. I really don't have much used for them and this one is a prime reason.  I've been apart of that world and saw the ugliness of it all.  Now I would prefer a smaller one that is actually doing what Christians are really supposed to be doing.  Yes people get caught up in all of the success of big churches and the great programs that they do.

Now I know this next statement is going to make a few religious people angry but if you are in a church or find a church who isn't heavily involved with doing what Jesus said in Matthew 25:35-36 then you are in a church that isn't about God at all.  Beyond salvation and sanctification this is at the heart of the kingdom of God.  Read it, actually read Matthew 25:34-40.

OK now I will get off of my soap box and walk away.  ;)

Vince G

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Re: Religion Thread
« Reply #303 on: May 21, 2011, 07:03:45 pm »
clap clap clap clap bravo! bravo!

Offline shaun

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Re: Religion Thread
« Reply #304 on: May 21, 2011, 07:34:12 pm »
Your too much Vince.  ;D

Offline shaun

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Re: Religion Thread
« Reply #305 on: May 23, 2011, 12:12:44 pm »
Thanks Mike.

Vince G

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Re: Religion Thread
« Reply #306 on: May 23, 2011, 12:49:04 pm »
What a crock of crap that is. OK Did you notice the difference? One is spiritual within themselves, natural in nature in god's country. Then you have the church with a band, large screen TV's, and the rest that comes with it… Stand, Kneel, now sing, put money in the plate, now get out.

Then the "Underground" What crap this is pure propaganda. The corrupt police? First off how do you know that black Honda wasn't part of their crew? So they have something to film. Then standing on the street shooting film… like wouldn't someone look over? and they say it's the secret police?  B.S. How many times have we read here that chinese people see a westerner and stop, look and stare. And the two guys spying on them? They didn't have the black Honda did they?

And where's the corruption? It's only guy stating the police are. He's the one doing things illegal. Another point, the spy in the hotel was on the phone calling the police… why would he if he was the police?

I wouldn't believe one frame of this video.

Forgot to add this in. It seemed easier to film there then here in the states. He said they needed 3 days advance notice. Here you not only need to give notice of when you have to get a permit also. I think I remember something of that gathering that all the police were at. Wasn't it something like their gathering place was bulldozed there and they decided to meet there anyway? Something like that?
« Last Edit: May 23, 2011, 01:05:40 pm by Vince G »

Offline David K

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Re: Religion Thread
« Reply #307 on: May 23, 2011, 07:16:30 pm »
The Atheists Prayer:

Lord protect me from your followers

Nothing Real can be threatened; nothing unreal exists

Offline Rhonald

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Re: Religion Thread
« Reply #308 on: May 23, 2011, 08:27:28 pm »
I wouldn't believe one frame of this video.

The last part of the video states "The Government here is very concerned with groups that have the ability to organize beyond its reach"

I had heard about crack downs in China while Egypt was in the midst of protest and that China was afraid of overflow from there. This video seems timed with that event.

China's unwanted spiritual revolution

So I think the title for the video is misleading - its not that China does not want spiritual revolution, but that they fear to lose control. All Governments use oppression as a tactic to try to maintain control.

Now I have been in the army and can understand how soldiers sometimes mistrust reporters and Vince I can see your mistrust of the media and of organized religion by your verbal diatribe. Of course the reporter's job is to raise a stink and sell papers, so he will look for a story and embellish. There is a story here but also many brands in the fire.
« Last Edit: May 23, 2011, 09:06:31 pm by Rhonald »
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Re: Religion Thread
« Reply #309 on: May 23, 2011, 08:48:15 pm »
The Atheists Prayer:

Lord protect me from your followers


And all this time I thought it was Oh Lord save me from thou Prophet so I may keep my profit.  ::)
Life....It's all about finding the Chicks and Balances

Vince G

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Re: Religion Thread
« Reply #310 on: May 23, 2011, 11:44:09 pm »
Rhonald and everyone else. Before I ventured onto Chnlove and our forums I had pictured China as I have heard and seen in the media and movies. Everyone wearing grey clothes or uniforms, riding bikes, and the military on every corner ready to shoot down anyone out of line. That's the picture they fed us for many years. And still do. They are still portrayed as the evil empire.

Now that I have learned the truth and when a country like the US beat their chest of how better they are? First I get pissed off for the lies and then I laugh at their stupidity. When you realize a country like the US has more laws and represses more then China does? You wonder?

Oh yeah and if you think anyone can just open a church here in the states? Guess again. You have to get a license and qualify (be approved) here as well. 
« Last Edit: May 23, 2011, 11:48:54 pm by Vince G »

Offline shaun

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Re: Religion Thread
« Reply #311 on: May 24, 2011, 06:24:34 am »
Vince what you said is mostly true.  There isn't an approval process.  The only things you are looking for to start a church is permit to assemble and tax exempt status.  As a part of the tax exempt status you need a set of bylaws and you have to operate your church by.  You'd better operate by them too.  Also you have to be careful what you say and hand out in regard to politics.  If a church breaks their bylaws or the IRS's political laws then the church looses it tax exempt status.

Kind of sounds like China doesn't it.  :o

The largest growing church movement in America right now is home church. I wonder why?

Vince G

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Re: Religion Thread
« Reply #312 on: May 24, 2011, 09:04:42 am »
The largest growing church movement in America right now is home church. I wonder why?

I know I had one (spanish) across the street from me at the old address. BUT, I could have had them in trouble if I wanted. Local laws say you cannot assemble in a home (mostly for fire laws). Also most places you can not run a business out of your home. There are parking issues, and whatever else they can find in the log books. Approval comes from the local sector. It all comes down to the same thing. The government wants their cut. Just like China.

ah, you know what? it's easier just to say "Don't believe everything you read and see on the internet"

BTW to all, the rapture has been moved to October 21.
« Last Edit: May 24, 2011, 09:12:23 am by Vince G »

Offline mustfocus

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Re: Religion Thread
« Reply #313 on: May 24, 2011, 09:44:06 am »
Just as an update....that whatever Camping guy (see how much I normally pay attention to these types of people) said he made a mistake (twice?  How can you trust him with something so important)... that the day of reckoning is now Oct. 21st.  He made a second calculatory mistake...

If he goofs this next one up....well, I'd consider arresting him for public mischief....
梦醒时分 - Meng Xing Shi Fen

Vince G

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Re: Religion Thread
« Reply #314 on: May 24, 2011, 11:08:37 am »
What is funny to me is he was asked "What if your wrong" in which he replied "Impossible" and he was wrong. This tells me he has a superior complex in which he believes he is better then mankind as if he is God. He's just off his rocker.