David I also want to ask you; Since you question the validity of funky's hypothesis, isn't the initial burden of proof on you rather than him? What is your proof that it isn't true?
I am primarily a Scientist, I got my Doctorate by writing a Thesis that was subject to a Peer Review by a number of Learned professors who critically evaluated my work and judged whether or not, the actual, real, research I performed in completing my Thesis represented an indisputable proof of the subject I had chosen for my Dissertation. It was me (selling my ideas and research) that needed to totally convince them that I was correct in every way. THEY were under no obligation to prove anything to me...they were the "Buyers"....
Had I not been able to conclusively prove my arguement to this body of reviewers, far more learned than me, I would not have been granted a Doctorate. Therefore I submit to you that because Funky is attempting to change my views, the burden of proof is on him.
In this respect, Anybody who sets out to convince anybody else, for whatever reason that there is any ABSOLUTE proof of the existence of Heaven, Hell or all points in between will always fail the evidentiary evaluation...nobody has ever been there and come back with a verifiable proof....a proof that would satisfy any reasonable, thinking human being without Faith, that is....... (and I am not being offensive here...Faith is a different isue)
All those people who BELIEVE in such things do so as a basis of their FAITH...not on the basis of fact.....and that is up to them. I accept that is how and what they prefer to think, provided they dont expect everybody else to come along with their view by threatening eternal dammnation with no proof. But in my opinion (

) . They cannot possibly believe this on the basis of evidence...because all of the purported evidence is hearsay, legend, myth or wishful thinking. Therefore, if somebody wants to convert me...an unbeliever, into recanting my views, and attempts to do it by the threat of eternal dammnation...then it cant be done by just saying "have Faith that I speak the truth, even though I have no proof"...but it could be done by demonstrating to me that it all has a firm basis in observable, quantifiable fact.......thats just me !!!
Therefore I personally believe that the burden of proof is not on the buyer...but remains with the Seller. If there was incontrovertial proof of these things, then it would be impossible to concieve that ANYBODY could be a disbeliever.....however, that is not so despite all the posturing and bleating about what "proof" there is, it is a Faith based proof and not in any way substantiated by hard, factual evidence. I can reasonably say.."I do not believe this because you have no proof, you only have Faith" and this is a rational and logical response to being asked to believe an unprovable statement.
After all, the reason to write such words are A) to encourage those who do believe and B ) As was mentioned...To convert those who dont believe by fear of this "Lake of Fire" or whatever.
Quod Erat demonstrandum !!!!!!!
ps Marie Curie discovered ( please note...discovered, not invented) Radium. Being as it was a new element, the periodic table got changed...and it has changed many, many times since as new elements are discovered all the time. Only because of new thinking, machinery and technology are these new elements being discovered...thats science at work. No doubt there will be many new elements discovered once the Large Hadron Collider gets underway...the fact that Radium remained undiscovered until MC found it cannot possibly be considered a mistake...by that token motor cars, aeroplanes, the wheel, sliced bread, antibiotics , computers, internet, China Love Forums, peanut paste, Vegimite, Fosters Beer and Viagra and everything that is modern may be considered to be a mistake according to the Funky musician !!!!!! just because it was not discovered 2000 years ago...I am very baffled.