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Offline funkymusician

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Re: Religion Thread
« Reply #330 on: January 13, 2012, 01:34:18 pm »
            God Bless Martin for starting this thread. I believe someone's Faith will begin, be stirred, or be strengthened by this Topic. 
         Remember, folks we are here for a very short time. No one knows for certain their checkout date.
       I found out in a very hard way how undescribably very horrifying, how fearful to die without Christ! There are no human words to describe it. Most people think you go to Hell forever when you die without Christ. Not so. I sincerely wish Christians would stop telling people so.
           You go to an infinitely worse place. As bad as hell is, it is nothing compared to the Lake of Fire. In fact, it is so huge even Hell itself will be cast in there (Revelation 20:14)  This is what John calls the Wrath of God. And not only do you miss Heaven, but you spend eternity in such a God forsaken place with Satan your deadly enemy, all because you wanted to live the way you want, and wouldn't give God the miserable and uncertain  hundred years or so you MIGHT  have in this life. The sad thing is, people are so blinded by Satan they never realise God can not only give them BETTER than their hearts desires now, but also give them Eternal life to boot.
     Like I said, I've been both places, and a quadrillion dollars aren't enough for me to even spend a minute there again. You see, Christians aren't trying to bash people on the head to make them repent, but because we have seen  the horror coming upon unbelieving souls, there is almost nothing we wouldn't do to warn them.
« Last Edit: January 13, 2012, 01:48:57 pm by funkymusician »

Offline David E

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Re: Religion Thread
« Reply #331 on: January 13, 2012, 02:52:15 pm »
            God Bless Martin for starting this thread. I believe someone's Faith will begin, be stirred, or be strengthened by this Topic. 
         Remember, folks we are here for a very short time. No one knows for certain their checkout date.
       I found out in a very hard way how undescribably very horrifying, how fearful to die without Christ! There are no human words to describe it. Most people think you go to Hell forever when you die without Christ. Not so. I sincerely wish Christians would stop telling people so.
           You go to an infinitely worse place. As bad as hell is, it is nothing compared to the Lake of Fire. In fact, it is so huge even Hell itself will be cast in there (Revelation 20:14)  This is what John calls the Wrath of God. And not only do you miss Heaven, but you spend eternity in such a God forsaken place with Satan your deadly enemy, all because you wanted to live the way you want, and wouldn't give God the miserable and uncertain  hundred years or so you MIGHT  have in this life. The sad thing is, people are so blinded by Satan they never realise God can not only give them BETTER than their hearts desires now, but also give them Eternal life to boot.
     Like I said, I've been both places, and a quadrillion dollars aren't enough for me to even spend a minute there again. You see, Christians aren't trying to bash people on the head to make them repent, but because we have seen  the horror coming upon unbelieving souls, there is almost nothing we wouldn't do to warn them.

Prove it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Vince G

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Re: Religion Thread
« Reply #332 on: January 13, 2012, 03:37:57 pm »

More then Prove it, Who told you this? Quote: "As bad as hell is, it is nothing compared to the Lake of Fire" ??? So tell me WHO WAS THERE AND REPORTED THIS?  and the same question for "Eternal life to boot?

And I love this one... "I've been both places" Really? you have? you should have warned me to wear my hip boots this is some deep shit.

Offline Scottish_Robbie

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Re: Religion Thread
« Reply #333 on: January 13, 2012, 04:21:03 pm »
Vince the place he talks about I think, is what we Catholics call 'Purgatory' and of course this place cannot be proved.

I often think this is the place I will end up in, not 'good' enough to go to heaven and not 'bad' enough for hell.  I will be there with all the 'lost' souls.

He could be talking metaphorically ;D ;D ;D So let us not condem him for his 'beliefs.
« Last Edit: January 13, 2012, 04:25:18 pm by Scottish_Robbie »
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Offline shaun

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Re: Religion Thread
« Reply #334 on: January 13, 2012, 05:50:37 pm »
None of what I am about to write should be considered as an attack on anyone's belief.  A healthy debate is a good thing.

Interesting hypotheses funky but I don't agree.

How is it then a man can live completely away from and against God, dies and while waiting for the second death and end up going to heaven?  There wouldn't be anyone going to the lake of fire because while in purgatory or paradise which ever term you wish to used you can supposedly see heaven and hell.  When seeing both why would anyone continue the path that leads to total destruction?    (See Luke 16:20-25 for a description of purgatory or paradise)

Secondly how do you navigate around Hebrews 9:27, "it is appointed for men to die once, but after this the judgement."

David I also want to ask you;  Since you question the validity of funky's hypothesis, isn't the initial burden of proof on you rather than him?  What is your proof that it isn't true?

Offline Neil

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Re: Religion Thread
« Reply #335 on: January 13, 2012, 05:57:10 pm »
Honestly, heaven and hell are never in my thoughts.  Good or bad, whatever happens to us after we die is none of our business.  How we behave here and now is much more important.

I came across this story today.  [size=78%][/size]
Someone like that is what I pray for. irresistible as chocolate

Offline Scottish_Robbie

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Re: Religion Thread
« Reply #336 on: January 13, 2012, 06:49:42 pm »
Didn't Jesus say something along these lines - even if he is not christian

"Everyone is welcome in my fathers house?" or was it "You will sit at my right hand in paradise" ???
"Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts" Winston Churchill

Vince G

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Re: Religion Thread
« Reply #337 on: January 13, 2012, 07:21:00 pm »
What anyone believes is up to them and I don't really care either way. It's a debate to me. I guess I find in amusing in a way how stories got twisted, spun into something other then Logic and commonsense. Raised Catholic I always had questions mostly Why? and when getting an answer from the church associate it became a huh? (to refresh your memories)

To make this short lets explore the Bible where it all originates. The Old Testament is a book of stories told for thousands of years and written down so not to be forgotten. This was the start of One God.

The New Testament was written at least 50 years after Christ? 50 years? they had to be 100 years old and in those days? doubt it. The Catholic religion started by Romans to keep the rising of christians in order. Rules were made (sins) to keep them afraid to get out of line. Heaven and Hell were now created. Later when questioned they came up with Purgatory as an answer? These are the Facts, written Facts.

Spinoffs of the Catholic religion began later on by Kings that wanted religion their way. King James Bible written/rewritten in Shakespeare days  (500+ yrs) made their own rules and interpretations. 

So it all comes down to WHO you believe. So now there is Hate, fighting and killing all in the same name. So who is right or wrong? 
« Last Edit: January 13, 2012, 07:24:30 pm by Vince G »

Offline shaun

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Re: Religion Thread
« Reply #338 on: January 13, 2012, 08:54:40 pm »
Vince I hate to say it but you are writing partial truths.

The New Testament was written by 8 people.  Matthew, John Mark, Luke, John, James, Paul, Peter, and Jude.  Matthew, John, Peter, James and Jude were written by people who lived with and during during the time of Jesus.  Matthew, John, and Peter were disciples of his, James and Jude were 1/2 brothers to Jesus.  Paul became an apostle after the death of Jesus.  John Mark and Luke were close associate of Paul and also became Christians after the death of Jesus.

Every one of these guys were contemporaries of each other and were held accountable to each other for their writings.  Also, there were many others who knew Jesus, his works and the writings of these men. They would have called for heresy if their writing was incorrect.  While I agree that each book was written after the death of Jesus it wasn't 50 years after his death but 50 years after his birth so these men might have been about 50 years old and surely no more than 80 years old when they wrote their books.  Jesus died in 33AD.  It could have been 32AD when Jesus was crucified because there is a popular opinion that the time started at the conception of Jesus.

The Catholic church was a spin off of the Apostolic Church that met mostly in peoples homes.  Catholicism was a move to take the people back to more of a Jewish type church that separated people from God and put a priest in between.  It was also a move to bring tighter order among Christians.  As it is today there were many who taught heresy.

The first book of the bible Genesis was transcribed by Moses who also wrote the next 4 books of the bible.  Prior to Moses it was by word of mouth through the historians of their time.  Of particular interest is that prior to the flood there were as many as 14 generations of people alive at the same time, all recorded, so that when the youngest historian was telling the history there could have been as many as 13 older historians listening to what was being said.  Adam wasn't alive when Noah was born but his father Lamech was.

So back to Moses.  Moses was 120 when he died and he never saw the promise land. (Israel)  He spend the previous 40 years wondering in the wilderness and all 5 books were written in the wilderness so that makes him 80 at the earliest when he wrote them.

The putting together of the bible is another whole set of facts for another time if any are interested.

Dems de facts.
« Last Edit: January 13, 2012, 09:19:06 pm by shaun »

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Re: Religion Thread
« Reply #339 on: January 13, 2012, 10:00:39 pm »
I wonder how they calculated ages in those days. No calendars, no clocks. They seem to live for so long when we know that people had short lifes then!

Did they see a new moon arise at the end of what we call a lunar month and say 'ok thats another year gone.' and wait for the next one in a months time! And if it was a cloudy night they had to wait another month or so.

According to all that has been written in the old testament man can only have been on this earth for maybe 4000 years or so.

Unfortunately science is now casting great doubts over our christian beliefs. .

It is no that long ago that us earthlings always thought the earth was flat and we could fall of the edge.  Of course science proved otherwise. Mankind thought that maybe there was people living on the moon, science and technology removed that.

We now have Sir David Attenborough going through the history of man from its beginnings as a flat slug like creature from the sea.  Science is killing of long held beliefs.

Whatever belief you hold and whatever variety, there are people who take it over and mould it to their own personal advantages.

What I fear is the American politicians using Christianity as a spring board for their political campaigns.  I put that into the same cagegory as the American evangelist who individually are now worth hundreds of millions each, simply by telling people what they want to hear.  And one when asked why he had never publicised his accounts simply said "God told me not to" simple as that. No one could disprove differently and his money still rollls in.

Along my way I have seen things that I can only gasp at and say that was a miracle.  At others I have seen charlatans at work for their own advantage.

In Africa I saw a pastor who made a 10 year old girl, who had been blind since birth, see again in front of thousands. His assistant put 4 handkerchiefs on the floor, each of different color.  He removed very dark glasses the girl wore, rubbed the her eyes very hard,  and when she opened them and had blinked many times and rubbed her own eyes.  He asked her if she could see. 'Yes' she said. The audience gasped and shouted hallelujah  He then told her to go and pick up one of the clothes from the floor just selecting one color. she went picked one up and said 'Green One".

I asked,  if she had been blind since birth how did she know the color was green.  He quick reply was 'God Told her' . No one in the vast crowd would go against that. Not even that the girl was the daughter of his assistant and the assistant was his own daughter! so he gave 'sight' to his own grand daughter and with 'such power' he had waited till she was ten years of age!

I could go on in this vein but everyone should believe in something even if that something is themself.


As for purgatory I have preach that there was no such place as purgatory, which was like a dressing room where people who had died in sin could prepare themselves for entry into heaven.

Willy The Lpndoner

Now in my 12th year living here,

Offline funkymusician

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Re: Religion Thread
« Reply #340 on: January 13, 2012, 10:35:47 pm »
     Someone wrote here the other day that they liked to debate. Unfortunately, I don't. I can't tell or prove how I got to know of those places. Even if I did, most won't believe it,  brothers. With every ounce of my being, though, I beg of you to try and read your Bibles for your selves.
          You see, Christianity is a "spiritual" walk with God. Jesus said unless the Holy Ghost draws you to Himself, you cannot come to Him. He also added unless you received the news of His Kingdom as a  child you can't enter therein. The world says  "Seeing is Believing". Jesus says " Believe, and you will see"
                The fault I see in Christendom today is they try to intellectualise Christianity, hence all these huge churches and seminaries, yet without the power of the Holy Ghost. I don't have enough spiritual or mental acumen to argue or  draw anyone to Jesus; that's the Holy Spirit's job. I just tell them about the truth I see in God's Word. I don't judge them or criticize them. Why?
     Because I myself sat thru Baptist College preaching every sunday for more or less  five years, and though I made a verbal pronouncement for Christ, I never fully believed it as I should have until my fateful encounter with Jesus two years later, and I saw those places myself. It's been about 30 years now, and I still can't talk about it too much, too painful. Now, I know why Jesus suffered such terrible agony so none of us would go to those places.
 Everyday, according to UN statistics, on average, 100 to 150,000 people die, yet only a handful are saved. What a tragedy! Every day I pray No One Goes to those places. I applaud the Catholics very much in praying that ALL SOULS be saved. Though not one myself, if any one saw what I saw that day, you wouldn't wish anything less, not even for  the world's greatest sinner. In fact I prayed once to God not to send even Satan there, but He declined. But I know with God, nothing is impossible.

Thank God though; I can sense the Spirit is stirring up some souls here.

       Try Bibleprope's NDEs and you will se a lot of people with similar stories, though only one other man I have ever heard talk about the lake of fire in my 30 years. He just saw it, but I WAS IN there.
By the way, Robert, you don't have to go to Pugatory. If you make your peace with God  thru Jesus now, it won't be necessary.

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Re: Religion Thread
« Reply #341 on: January 13, 2012, 11:59:03 pm »
Yes Shaun you are correct in many points made and as I wrote try to make it short, skipped through some of it. But it was Constantine that allowed the christians to come out of the shadows (in Rome). I think you meant the same point I skipped over about the Catholic priest part and how the people had to pray to the priest and the priest prayed to god for them. This was done to make the church and priest very important and needed. But this is what they were told God said?

If the writing started when Christ was born? then they didn't go a good job or not at all till his last years? Like Willy wrote they didn't live that long back then AND I had the same question on how they counted time/years? in the desert? Sorry I don't buy it. The puzzle pieces don't fit and yhat's because they are the wrong pieces.

Oh and as for Noah, This was a story told for 1000 years before it was written. They changed the name to Noah. This was found in other writings. Christmas isn't Jesus' birthday. It varied in a few years and it wasn't december. I think it was 3 years before the year thought to be that there was Halley's Comet and some believe this was the bright star they saw. Much like sailors on a ship and others I think they told wild stories of their adventures. People still do it today.

Willy, I could tell from here that blind girl could see. Besides the color thing? (ha) If she was blind and could see they would have to gradually bring light to her eyes (could take days) so the eyes can adjust. If the eyes are exposed to bright sunlight from complete darkness? It can cause blindness…. so that's a catch 22

Funky, you say to read the bible but the point is which one? and why believe one over the other?

For the others worried of purgatory? Don't worry. For a mere $7000. usd (cash) I can guarantee your money back if you end up there.

Now if you excuse me some of the disciples are restless, they want to get the poker game started and Moses thinks my shutters are tablets? sick dude.
« Last Edit: January 14, 2012, 12:02:35 am by Vince G »

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Re: Religion Thread
« Reply #342 on: January 14, 2012, 01:47:42 am »
  Sorry guys I didn't go thoroughly thru the replies before posting.

 First off, I must say Shaun you know your church history very well. All that you said is true. What I couldn't understand was your question. I don't know if you were asking if I believed people come back to life after dying, or what. Could you please reframe your question by making reference to what I said that you disagree with. Thanks.
All I'm asking is those who do not know to accept the Lord Jesus as their Saviour before it is too late. That's all. I don't claim to know everything, or have all the answers. I know the one who does; God.
  Funny thing is nobody can scientifically prove even the existence of God. (I heard on the radio;  I believe it was Coast to Coast; where a guy was saying he knew someone who could mathematically prove the existence of God. Good for him.)
 David E and Vince G, therefore, I'm sorry to say the only proof I would have for you is if you believe in the Bible, then Psalm 19:1 states "the Heavens declare the glory of God, and firmament His handiwork', yet some people look up everyday at the heavens and boldly declare there is no God, and proudly call themselves atheists. While others give glory and thanks to Him everyday for His marvelous creations when they look at the same heavens.  What gives?
The answer is  the Spirit of God. He teaches those who hearts want to learn. That's why there are kids four year old that believe in God, and there are 80 or 90 year olds who don't. Science, education or experience has nothing to do with it.

  For those who are trusting science to solve all your problems, look at 1 Tim 6: 20-21 where Paul tells Timothy "...avoiding profane and vain babblings, and  oppositions of science, FALSELY so called, which some professing, have erred concerning the faith". This means what we call science today, the Bible calls FALSE. It is at variance with the Word of God. You see  Man can't put God under a microscope, or write theorems about His existence or His power. He is highly Exalted above all that. And that is what sets Science at odds with God. But if you think about it, for those of you who don't believe in God, let us suppose for  a minute there really is a God, who is really whom He claims He is. Can you then see the folly of trying to prove His existence with our very unreliable and mistake-ridden So-called science. To give one small example, when Madame and Pierre Curie discovered Plutonium, scientist had to change all the Atomic Table, if you remember ( I can't remember if that's the name; it's late and my brain is shutting down)  since it was a totally different element. So what if another element of equal or greater importance is discovered tomorrow? I am not saying Science is all bad, but I would rather go with the Word which has never made a mistake.
  I know Willy the Londoner is also a Christian, so I would therefore encourage you to put your faith in God and not science, "falsely so called", since so-called empirical scientific evidence can easily be manipulated by any lesser demon.

Vince G, the Bible was not written 500 years ago. It was translated into English at that time. Check out the story of the Dead Sea Scrolls  found in Israel in 1947 which successfully shut up a lot of  people who were claiming the Bible was written 300 to 500 years ago. For those who have not heard the story, these were Bibilical scrolls encased in clay pots and  found hidden in a cave in Israel by an Arab shepherd boy. They were carbon dated to have been written 2000 years ago, by a  sect known as Essienes, (who were wiped out by Roman soldiers, according to Josephus, the Jewish historian)  and when they compared them with the current King James Version, especially the Book of Isaiah, there was virtually no difference. Now do you think all the atheists when they saw the proof that the Bible was written  long ago shouted " Hallelujah! This is the proof we have been waiting for. Now we believe"? Of course not. they have to go and search for  another reason NOT to believe the Bible is the Word of God.

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Re: Religion Thread
« Reply #343 on: January 14, 2012, 01:49:17 am »
David I also want to ask you;  Since you question the validity of funky's hypothesis, isn't the initial burden of proof on you rather than him?  What is your proof that it isn't true?


I am primarily a Scientist, I got my Doctorate by writing a Thesis that was subject to a Peer Review by a number of Learned professors who critically evaluated my work and judged whether or not, the actual, real, research I performed in completing my Thesis represented an indisputable proof of the subject I had chosen for my Dissertation. It was me (selling my ideas and research) that needed to totally convince them that I was correct in every way. THEY were under no obligation to prove anything to me...they were the "Buyers"....

Had I not been able to conclusively prove my arguement to this body of reviewers, far more learned than me, I would not have been granted a Doctorate. Therefore I submit to you that because Funky is attempting to change my views, the burden of proof is on him.

In this respect, Anybody who sets out to convince anybody else, for whatever reason that there is any ABSOLUTE proof of the existence of Heaven, Hell or all points in between will always fail the evidentiary evaluation...nobody has ever been there and come back with a verifiable proof....a proof that would satisfy any reasonable, thinking human being without Faith, that is....... (and I am not being offensive here...Faith is a different isue)

All those people who BELIEVE in such things do so as a basis of their FAITH...not on the basis of fact.....and that is up to them. I accept that is how and what they prefer to think, provided they dont expect everybody else to come along with their view by threatening eternal dammnation with no proof. But in my opinion ( ;D ) . They cannot possibly believe this on the basis of evidence...because all of the purported evidence is hearsay, legend, myth or wishful thinking. Therefore, if somebody wants to convert unbeliever, into recanting my views, and attempts to do it by the threat of eternal dammnation...then it cant be done by just saying "have Faith that I speak the truth, even though I have no proof"...but it could be done by demonstrating to me that it all has a firm basis in observable, quantifiable fact.......thats just me !!!

Therefore I personally believe that the burden of proof is not on the buyer...but remains with the Seller. If there was incontrovertial proof of these things, then it would be impossible to concieve that ANYBODY could be a disbeliever.....however, that is not so despite all the posturing and bleating about what "proof" there is, it is a Faith based proof and not in any way substantiated by hard, factual evidence. I can reasonably say.."I do not believe this because you have no proof, you only have Faith" and this is a rational and logical response to being asked to believe an unprovable statement.

After all, the reason to write such words are A) to encourage those who do believe and B ) As was mentioned...To convert those who dont believe by fear of this "Lake of Fire" or whatever.

Quod Erat demonstrandum !!!!!!!

ps Marie Curie discovered ( please note...discovered, not invented) Radium. Being as it was a new element, the periodic table got changed...and it has changed many, many times since as new elements are discovered all the time. Only because of new thinking, machinery and technology are these new elements being discovered...thats science at work. No doubt there will be many new elements discovered once the Large Hadron Collider gets underway...the fact that Radium remained undiscovered until MC found it cannot possibly be considered a that token motor cars, aeroplanes, the wheel, sliced bread, antibiotics , computers, internet, China Love Forums, peanut paste, Vegimite, Fosters Beer and Viagra and everything that is modern may be considered to be a mistake according to the Funky musician !!!!!!    just because it was not discovered 2000 years ago...I am very baffled.
« Last Edit: January 14, 2012, 06:30:40 am by David E »

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Re: Religion Thread
« Reply #344 on: January 14, 2012, 03:42:26 am »
Don't be baffled David. Just follow this easy flowchart