Author Topic: Aliens are living in Yunnan, Heilongjiang and Xinjiang  (Read 12485 times)

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RE: Aliens are living in Yunnan, Heilongjiang and Xinjiang
« Reply #30 on: December 31, 2009, 09:54:45 pm »
Oh god they have all lost their humor.....Well how about benny hill, suppose you thought that wasn't funny ether.......

Offline mustfocus

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RE: Aliens are living in Yunnan, Heilongjiang and Xinjiang
« Reply #31 on: December 31, 2009, 10:17:00 pm »
David, I'm kind of surprised that you think we don't have a sense of humour. :dodgy: We (well, Canadians) have one of the biggest (if not the biggest) comedy festivals in the world called Just for Laughs.  Granted it might not be your cup of tea, but we have comedians from all over the world coming to perform (although the majority that make it are from Canada/US/UK)...

Although I will concede, a lot of the talk show hosts just suck...Letterman/Leno et al.  But some guys who you might appreciate...

Russell Peters
Jeremy Hotz (although I can't stand the guy myself...but my co-workers like him)
Colin Mochrie is good for a few impressions...
Glen Foster
Lewis Black

Nina Conti (I think she's British)... Bad ventriloquist, but good for some mind numbing fun.
Jeff Dunham (also a ventriloquist) ... Some good stories, but sometimes gets his characters mixed up

There are others, but I can never seem to get their names...
梦醒时分 - Meng Xing Shi Fen

Vince G

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RE: Aliens are living in Yunnan, Heilongjiang and Xinjiang
« Reply #32 on: January 01, 2010, 12:34:54 am »
Now Benny Hill was funny.

See there is a difference between trying to be shockingly funny and being. These wantabes try to hard. In the end it's not something funny, just boring.
« Last Edit: January 01, 2010, 12:40:38 am by Vince G »

Offline Willy The Londoner

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RE: Aliens are living in Yunnan, Heilongjiang and Xinjiang
« Reply #33 on: January 01, 2010, 12:40:16 am »
Benny Hill was great for me.   He got lost on the political correctness bandwagon that hit the UK.  But a lot of my humour came from him.  And he is probably one of the main reasons that I am in China now.

Poor Benny lived alone and was found several days after his death in his favourite armchair with the TV still going.     He did have a lot of women in his life and he told each and every one of them that he had left them money in his will.   But no will was ever found.  

I was working with the genealogist that was trying to search for his beneficiaries and eventually we found some very happy nieces and nephews in Australia.  Happy because they shared in Uncle Alfies, (his real name but they did not know him)10  million odd pound estate.

I got a good commission from that and later I started my search for a wife as i did not want to leave this earth alone as he did.

« Last Edit: January 01, 2010, 12:46:03 am by Willy The Londoner »
Willy The Lpndoner

Now in my 12th year living here,


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RE: Aliens are living in Yunnan, Heilongjiang and Xinjiang
« Reply #34 on: January 01, 2010, 01:07:20 am »
Gee Willy, I thought you reminded me of Benny Hill....LOL


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RE: Aliens are living in Yunnan, Heilongjiang and Xinjiang
« Reply #35 on: January 01, 2010, 07:21:23 am »

I didn't say you lot over there didn't have a sense of humour, i just think it's a lot different to that found in say UK/Aussie land.  As for all those names you mentioned, i have to admit, I've never heard of any of them ...haha!!! ....Sorry!!!!


Now Benny Hill was an artist, that spent his life writing and performing all his OWN material. He didn't need to try to be funny, he just was!! Another Natural comedian was the late Tommy Cooper. He had his audience in fits of laughter before he even got on to the stage on his packed tours, his act was just basic comedy that people could relate too, even silly at times, ...but always made you laugh!!!. I think these days there are very few Natural comedians, most have to work at being a Funny Man. Also worthy of note, ...none of the natural comedians ever had to use foul language, they didn't need too. Try mentioning the name of a comedian now, that can get by in there act without swearing or being crude in one way or another??

If any here want to see Tommy Coopers Comedy, check him out on UTube, You won't get the atmosphere from those clips, (you had to be in the audience to experience that) and as i said it's very basic humour. But this guy could and did have his live audiences in fits of laughter from before he got on the stage till the time he walked off .... and even beyond!!  lol!! You alway went home with a big smile on your face. What more could a comedian ever wish for !!!

« Last Edit: January 01, 2010, 02:16:33 pm by David5o »

Offline mustfocus

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RE: Aliens are living in Yunnan, Heilongjiang and Xinjiang
« Reply #36 on: January 01, 2010, 08:48:31 am »
Personally I didn't like either Benny Hill or Tommy Cooper.  Liked Monty Python and some things that Billy Connolly did... Rowan Atkinson has his occasional moments.  At least those are the UK based ones...

Ah the old saying goes... YMMV...
梦醒时分 - Meng Xing Shi Fen


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RE: Aliens are living in Yunnan, Heilongjiang and Xinjiang
« Reply #37 on: January 01, 2010, 09:12:52 am »

Even i have to admit that i wasn't much into Tommy Coopers TV shows and TV appearances, but to see this guy live, was a totally different experience. He was basically a live act performer and had a true rapport with his audience that few have ever equalled.

Agree Monty Python were good at times, but Billy Connerly i could never understand him to catch the jokes and Rowan Atkinson is not my idea of a comedian at the best of times.

So yes!! everyone's taste in comedy is different, so all in all it's horses for courses!!

« Last Edit: January 01, 2010, 02:17:08 pm by David5o »


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RE: Aliens are living in Yunnan, Heilongjiang and Xinjiang
« Reply #38 on: January 01, 2010, 04:11:34 pm »
Hey what about Chevy Chase, he always could make you laugh.


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RE: Aliens are living in Yunnan, Heilongjiang and Xinjiang
« Reply #39 on: January 01, 2010, 08:18:16 pm »
Hey mods, are we not way off subject here? :icon_cheesygrin:

Offline RegnisTheGreat

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RE: Aliens are living in Yunnan, Heilongjiang and Xinjiang
« Reply #40 on: January 01, 2010, 08:27:47 pm »
I think the mods are more easy going of threads in CampFire. :)

Offline Willy The Londoner

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RE: Aliens are living in Yunnan, Heilongjiang and Xinjiang
« Reply #41 on: January 01, 2010, 10:59:15 pm »
Quote from: 'David5o' pid='27000' dateline='1262355172'


Even i have to admit that i wasn't much into Tommy Coopers TV shows and TV appearances, but to see this guy live, was a totally different experience. He was basically a live act performer and had a true rapport with his audience that few have ever equalled.

Tommy Cooper was a live act - until he fell down dead part way through his act on live TV.

 Shuan we are not getting off the thread - surely the thread itself was about comedy and not not being taken serious from the start!!!

Willy The Lpndoner

Now in my 12th year living here,


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RE: Aliens are living in Yunnan, Heilongjiang and Xinjiang
« Reply #42 on: January 02, 2010, 12:07:44 am »
Even with a smile next to the line and people think I am serious.

Offline maxx

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RE: Aliens are living in Yunnan, Heilongjiang and Xinjiang
« Reply #43 on: January 02, 2010, 01:04:18 am »
I'm not to worried about it when the thread topic is about aliens.I was just kind of waiting for you all to come to your senses.Everybody knows the only place aliens have ever  visited is Roswell New Mexico on July 7 1947.They liked it so much they crashed there space ship.And killed 2 out of 3 of the crew.

Paul Todd

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RE: Aliens are living in Yunnan, Heilongjiang and Xinjiang
« Reply #44 on: January 02, 2010, 01:15:02 am »
The musings, revelations and reflections of humorist Larry Wilmore, "senior black correspondent" for "The Daily Show." What ever that is!

On April 16, 1987, in a small rural town on the outskirts of Mariposa County, California, a small band of UFOs was seen by 99.9 percent of the residents in the balmy night sky. They were able to faithfully recall the shape and movements of the mysterious crafts with incredible uniformity. “A cluster of small silent black triangles flying in formation” was the way most of them put it. The local news reported the event, the townspeople discussed it daily for nearly a year, and even a few major newspapers covered the story. Most were impressed by the clarity of the recollections. Some were blown away by the grainy amateur video. A few were taken by the astounding 99.9 percent close encounter rate. I was more interested in the .1 percent that didn’t see the UFO. That .1 percent was named Clerow Mims: the only black resident of the city.

How come brothas don’t see UFOs? I have asked this question for the last thirty years and have yet to stumble upon any satisfactory answer. UFOs have been sighted almost everywhere on earth for the last sixty years and I can’t recall even one sighting by a brotha. How is this possible? Is it a conspiracy on the part of the UFOs? Are aliens racist? Or is it something about brothas themselves that don’t allow them to have this experience? After numerous interviews with experts and exhaustive research, I’ve arrived at a few possible theories.

Brothas automatically block out anything or anybody that might want to take them for a ride on a ship for an indeterminate amount of time.

Many ufologists have theorized that we are able to see aliens because of a light signal that is emitted from the ship and is reflected off our skin. This makes them visible to the human eye. Unfortunately, blacks have an abundance of melanin in their skin, which acts like stealth technology and absorbs the signal, rendering UFOs invisible.

The upside of this phenomenon is that light-skinned brothas might have a better chance of seeing aliens than dark-skinned.

Street cred
Brothas could be afraid to report UFO sightings for fear of losing street cred. Street cred is hard to come by. Many times you have to get shot to obtain a decent amount of street cred. Would you really want all of that erased just because you saw something that you can’t explain flying in the sky? I don’t think so.  

Most people think if aliens arrived on earth, they would take over and rule us all. In other words, they would become the Man. That’s all brothas need, so what’s the point? They may as well have spotted a cop.

It’s not a big enough conspiracy
Alien life, as a conspiracy theory, is nothing compared to some of the shit brothas come up with. In fact, some black liberationist religions teach that white people are aliens who inhabited the earth thousands of years ago (I’m not making this up).

Brothas are just that unlucky
Most brothas accept this theory and chalk it up to the same odds they have of winning the lottery: slim to none.

Brothas might actually be aliens
Not a bad theory. It would explain a lot.

Brothas are afraid of aliens
Some aliens have been called snake people for their reptilian-like features. Everybody knows brothas are afraid of snakes, so this theory carries a high degree of probablility.

Brothas don’t like hospitals
What does this have to do with aliens? Simple. Almost all alien abduction stories include lying on an operating table and being cut open. Brothas won’t even go to a hospital to pick up a paycheck, let alone for surgery. And when you include the fact that these alien operations seem to always end with an unpleasant anal probe, you can count brothas out.

It’s a government conspiracy
It’s possible that brothas have seen UFOs and have reported them but the government, for whatever reason, has covered it up. It’s not too far fetched. The government is already covering up the existence of aliens, why wouldn’t they cover up the record of brothas reporting their existence?

Though all of these theories are legitimate, it’s the last one that intrigues me the most. What if there is a governmental cover-up at work? What if there are fantastic stories of brothas and UFOs that the government just didn’t want us to know about? I don’t know if these questions can ever be answered satisfactorily. But one thing is for sure, if brothas have seen strange lights in the sky that were not police helicopters, I’m going to make sure the world knows.