Author Topic: Aliens are living in Yunnan, Heilongjiang and Xinjiang  (Read 12484 times)

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RE: Aliens are living in Yunnan, Heilongjiang and Xinjiang
« Reply #75 on: January 17, 2010, 11:15:24 pm »
Well about this, I have a friend who is 2nd father to the laser and worked for a while at groom.  they flew him in in a plane with other top scientists and had blackened in windows so they couldn't see where they were (but these guys knew) then once in the underground hanger, they were driven for about 1 hour 45 minutes to another underground hanger (papose lake, just south of groom), they were ask to work on some wierd stuff.  When I ask him if they were saucers, his only reply was "I can't tell you because of secercy, but I can tell you that they were out of this world" and said he tried working or investagating them for 90 days, and said that no one there had any idea of what they were working on, and had never seen stuff like that before.
He also told me of a laser that they were working on, that they finally finished, that was so accurate, it would shoot the pilot, not the plane to bring the plane down.  Interesting stuff, isn't it.

Vince G

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RE: Aliens are living in Yunnan, Heilongjiang and Xinjiang
« Reply #76 on: January 17, 2010, 11:31:52 pm »
Quote from: 'rockycoon' pid='28551' dateline='1263788124'
I ask him if they were saucers, his only reply was

YES, there where saucers, soup bowls and coffee cups too...

 I think Thomas Castello got into some PEYOTE??
« Last Edit: January 17, 2010, 11:36:05 pm by Vince G »


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RE: Aliens are living in Yunnan, Heilongjiang and Xinjiang
« Reply #77 on: January 17, 2010, 11:39:06 pm »
Quote from: 'maxx' pid='28442' dateline='1263711886'

Paul I seen a program on the telly tonight about the Aurora.They said it could fly from New york to Los Angeles in less that 15 minutes.

So can I after a good Mexican Dinner or 2.

Being in the oil business for a long time I've been to Roswell many times.  There is nothing special there.  It is just a nice small town with a lot of friendly people.  I have been a part of seismic surveys all around Roswell, with the exception of Area 51 there is nothing out there except dirt, mesquite bushes, Indian artifacts, coyote's, rabbits and a prairie chicken no one has ever seen but they are on the endangered species list.

I have been in Carlsbad Caverns many times and the only thing in there is huge elevator, bats, guano, park rangers, rocks, tourist, and a food court.  Nothing else unusual.

I've been to Roswell Air Force Base, Sunspot, Macgregor range, the birthplace of Billy the Kidd, and various places there.

The only thing I ever thought was an alien was my 10th grade Chemistry teacher.

Come to think of it... There is a lot of talk about aliens...  I have heard the talk all of my live about the illegal alien population and their problems.  And to think that I thought they were decent people..  Just goes to show you that you never know!
« Last Edit: January 17, 2010, 11:59:31 pm by shaun »

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RE: Aliens are living in Yunnan, Heilongjiang and Xinjiang
« Reply #78 on: January 18, 2010, 12:35:00 am »
Paul I'm really sorry.Mr Castillo lied.Dulce New Mexico is a wide spot in the road.Town population is right at 2000 people.It is the capitol of the Jiccarei Apachie tribe.So it is owned by the Jiccarie Apache nation.The land has ben owned by the Apache's for close to 1000 years.

These Apaches don't play well with others.They beat up the French first then Spain,Then the Mexicans,Then they took on the United States government.And pretty much beat the hell out of them.The U.S government got tired of being embarrassed so they let them pick where they wanted to live.

Dulce is real pretty.It sets  high in the Rocky mountains.Just south of Wolfe creek pass Colorado.Dulce sets about 7,000 feet above sea level.They have a casino there and maybe three gas stations.Schools and a couple of office buildings.It takes about five minutes to drive from one side of town to the other.

I used to know the chief of police of Dulce.And a couple of his deputies.They never mentioned anything about Aliens or caves.They did tell me about the riot they had.WHen the presedent of the nation.Was stealing money from the casino.All five deputies had a hell of a time containing thoose pissed off Indians

The tribel members wanted to bury the president up to his neck in the ground and then pour honey over his head.And let the ants and the animals have a go at him.The only reason they didn't get that chance was because the chief of police used the bate and switch trick.One suv went one way the other suv waited about ten minutes and went the other way.

But like I said I have heard nothing about caves or underground bases.I can't see a Apache agreeing to something like that.To them that is sacred land.

If you want to come to New Mexico.I will take you to Roswell and Chama.We can eat good Mexican food.Drink Mescal and eat peyote buttons with a Navajo medicine man I know.After you eat a few Peyote buttens.Drink some Mescal.I'm sure that you will see all the Aliens you ever  wanted  to see.

It will be very close to a religouse experience.Most people are never the same.Espicially after the thorizine wheres off.In the mental hospital in Albuqurque.The locals don't call this the land of entrapment for nothing.When you are in New Mexico you seem to be trapped for ever.There is no escape.


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RE: Aliens are living in Yunnan, Heilongjiang and Xinjiang
« Reply #79 on: January 18, 2010, 02:26:06 am »
Maxx, after living in Arizona, I tend to agree with you on the indians..they also have casino's up above payson arizona, I have fished there and as far as the fishing goes, it's ok, however they still scalp the whiteman in the casino's...:icon_cheesygrin:
Been on the res and it is beauiful, I really think maxx is correct about what he is talking about, however, there is no doubt that money can buy anything from those guy's...but I've never seen anything government up that way, except the forest service, and then rarely.
I would also like to point out that the famous "phoenix lights" were a large triangle shaped object (Vince) that you were talking about. :dodgy:

Also, there is a russian satilite that fly's over area 51 everyday, and it is
broadcast on the internet.  Quite interesting actually, you can see the runway, the skidmarks up to the side of the mountian, (and oil stains) but then they just stop right in front of the side of the mountian.  There are no cars or trucks as we knew when the flyover was and 15 minutes before it would fly over everything was put away, so the whole place looks diserted.  However, after being in the military air, I can say that skid marks and oil stains don't lie.  Also by zooming in, you can spot truck and car trails that end in nothing, and these are well worn trails, so where are the vechicles?
I will get the address of the site and you can look for yourself, as I will post it for all to see.
« Last Edit: January 18, 2010, 02:57:54 am by rockycoon »

Paul Todd

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RE: Aliens are living in Yunnan, Heilongjiang and Xinjiang
« Reply #80 on: January 18, 2010, 03:04:38 am »
I am So disappointed!  No anti gravity machines and now I find out that the Draco Lords aren't real either,not even a seven story underground base only Indians with attitude, oh well. Still an invitation to play with some peyote buttons under the guidance of a Navajo  medicine man has cheered me up no end. Had some friends that opted for the Thorazine route :icon_cheesygrin: Now all I have to do is explain this to the wife. :angel:


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RE: Aliens are living in Yunnan, Heilongjiang and Xinjiang
« Reply #81 on: January 18, 2010, 04:01:00 am »
This satellite photo seen above of Area 51 was secretly acquired by Russia's Space Information KVR-1000 satellite system in the year 2000. ...

This is not the satelite picture I wanted but will do for now. click on the address and check it out.

Vince G

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RE: Aliens are living in Yunnan, Heilongjiang and Xinjiang
« Reply #82 on: January 18, 2010, 08:55:53 am »
Ha ha ha ha ha ha whewwww!!!  A little truth to that page. Mostly a bunch of imagination and some BS. The Sonic Boom is real but how do they know what the "Secret Plane" speed was doing (mach 4)? and if it can go to mach 20 as they say? these genesis's left out another factor - G force. I don't mean the movie or game. :dodgy:

The  Aurora X-33 type ?
This secret plane has been heard more than it has been seen in the skies above the Nevada desert due to the sonic booms that it creates as it cruises at an estimated mach 4, 2900 mph.

OK, OK, I won't pick apart much more of it. But two things?

If it's such a secret how do they have all this info (speed, size, when it's flown)?

The triangle lights seen? Was that disco night on the ship? Why would they have lights on a space ship? Not flood lights to see the ground but marker lights so you see the shape of the craft? Was it to avoid a collision? with other aircrafts?


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RE: Aliens are living in Yunnan, Heilongjiang and Xinjiang
« Reply #83 on: January 18, 2010, 09:07:34 am »
rocky    a lot of info for something that isnt there   hahahaha