Author Topic: how to pee all over the world  (Read 7070 times)

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RE: how to pee all over the world
« Reply #1 on: May 14, 2009, 10:51:34 am »
Quote from: 'Neil' pid='2850' dateline='1242289709'

Important stuff...

Indeed, some useful and funny tips there :D
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Offline kenny

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RE: how to pee all over the world
« Reply #2 on: May 14, 2009, 12:07:20 pm »
Yeh good site. I was wondering about those squat toliets. Cant wait!

Vince G

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RE: how to pee all over the world
« Reply #3 on: May 14, 2009, 01:02:38 pm »
Quote from: 'kenny' pid='2870' dateline='1242317240'
I was wondering about those squat toliets.

Ken, I have read from time to time someone going to China and making note somewhere "Where are the toilets" Read and learn, as you seem to be doing.


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RE: how to pee all over the world
« Reply #4 on: May 14, 2009, 01:38:08 pm »
Squat toilets just add to the adventure.

Offline kenny

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RE: how to pee all over the world
« Reply #5 on: May 14, 2009, 01:39:22 pm »
Yes I also read and learned I may need to take my charmin ultra soft with me!

Offline Irishman

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RE: how to pee all over the world
« Reply #6 on: May 15, 2009, 04:52:12 am »
Quote from: 'Martin' pid='2879' dateline='1242322688'

Squat toilets just add to the adventure.

Yeah, especially if the floor is slippy which it usually is ;)
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Offline maxx

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RE: how to pee all over the world
« Reply #7 on: May 15, 2009, 10:09:50 am »
what you want to do is try the squat toilet on the train while it is moving.There is a adventure for you.


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RE: how to pee all over the world
« Reply #8 on: May 17, 2009, 01:36:37 pm »
You know Maxx , I actually try'd that on the way to Beijing , on my last visit in Feb. . I might have been going about 100 miles an hour , but I had no problem ... my aim was quite good . Hehehe

Offline Irishman

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RE: how to pee all over the world
« Reply #9 on: May 17, 2009, 03:10:43 pm »
Makes you wonder what the poor sods do when they twist an ankle, break a leg or just get bad knees, I mean..seriously..what do they do !!???
« Last Edit: May 17, 2009, 03:10:59 pm by Irishman »
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Paul Todd

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RE: how to pee all over the world
« Reply #10 on: May 17, 2009, 05:31:11 pm »
I was on a train out of New Delhi a few years back when I was cut down with a bad case or the s**ts. The Indian variety is a fierce beast a kind of all or nothing deal.You do get a few minutes notice, but you've got to be real quick! Well I felt this and knew what was coming, problem was I was at the other end of the coach on a very overcrowded Indian train. No way I was going to make it it time! Luckely the train was pulling into a station so I dived out the door ran down the platform and into the other end of the coach,Salvation! opened the loo door only to find four Indian guy's sitting in there. Well the panic in my eyes must have given the game away and they got out of there fast. Squat, didn't have time! just sat down!:@
Ronan, in that situation, buckets are a mans best friend! Just got to find some one to empty it:D


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RE: how to pee all over the world
« Reply #11 on: May 17, 2009, 07:04:54 pm »
I guess if it happens to somebody else ... one can laugh about it ! Hahahaha

Paul , did you leave at least a good Tip under the Bucket ?

Offline Carl

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RE: how to pee all over the world
« Reply #12 on: May 17, 2009, 10:04:40 pm »
I think that bucket is still there... still hasn't been moved since then! ;)


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RE: how to pee all over the world
« Reply #13 on: May 17, 2009, 10:48:03 pm »
Okay Guy's , I must confess to all of you . My first encounter with a Squat toilet was not a good encounter . I guess since it was my first time ( thinking of Robert Ritter ) I might be forgiven for it . It was in August last year after the Wedding ceremony , Qing and I took my family and friend to Old Shanghai . For some reason that I don't know , my Stomach did not agree with something . So starting to have the runs and hard to find a Public WC is not a good combo anywhere . As everybody in my Group was thinking shopping and taking the Tea-boat's through Oldtown , I of course had other plans . After asking where and how far to the next WC , it got down to pretty much to minutes left or else ? As I rushed into the place , I first saw a regular toilet .. great I thought .. till I saw it was Pee'd over the whole thing . So over to the next and all that was left were Squat's , so no time to loose ... what the f... and close the door (yes it had a door) and away we go , but my aim must of took the day off , not that I cared . But when I was done ... I cared ! Open the door slowly and of course hope nobody see ME coming out of that one stall . I lucked out , not a Soul . I think they would have arrested me , if I was caught . But , after this , I had only Noodles for a couple of day's and it got me back to normal . I am so glad that I watched that Video how to use the squat toilet and the Asian squat lesson . Work to perfection the second time on the Train , that I mentioned on an earlier post . Will I ever share this experience with Qing ? I don't think so ... maybe on my deathbed . Hehe

Paul Todd

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RE: how to pee all over the world
« Reply #14 on: June 01, 2009, 06:11:09 am »
High heels and squat toilets......By Lucy Lai

One of the biggest shocks when it comes to traveling in China is the feral state of their squat toilets. Not only do you have to get used to doing your business in the squatting position but you also need to remember not to flush your toilet paper away!

I first discovered the wonders of the dreaded Squat Toilet in my younger years living in Malaysia, and although it was not the best experience, it was still an experience for me to learn from.

* Always carry around toilet paper, hygiene wipes or tissue paper (some public toilets will sell packets of tissue at the door)
* Always have 20sen ready so you can pay to gain entry into the smelly public toilets
* Bring a friend, Malaysian toilets are notorious for having bad things happen to helpless women on their own
* If you are wearing pants or jeans, it is a necessity to roll them up prior to entering
* Expect to be greeted with wet, dirty floors
* If you get a seated toilet, be aware that many Malaysians will still squat on those seats
* Beware of your neighbours. The person next door may decide that the cubical needed a quick rinse... or at least, that's what I hope that water was....
* High heels/stiletto shoes are not advisable unless you are experienced!!!!!!!

Prior to China I had always believed that I had already experienced the worst that I could experience (in regards to squat toilets), there could be no way in this lifetime that people could live in a country with public toilets worse than Malaysia. I was, of course, completely naive and obviously not using my head.

The worst public toilet I've ever encountered was in China's rural region. The good thing is that the toilets aren't difficult to locate, you just need to follow your nose. There are however, a lot of bad things to note about rural public toilets.

1. The stench is enough to make you faint
2. There is no toilet paper
3. There is no toilet flush (their flush is actually someone throwing water down the trench at the end of the day)
4. There is no toilet seat (no western toilet!)
5. There is no toilet hole (no squat toilet!)
6. There is no toilet door
7. There is a waist-high toilet wall dividing each 'cubical'
8. There is a foot deep little trench to do your business
9. There is a waste-basket for used toilet paper and sanitary products (if you're unlucky, you might not even have this)
10. There might be someone's #2 waiting to greet you
11. There will likely be many naked bottoms and other bits to greet you

China sure knows how to bring their people together.

Here are some things you may want to consider in preparation for the worst toilet experience in China (and some other countries)

* Never travel without toilet paper, hygiene wipes or tissue paper
* Some nice public toilets have a toilet roll near the entrance
* A face mask doused in perfume/cologne may help with your trip to the toilet
* Always look for a 4 or 5 star hotel, or a newly built hotel to use their lobby toilet
* An umbrella is a useful tool to hide your ass from fellow toilet users if there is no door
* Always use the toilet at hotels even if you don't need to, you never know when your next toilet break is or how much worse the toilet may be.
* If you are lucky enough to get a squat toilet, face away from the hole (I was never sure why but a friend told me that #2 will go straight down that way. But I've still encountered evidence of people facing the wrong direction and #2 was obviously not flushed away)
* Never flush the toilet paper down as you will clog the pipe! (more on this later)

No matter how many times I use those squat toilets and how often I hear how hygienic it is compared to western toilets, I will always prefer western toilets! The fact is, not everyone knows how to use a squat toilet properly and I know there is a larger percentage of people who miss when it comes to squatting.

Now on to the importance of NOT flushing the toilet paper down the pipes!

I never really followed this advice until I stayed in the Beijing student dorms when I studied there. As a result of not obeying the rules, I had to go without a toilet for up to 24hrs on several occasions. The toilet actually clogged up a couple of times even though I didn't flush toilet paper!

It's not a proven fact but rumour has it that the waste from the top floor dorm rooms drain down to ground floor, so you will likely have more clogged-toilet problems at the lower level dorms. I know for a fact that some of my friends staying on the ground floor of the dorm building had the worst smelling toilets even after they had bleached the whole room...

Just Don't Do It!

Don't flush toilet paper down those pipes!! Think about the poor Chinese people whose job is to unclog the mess you make, and just be grateful that the toilet can even flush!