Author Topic: how to pee all over the world  (Read 7078 times)

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RE: how to pee all over the world
« Reply #15 on: June 01, 2009, 07:46:51 am »
On the matter of getting the runs...

On arrival at your destination, deliberately drink just a little (very little) of the local water. Your body will be able to handle it and build up resistance against the newly introduced germs. Each day, drink a little more. Other than that, only coffee... (boiled water).

The water quality need not be bad, but just the different bacteria in it cannot be handled by your body all at once.

Same principle as your flu-shot. You get a little of the flu so your body can build up resistance.

This has always worked well for me. I learned the hard way too, on the first few visits to Asia. On applying this, never had any problem again.


Vince G

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RE: how to pee all over the world
« Reply #16 on: June 01, 2009, 09:04:48 am »
One of the first things I read about hotels in China is most supply water in bottles and "DO NOT DRINK THE FAUCET WATER" It's not to be drank. and it must be boiled before you do drink it. Following this was the squat toilet. So building up resistance? You shouldn't be drinking it anyway.
« Last Edit: June 01, 2009, 09:05:22 am by Vince G »


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RE: how to pee all over the world
« Reply #17 on: June 01, 2009, 10:40:37 am »
If you want to experience the country and its people, by definition you don't live in a hotel at all times. Private homes can be comfortable enough, especially outside the metropolis.

Bottled water is not everywhere.

I prefer to avoid hotels if possible, and think of all the money you save...

I haven't yet been invited to stay in a Chinese private home (only been there once), but I have stayed in Philippine and Indonesian homes many times. I am expected in Indonesia soon and will again be staying in a private home.


Paul Todd

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RE: how to pee all over the world
« Reply #18 on: June 01, 2009, 11:43:26 am »
Vince, your spot on, don't even brush your teeth with that stuff!
I once read a story of an explosion at  a Thai hotel's new years eve party. When the staff filled the party balloons with acetylene instead of helium!

Vince G

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RE: how to pee all over the world
« Reply #19 on: June 01, 2009, 01:29:29 pm »
Thanks Paul, I wonder if the tanks were in english? :)

The sites I read most of this on was about the water in China. They went on to say about the hotels because it was a travel to China site. They said most hotels supply bottled water and should be a few bottle in the bathroom. If not ask and they will supply it. I would assume this would be anyplace in China. You don't drink it anywhere unless it's boiled first. Being a coffee man and hardly ever drink straight water, I wasn't that worried about it. But what I read I have confirmed by asking. Yes, you can build up a resistance. Like a flu shot but why? If you don't drink it in the first place you don't need to build up a resistance. Did the same when in Mexico. :D


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RE: how to pee all over the world
« Reply #20 on: June 01, 2009, 11:53:37 pm »
Qing and I alway's brush our teeth with bottled water and also make the Coffee and the Tea with the same , when in the Hotel . They do give you two free bottle's and have more in the Frig at 28 yuan for a 12 once . But seeing Qing not even using Tap water for Coffee , something got to be up or should I say " IN " . In Beijing it was different , no bottled water in the Room , but they brought it up every morning , either just plain boiling hot water in a Thermos or Tea just as Hot . So nothing to worry about for us . Out of the Hotel it's only Hot Tea , Beer or Wine that's it .

Offline maxx

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RE: how to pee all over the world
« Reply #21 on: June 01, 2009, 11:58:26 pm »
Guys people in China don't even drink the water  without boiling it.Do not under any circumstances drink the water.You will not build up a reistance to it.You will spend your whole trip at a Chinese hospital.

I met a women From Sweden in a bar in Bagkok.She told me her boyfriend had brushed his teeth in there 5 star hotel using the water from the faucet.He spent 8 days in the hospital with tubes running into him.SHe told me the first 4 days.The fluids were comming out as fast as they were going in.On the fifth day they had called a monk to pray over him.And he started to get better.On the eigh day they were going to  release him.The lady told me as soon as he was released from the hospital that they were going home.There whole vacation was shot.And the guy almost died because.He used the water from the tap.

The lady I work for Her son in law went on his Morman missian when he was 18.He went to Equadore.He drank water out of a faucet.He got sick and has stayed sick.He's tired he's weak.He can't even work all day without stopping and sleeping for a couple of hours. because of the bug he got.In Equadore.He is now in his mid fifties.
« Last Edit: June 02, 2009, 12:01:18 am by maxx »

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RE: how to pee all over the world
« Reply #22 on: June 15, 2009, 04:49:47 pm »
Question then about showering/bathing and shaving then...

aren't you likely to get water splashed in your eyes, mouth, etc?  I mean, how careful do we have to be?  I've got a doctor's apt coming up, guess I'll get shots for whatever they figure I'll need. irresistible as chocolate

Offline JimB

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RE: how to pee all over the world
« Reply #23 on: June 15, 2009, 05:51:15 pm »
Neil, I have been in Beijing twice and Xi'an once and never got sick.  Now having said that, I probably will.  But if you stay in a reputable hotel you should have no problem.  I shower twice a day sometimes.  But I used bottled water for everything else except shaving. I have stayed in 4 separate hotels also.  There again, just like anything else common sense and a little caution should help you get through all of that.
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Vince G

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RE: how to pee all over the world
« Reply #24 on: June 15, 2009, 06:01:26 pm »
Here's a question not asked, Are the shower heads low? I'm not that tall (6') but will I be kneeling in the shower to wash my hair? :s
Here in florida we have two types of water. One drinkable (though nowhere near as clear as NY water) tastes like crap too. And then the outside water that is used for lawn watering and things of that nature. Some homes have the garden hose connected to this as well. So no drinking from the garden hose. It's not that you'll die at the touch of it? Just not suitable for drinking. My guess is China is the same. Drink bottled water only.
« Last Edit: June 15, 2009, 06:01:49 pm by Vince G »

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RE: how to pee all over the world
« Reply #25 on: June 15, 2009, 07:23:57 pm »
Vince all the showers Ive had in China the shower head was ok I'm 5' 10" so you should be ok.Yes drink only botteld water.If you buy the water from a roadside vender make sure that the seal is in tack.

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RE: how to pee all over the world
« Reply #26 on: June 15, 2009, 07:41:00 pm »
Also be very wary of ice cubes, Ling was very insistent last time that i not drink anything with ice cubes in it. When in Rome as the saying goes, if the locals wont drink it then I sure as hell am not gonna.
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Offline MLM

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RE: how to pee all over the world
« Reply #27 on: June 15, 2009, 08:11:01 pm »
I have stayed at a few hotels from 2 stars ( don't do this ) to 5 stars and all the showers were taller then I and I'm also 6' tall, just remember to look all over the bathroom for shower heads, I didn't the first time and found out the whole room was the shower, had no dry towels or T.P. what a mess.
« Last Edit: June 15, 2009, 08:12:08 pm by MLM »


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RE: how to pee all over the world
« Reply #28 on: June 15, 2009, 10:14:39 pm »

Here's a tidbit I have used.  When in another country eat the local yogurt.  It is suppose to have the antibodies for the local parasites in the water. Hopefully they have it in China.  Is has worked for me in the past.  I plan to stick with it if possible.


Vince G

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RE: how to pee all over the world
« Reply #29 on: June 15, 2009, 10:46:42 pm »
yogurt? yogurt? Maybe? Not for me though. I worked in a milk company and that was one of the by-products. yogurt, cottage cheese? is like Kryptonite to me. Milk gone bad is the only thing that make me gag. I did want to bring up that they had a milk problem a few months ago in China. I think they mixed in the wrong water?

Ice Cubes, Yeah thanks Irish I did know that but good for others to remember. Learned that before I went to Mexico. (to see Maxx):icon_cheesygrin: