All About China > Chinese Culture And Festivals

bizarre relationships

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On my first trip I met a man and his girlfriend at KTV.  He could speak English and was very rich and powerful.  He had a beautiful girlfriend and he was very proud of her, but was also sure to point out that this was not his wife, it was indeed his girlfriend.

On my next trip, She was one of the ladies that came to pick me up.  That night we had supper in a restaurant.  At the dinner there was (counterclockwise from me) Nina, her sister (best friend), an older gentleman, a pretty young lady, the girlfriend (Jenny) and Jenny's daughter.  The gentleman is Jenny's husband and I am only guessing, but I assume the young girl is the gentleman's girlfriend.

At our last dinner, it was just me, Nina, Jenny and her daughter.  Jenny's boyfriend called and we talked on the phone for a while.  He asked me to find his girlfriend a Canadian boyfriend.  I assumed he was joking, but he sounded very serious and told me he would be honored to be replaced by a man like me.  

Very creepy.  Jenny seems to be around 30, her husband must be over 50, her boyfriend as well.  Her husband's girlfriend seemed to be 25 or even younger.

Willy The Londoner:
Perhaps Oiler should step in here. Right age, right nationality.

And Rob note that Jenny is around 30 and her husband over 50.  What does that equal - a good match.


She's married?

Yes, I believe Jenny is married.

Hahaha!!!,  Welcome to just a brief insight into the lifes of the rich and famous in China!!
There's not much that these guys can't get away with,'s just accepted by both the wife and the mistresses. I know of many such men, and similar stories to which Neil has written of here. Some of these guys can be keeping half a dozen such girlfriends/mistresses in plush apartments, and charge cards, .....all will be young and all will be very beautiful....

Money is ''Everything'' in China, and i do mean Everything!!!



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