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bizarre relationships

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How about Cher and her bagel boy lover? :icon_cheesygrin:

its a little different here as the kept woman isnt looked upon
 like they would be in the usa

I asked Nina to confirm my suspicions.  Yes, it's true.  She also was adamant about the fact that this was not her lifestyle, but she doesn't judge her friends.  So, while the lifestyle is not for everyone, it is not something that is necessarily looked down upon.  The situation seems to work for them.

chen yan:
I ever know this kind of girl with married man (Normally this kind of girl is poor), But I just couldn't be friend with them, the value oriented is totally different .
 Why this kind of rich man can have wife and girl friends at the same time, Because he knows no one can leave him because different seasons.
 Now the society become more and more tolerent. I feel sad.

chen yan

Just a thought: If both parties are OK with the arrangement, is it really bad? That's what I ask. I understand you may not agree with it and I do not agree with it. But if the man and woman both go into it knowing how it works and are OK with it, then is it really bad?


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