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bizarre relationships

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ive seen that quite a few times here in china
 more so in the big cities

I should do real well in China...  Well except for the money thing... Oh and the multiple women thing...   :dodgy:

One woman will wear shaun out :icon_cheesygrin: let alone a bevy of them.  Willy, I believe shaun will be a good long lasting customer for you...haha   No offence Shaun, but more than one would make your dig-a-ling fall off or give you a stroke.  Although it is an idea, Willy can hook you up I am sure.  Besides too much will make you go blind....:icon_cheesygrin:

Don,  far be it from me to blow your theories BUT... 1.) after 27 years of marriage I wore her out...  2.)Let me be perfectly clear (Nixon Voice) ... I do not, nor have I ever needed Viagra... (Well it is close to what he said.)  3.) If I get a choice it would not be the ding-a-ling falling off.   I won't even comment on the rest. :icon_cheesygrin:

Willy The Londoner:

--- Quote from: 'shaun' pid='27157' dateline='1262491597' ---
Don,  far be it from me to blow your theories BUT... 1.) after 27 years of marriage I wore her out...  2.)Let me be perfectly clear (Nixon Voice) ... I do not, nor have I ever needed Viagra... (Well it is close to what he said.)  3.) If I get a choice it would not be the ding-a-ling falling off.   I won't even comment on the rest. :icon_cheesygrin:

--- End quote ---

Shaun - We have all noted that you did not quote Clintons phrase.  'I have not had sexual relations with that women'


Even Clinton was hedging his bets by not naming which one!!!!


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