Author Topic: America's Changing Attitude?  (Read 6064 times)

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Offline Jadams79

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RE: America's Changing Attitude?
« Reply #15 on: January 02, 2010, 07:35:52 pm »
Fox News, seriously fox news....... It shouldnt even be called News, maybe Shock News, because from one extreme to the next and one flashing light to the other, they rarely report anything credible. Especially with "future casts" and "polls" and the plague of various other self opinionated dribble.

When you can take many of their news stories, compare it against say BBC, AP & NPR and the facts are different or inflated, or even completly wrong. I discount about 95% of the things on fox news, its a lame attempt at a bright flashing light to entertain the masses. And the entertainment is stories like this from polls they take from their viewer base online, then they formulate stories off of the results to the most shocking degree. Then they find some self proclamed organization that touts whatever line they need said on TV.

I hear Fox News in a conversation my brain just says bla bla bla bla bla, its an entertaining station, but I find that their credibility is crap on most days. But they do know how to play and sway the fears and hopes of the mob.

*Needs to be moved to campfire not in newbie corner*
« Last Edit: January 02, 2010, 07:42:32 pm by Jadams79 »
Can't fix stupid.


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RE: America's Changing Attitude?
« Reply #16 on: January 02, 2010, 07:50:31 pm »
These sort of News reports and the surveys we keep hearing about, are not worth the paper they are written on. Today's journalists only seem to want to scare people, and do nothing constructive to help any situation they are covering, ....It's always the ''Doom and Gloom angle that they promote. Like Jadams79  i take all these things with a bloody big pinch of salt!!!



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RE: America's Changing Attitude?
« Reply #17 on: January 02, 2010, 08:11:29 pm »
I posted then left in a hurry for work this morning.  Here is the link:

Tell me what you think after seeing video.

There are two thing I am already seeing from this news report with regard to my business.

1.) People are now expecting new furniture for used furniture prices.   They are not buying used furniture as much. (i.e. living with class.)

2.) It is becoming increasingly more difficult to sell merchandise that has Made in China on the bottom of it.  I have thought it is more the type of clientele that I sell to rather than the economy.   Most are lower income who want nice things in their homes but want million dollar artwork at garage sale prices and are unwilling to do the research to learn about the type of things they want to purchase.

In studying the market place I have been hearing through the grapevine and in snip its of published business articles what Gerald said today.  No one that I have read or seen has put it together quite or has been a brazen like Gerald has in this story with so much detail.  Quite frankly it scares the hell out of me from a business perspective.


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RE: America's Changing Attitude?
« Reply #18 on: January 02, 2010, 08:17:48 pm »
That's what the intention of this news report, make you and others scared!!!
As i said above, nothing there constructive, just destructive, .....It's what sellst newspapers, and what TV news desks are all about these days!!.....

« Last Edit: January 02, 2010, 08:18:31 pm by David5o »

Offline jeffm

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RE: America's Changing Attitude?
« Reply #19 on: January 02, 2010, 08:30:07 pm »
Quote from: 'David E' pid='27132' dateline='1262476552'

....and therein lies the dilemma ....stuffed if you do, stuffed if you dont.

It is pure fantasy to think that China would ever committ financial suicide by cashing in all its US Treasury Bonds...both economies would crash.

Problem is, whilst it is conceivable for China merely to "rattle swords" at USA and request more fiscal prudence to protect its investment (which it has done several times in recent history)...there is very little else the Chinese can do about it....and the World waits, holding its breath to see where the Worlds biggest economy is heading !!!! Signs are that it is still on the downhill, but maybe slowing the descent a bit.

The US economy is still in an extremely precarious situation and it is not alone.......After all...would we ever have thought that a place like Dubai would default on its loans ???, or that a WHOLE Country would declare bancrupcy (Iceland)

Somewhere, somehow, your "astounding " new President has got to show the World that he and his Cabinet are doing SOMETHING to bail out the Ship.

As an outside observer, and this opinion is not an expert one, I am baffled to see what he has done so far...except to accept $2 Million for the Nobel Peace Prize !!!!!

If the World could at least see that something constructive was being done in USA to get back on track, then we could all relax a little more...that goes for both me and the Chinese :icon_cheesygrin::icon_cheesygrin:

I pray he doesn't get re-elected.

He's in over his head.

He and his party have already done damage.
Quote from: 'Jadams79' pid='27138' dateline='1262478952'

Fox News, seriously fox news....... It shouldnt even be called News, maybe Shock News, because from one extreme to the next and one flashing light to the other, they rarely report anything credible. Especially with "future casts" and "polls" and the plague of various other self opinionated dribble.

When you can take many of their news stories, compare it against say BBC, AP & NPR and the facts are different or inflated, or even completly wrong. I discount about 95% of the things on fox news, its a lame attempt at a bright flashing light to entertain the masses. And the entertainment is stories like this from polls they take from their viewer base online, then they formulate stories off of the results to the most shocking degree. Then they find some self proclamed organization that touts whatever line they need said on TV.

I hear Fox News in a conversation my brain just says bla bla bla bla bla, its an entertaining station, but I find that their credibility is crap on most days. But they do know how to play and sway the fears and hopes of the mob.

*Needs to be moved to campfire not in newbie corner*

It's funny you say that.  

I am the exact polar opposite.  

That's how I feel about the news agencies you listed.

It's a philosophical debate of how to manage money, economies, and govern people.
« Last Edit: January 02, 2010, 08:33:36 pm by jeffm »
Watch what people do not what they say


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RE: America's Changing Attitude?
« Reply #20 on: January 02, 2010, 08:37:19 pm »
One thing you have to be thankful of, ....Bush the Puppet/Muppet isn't still in the White house. God,......anything just has to be better than that clown running things!!!



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RE: America's Changing Attitude?
« Reply #21 on: January 02, 2010, 08:42:22 pm »
Quote from: 'Jadams79' pid='27138' dateline='1262478952'
Fox News, seriously fox news....... It shouldnt even be called News, maybe Shock News, because from one extreme to the next and one flashing light to the other, they rarely report anything credible. Especially with "future casts" and "polls" and the plague of various other self opinionated dribble.

When you can take many of their news stories, compare it against say BBC, AP & NPR and the facts are different or inflated, or even completly wrong. I discount about 95% of the things on fox news, its a lame attempt at a bright flashing light to entertain the masses. And the entertainment is stories like this from polls they take from their viewer base online, then they formulate stories off of the results to the most shocking degree. Then they find some self proclamed organization that touts whatever line they need said on TV.

I hear Fox News in a conversation my brain just says bla bla bla bla bla, its an entertaining station, but I find that their credibility is crap on most days. But they do know how to play and sway the fears and hopes of the mob.

*Needs to be moved to campfire not in newbie corner*


These sort of News reports and the surveys we keep hearing about, are not worth the paper they are written on. Today's journalists only seem to want to scare people, and do nothing constructive to help any situation they are covering, ....It's always the ''Doom and Gloom angle that they promote. Like Jadams79 i take all these things with a bloody big pinch of salt!!!


Your assessment of Fox new is based on your political opinion rather than facts.  Using the AP or NPR which is straight from the Democratic party is NOT a system to base opinion on.  You had better watch both sides of the news because both sides have their own agenda.  There is not a non-partisan news outlet in the US and to side with one of them IS just the same as drinking the Kool-aid of mass... well you know...

If you take AP and NPR along with the White House they are selling the idea that this economy has seen the worst and has turned the corner to improvement.  Simply put, it is a lie.  

Check with business owners.  They will tell you a completely different story.  It is non-political one.  We as businessmen are loosing out shirts.  Profits are way down and no one is buy things that are not government supported unless you are a Walmart and even they are not making the kinds of profits they did 10 years ago.  Why?  People are not spending money because they either do not have it or they do have it and are afraid to spend it because of the unstable economy.

Secondly.  Local and State governments are still cutting back on their spending.  Our local school system has already faces a 4.5mil cutback from state funding and will face another 4.5mil cutback this semester.  Why?  State and local governments are bankrupt.  Why?  Because people are not spending money.

So where is the turn around.  Why is it only Fox News that is reporting that the economy still sucks.

The only thing you will find with me is that I am not pro any kind of government party.  I distrust democrats and republicans.  I do not see any difference between the two parties.

You will not get factual news unless you look at more than one source of information.

To put down Fox and raise up others as being the truth either shows that your response was based on political opinion or you do nor realize that you are seriously uninformed.

Men I question everything where man can profit.  I will not comment on the BBC because they are not on my radar and I not know much about them.
« Last Edit: January 02, 2010, 08:44:37 pm by shaun »

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RE: America's Changing Attitude?
« Reply #22 on: January 02, 2010, 09:16:14 pm »
As I said,

They all have their own agendas...when I listen to something, I try to get several networks view on it before I count it as accurate.

That said, I do support the "buy local" thing, but I do it in a different way.  Your milage may vary on this one...

When it's big ticket items, I like stuff to be cheaper... I think everyone agrees on that.  But to do the research on every aspect of everything, I think that's just time wasting.  There are things that are only made in China.  Some in Malaysia and some in Indonesia.  Fair enough.  If it's also locally made, that's great too, but for electronics, not likely...  So what to do?  Support your local retailer.  Not necessarily the walmarts or the Futureshop/Bestbuy (Canadian) or the Mark and Spencers (UK).  Support the small business guy who runs the independent store.  Chances are they can get close to the price of the big ticket stores if they're not already and they are the guys who will give you better service.  If the difference isn't a large difference, it's better spent that way.  The big companies will usually be there for those who's bottom line is the price.  But don't expect the kind of service you will get at a small business (Like Shaun's).
梦醒时分 - Meng Xing Shi Fen


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RE: America's Changing Attitude?
« Reply #23 on: January 02, 2010, 09:30:37 pm »
Thanks for the plug Frank.  One of the rule of thumbs I like to say is, "When I buy something, I want to be able to get my hands around the owners throat if I need to."

Your local businessman may not throw as much money to local charities as the big retail outlets can but you will find the local businessman working hand in hand at the local charity long before the big retail outlet management does.

Offline Jadams79

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RE: America's Changing Attitude?
« Reply #24 on: January 02, 2010, 10:01:28 pm »

I agree with you completly, I do not put faith in ANY form of news, government or religion. Fox News, is just an example some shows are interesting others are not. When I want real information on business I do my own research, stock market, consumer trends, various various various agencies. Numbers do not lie, news stations and people do, to suit whatever personal agenda suits them. The interpretations are all different, true numbers never lie.

I could care less about what any one news station ever has to say. But if you are like me, your business is for your gain, and you will do your research according to what is going to benefit you most based upon the evidence.

Protectionism, sure, it could happen, it depends on what the consumers want. Because if the world is waiting on the US to decide something they are going to be sorely pissed off in the end. We will do what benefits us, it shouldnt take long to research that history.

Immigration, this arguement has been rehashed in every single government through history, every single time there was a financial crash, nothing new.

As for the magical forming of a 3rd party, sure why not, but that muppet idea has failed many times over, in a Republic it would be great and wonderful, and a great step for democracy. See how hard both parties fight tooth and nail to keep this wild card out.

As for whatever magical form of carbon substance in our whitehouse, or any other form of government office, democrat, republican, independant, they will do whatever benefits them the most. Whatever agenda best suits them, personally I dont care what happens, to me its not a debate, the random chaos sorts itself out in the end and everything happens exactly how it was going to happen no matter what happens. Because every single person has their own views on every single thing, and in the end as human nature shows, history will repeat itself, so its still all the same thing that happened in the great depression, it  will happen again, because something suits someone somewhere with money and power and you are completly helpless to do anything about it. Then in so many cyclic years the same crap will happen again for a similar reason, its called chaos and its  cyclic nature cannot be changed. Everything else is just taming the mob, and the illusion of democracy marches on ^_^ When I vote, I actually pay attention to what the retard in office voted on if I dont like what he voted on I vote for someone different, democrat, republican, independant, does not matter to me.

In the end do whats best for your business, I am just saying trusting one report from one group is self perpetuated business suicide. If the whole of the market trend shows buy USA i'd change my business in a heart beat. And i would be instrumental in advertising this way too haha
Can't fix stupid.


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RE: America's Changing Attitude?
« Reply #25 on: January 02, 2010, 11:36:45 pm »
All I can say is Obama was handed a bowl of sh*T from Bush, and told 'good luck".  With all the congress idiots and senator idiot's its a wonder anything gets done.   The republicans are still crying because they didn't win the election and blaming everything on obama and trying to stop him at every corner.  It's a wonder why anything gets done around here, and if it does, its only because everyone is tired of arguing with each other. Please don't get me into politics, cause it's a hopeless cause with those idiots.

I do have one thing to say however....

                                                      BUY SHAUNS WIDGETS...BEST WIDGETS ANYWHERE....HE NEEDS THE MONEY.

Chinese women arn't cheap :dodgy:

go shaun go....
« Last Edit: January 02, 2010, 11:37:55 pm by rockycoon »


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RE: America's Changing Attitude?
« Reply #26 on: January 02, 2010, 11:48:41 pm »
Quote from: 'rockycoon' pid='27160' dateline='1262493405'

All I can say is Obama was handed a bowl of sh*T from Bush, and told 'good luck".  With all the congress idiots and senator idiot's its a wonder anything gets done.   The republicans are still crying because they didn't win the election and blaming everything on obama and trying to stop him at every corner.  It's a wonder why anything gets done around here, and if it does, its only because everyone is tired of arguing with each other. Please don't get me into politics, cause it's a hopeless cause with those idiots.

I do have one thing to say however....

                                                      BUY SHAUNS WIDGETS...BEST WIDGETS ANYWHERE....HE NEEDS THE MONEY.

Chinese women arn't cheap :dodgy:

go shaun go....

They are better than Viagra. :icon_cheesygrin::icon_cool:

Don, you're too funny.


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RE: America's Changing Attitude?
« Reply #27 on: January 03, 2010, 07:57:29 am »

Now i can agree wholeheartedly with that. I never quite understood how Muppet Bush got in, the first time, let alone the second term. He caused America to be one of the most hated countries on earth, turned round a Clinton surplus to putting the country back into Trillions of debt, bigger even than his dad left!!! And was considered as a complete Joke throughout Europe!!!

Young Bush has to be ranked as one of the worst, if not the very worst President you have ever had... Everything he ever achieved in his life was solely on the back of his old man, Bush Senior. From what i can remember, he's been a parasite civil servant for most of his working life, (thanks again to good ole Dad!!) and had never been outside of continental America in his life before becoming President!!!
Makes you wonder where he would be in this life, were it not for being George Bush's son.
Not very much i would hazard to guess!!

Don't worry though your not alone, ....we have had our own Muppets in Europe too!!! ...haha!!


Offline jeffm

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RE: America's Changing Attitude?
« Reply #28 on: January 03, 2010, 10:39:25 am »
Quote from: 'David5o' pid='27145' dateline='1262482639'

One thing you have to be thankful of, ....Bush the Puppet/Muppet isn't still in the White house. God,......anything just has to be better than that clown running things!!!


the first 4 years i loved bush

the second 4 years he pissed me off.  spent like a drunkin sailor.  So much so that I most likely will change my party affiliation from republican to independent.
never would i change to democrat.  they are socialsits to  me.
Quote from: 'shaun' pid='27147' dateline='1262482942'

Quote from: 'Jadams79' pid='27138' dateline='1262478952'

Fox News, seriously fox news....... It shouldnt even be called News, maybe Shock News, because from one extreme to the next and one flashing light to the other, they rarely report anything credible. Especially with "future casts" and "polls" and the plague of various other self opinionated dribble.

When you can take many of their news stories, compare it against say BBC, AP & NPR and the facts are different or inflated, or even completly wrong. I discount about 95% of the things on fox news, its a lame attempt at a bright flashing light to entertain the masses. And the entertainment is stories like this from polls they take from their viewer base online, then they formulate stories off of the results to the most shocking degree. Then they find some self proclamed organization that touts whatever line they need said on TV.

I hear Fox News in a conversation my brain just says bla bla bla bla bla, its an entertaining station, but I find that their credibility is crap on most days. But they do know how to play and sway the fears and hopes of the mob.

*Needs to be moved to campfire not in newbie corner*


These sort of News reports and the surveys we keep hearing about, are not worth the paper they are written on. Today's journalists only seem to want to scare people, and do nothing constructive to help any situation they are covering, ....It's always the ''Doom and Gloom angle that they promote. Like Jadams79 i take all these things with a bloody big pinch of salt!!!


Your assessment of Fox new is based on your political opinion rather than facts.  Using the AP or NPR which is straight from the Democratic party is NOT a system to base opinion on.  You had better watch both sides of the news because both sides have their own agenda.  There is not a non-partisan news outlet in the US and to side with one of them IS just the same as drinking the Kool-aid of mass... well you know...

If you take AP and NPR along with the White House they are selling the idea that this economy has seen the worst and has turned the corner to improvement.  Simply put, it is a lie.  

Check with business owners.  They will tell you a completely different story.  It is non-political one.  We as businessmen are loosing out shirts.  Profits are way down and no one is buy things that are not government supported unless you are a Walmart and even they are not making the kinds of profits they did 10 years ago.  Why?  People are not spending money because they either do not have it or they do have it and are afraid to spend it because of the unstable economy.

Secondly.  Local and State governments are still cutting back on their spending.  Our local school system has already faces a 4.5mil cutback from state funding and will face another 4.5mil cutback this semester.  Why?  State and local governments are bankrupt.  Why?  Because people are not spending money.

So where is the turn around.  Why is it only Fox News that is reporting that the economy still sucks.

The only thing you will find with me is that I am not pro any kind of government party.  I distrust democrats and republicans.  I do not see any difference between the two parties.

You will not get factual news unless you look at more than one source of information.

To put down Fox and raise up others as being the truth either shows that your response was based on political opinion or you do nor realize that you are seriously uninformed.

Men I question everything where man can profit.  I will not comment on the BBC because they are not on my radar and I not know much about them.

David - rant font on

Bush had a new issue to deal with much unlike Clinton.  911?  It changed the game.  I would rather our military fighting the fightn on their soil instead of our police, firefighters, and doctors on our soil.  No question it was the right thing to do.  

He got re-elected largely due to the fight in the middle east, and Americans didn't want another weak liberal in what's his name oh Kerry.  We didn't need passive leadership at that time.

To fight the war takes billions of dollars.  As far as us being a joke in Europe I could care less what they thought over there.  They can have token militaries, because every one of those country's know that we would have their back in a conflict, so why invest a lot into something if it is already taken care of.  We don't make decisions in this country to please Europe.  What kind of thinking is that?  I could  go on but will stop on that one.  Jeez.

I'm not going to stick up for Bush, because he let us down his last four years.  Spent us into debt instead of seeing the economic bubble looming.  He spent like a liberal democrat!!!  That is what I hate most about him. He abandoned the conservative fiscal philosophy that the republicans had.  And for the rest of the republicans they had control of both the house and the senate and the presidency.  They could have really changed things economically that would be lasting, but instead tried to keep power by pleasing the masses who want to drag on the government tit.  They lost a great opportunity.

Now we have a guy (obama) who has no business being in there.  Because he was a good orator?  Incredible how the people became stupid.  It was an ant-bush vote, but did they realize bush wasn't running anymore?  Stupidity by the masses.  So obama gets in there and throws hundreds of millions at dying companies.  Then pisses off China by raising the tariffs all to protect the unions who helped him get re-elected.  Now we have nationalized health care.  Watch our quality of healthcare slowly go sink to the level of other countries who have proven that it doesn't work.  One stupid move after another.  Like I said he's in over his head.  Instead of throwing money in the direction that not only helps our economy have a lasting recovery, and strengthening the dollar he his taking to the point of the de-valuation of the dollar.  My prediction is on this course we will lose the dollar as the world reserve currency.  Can you say bye bye?  On top of it all obama, bush, clinton, reagan etc didn't have the balls to take control of our financial system from the Federal Reserve.  We have let the bankers in Europe largely charge us for the printing of our own money virtually controlling our financial system.  That is ultimate power not presidents, but presidents can change that.  Our Dept. of the Treasury should be in charge of our monetary system, not the Federal Reserve.  It is amazing to me how blind this country is to that, but isn't that what they really want?  Not many people I can talk to get what is going on fiscally at that level.  

rant font off

Quote from: 'rockycoon' pid='27160' dateline='1262493405'

All I can say is Obama was handed a bowl of sh*T from Bush, and told 'good luck".  With all the congress idiots and senator idiot's its a wonder anything gets done.   The republicans are still crying because they didn't win the election and blaming everything on obama and trying to stop him at every corner.  It's a wonder why anything gets done around here, and if it does, its only because everyone is tired of arguing with each other. Please don't get me into politics, cause it's a hopeless cause with those idiots.

I do have one thing to say however....

                                                      BUY SHAUNS WIDGETS...BEST WIDGETS ANYWHERE....HE NEEDS THE MONEY.

Chinese women arn't cheap :dodgy:

go shaun go....

Isn't that what the democrats did while Bush was president?  They shot down about 140 court appointees that he nominated.

They tried through CNN and the others to sabotage the war to make him fail.  Yeah our own lovely democrats would have rather see us lose lives so they can regain power.
« Last Edit: January 03, 2010, 11:17:50 am by jeffm »
Watch what people do not what they say

Vince G

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RE: America's Changing Attitude?
« Reply #29 on: January 03, 2010, 11:46:07 am »
OK Guys it's getting a little to political. Remember we are a relationship forum. Everyone has opinions and a rant for this but it always leads to a argument so lets end it before.