Author Topic: Letter to Chnlove  (Read 19712 times)

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Letter to Chnlove
« on: May 14, 2009, 04:46:37 pm »
Guys, if you are interested in signing this letter, please hit reply, and add your name & partial CHNlove profile ID #.  Thank you.


Dear CHNlove ( Manager, Customer Care Dept. ) :

My name is Martin de Groot, and I am a member of Chnlove, profile # CM***798. I just came back from China where I married a lovely lady that I found on ChnLove. As you may or may not be aware, I am also the creator and administrator of another online community. This community is made up exclusively of male members of Chnlove. The purpose of this group is to support each other in our pursuit for a life partner. We have taken the example of your forums, and customized it to a more personal level. Currently, we have over 100 members who correspond with each other.

Lately, there have been some major concerns over the conduct of some of the agencies in China that work in cooperation with Chnlove. There have been multiple complaints about agencies not acting in good faith. More specifically, these agencies employ translators who write fictitious letters on behalf of their lady clients. One of our member received and replied to 60 EMFs before visiting the lady in China. Once he arrived there, only then was he aware of this situation. The lady, in question, didn't know of his existence. Two other members went through the same situation. If you want specific names and the agencies in question, I will gladly provide this information.

Our members wish to co-operate with ChnLove to ensure that ALL agencies abide by your rules. We understand that you have no control over the business conduct of these individual agencies. However, if no action is taken on behalf of ChnLove to police these fraudulent activities & to punish those agencies, we have no choice but to make this information public on our forum and to encourage our members to BOYCOTT using those agencies in question. We're circulating this letter to all of our members, and allow them to put their names on this letter in lieu of a signature, to show their support of this situation.


Martin DeGroot
China Love Forum, Administrator

Petition Signatures :

Martin DeGroot, # CM***798
Chong Hum, # CM***147
Neil Pridgeon, # CM***322
Victor Hills, # CM***858
Robert O'Donnell # CM***276
Norb Smith # CM***345
Paul Todd # CM***536
Vincent Grittani # CM***887
Fred Roseman # CM***602
Shane McDonald # CM***368
Kenny Krall # CM***371
James L. Burk # CM***215
Ronald Van Der Zee # CM***185
Jason Heidenreich # CM***425
Scott Meldrum, # CM***544
Maxx Weddle # CM***695
RC Campbell # CM***236
Mike O'Brien #CM***312
Michael Maines # CM***061
Arnold E. Dusch # CM***550
Robert Bert # CM***293
Peter Kristiansson # CM***958
Carl Schick, # CM***534
Michael P. Seal # CM***121
Alex Viac # CM***322
David Quincy # CM***140
David Paterson CM***716
Robert Snellgrove # CM***167
Stuart barlow #CM***335
Lawrence ( Skip ) Cook # CM**9655
« Last Edit: May 23, 2009, 01:15:50 pm by Chong »

Vince G

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RE: Letter to Chnlove
« Reply #1 on: May 14, 2009, 11:24:29 pm »
EVERYONE, when you reply you can delete what's on the window (quote) and just put your info in. That way it's not putting the whole letter in over and over.


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RE: Letter to Chnlove
« Reply #2 on: May 29, 2009, 11:06:30 am »
From:      Flora Tsui (Customer Care)
To:     Martin deGroot
Date:     29 May, 2009 GMT
Att.:      Chnlove_img.jpg (54.12k)
Dear Martin,

How are you? Thanks for sharing your concern with us. We appreciate your attention and support to Chnlove, herein please allow us to wish you, as well as all the members in your Facebook community a happy Dragon Boat Festival, which I suppose your wife might have given your some information about it. We are sending you a picture of Zongzi, some kind of typical food we eat during the festival. Hope you will all enjoy it with your ladies in near future. :-)

We are glad to hear that you have found your ideal mate in Chnlove, hope you will embark a wonderful future together. At the same time, we are very surprised to hear about our members' experience with the agencies. We appreciate your notification on this matter, and we understand your attitude towards the agencies' dishonest behavior. To ensure all the agencies abide by our rules and improve their service level has always been our goal. About the case your mentioned, we will forward to our Upper Management as first priority after the Dragon Boat holiday.

Again, we thank you for telling us the information you obtained. As a communication platform, we cooperate with the agencies that provide direct services to our ladies and gentlemen members. We have serious policies and regulations the agencies must follow to deal with the ladies' profiles, Admiration Letter, Cupid Note and EMF mails. However, since the agencies are independent companies, we cannot always exclude some individual agency or translator acting against our policy and causing harm to our gentlemen members. But once it is verified and convinced, we will adopt serious measures to make sure they receive their punishments. As the saying goes, Perfect may not exist, but better does. The feedback and complain from our clients can always push us to improve our service to a higher level.

Chnlove welcomes our members to evaluate our agencies' services. At the same time, we encourage our clients to make their suggestion for better use of the service. We are here, with respectful attention to listen to your advice on how to ensure that all the agencies abide by our rules. We will forward your suggestion to our Upper Management for thorough evaluation and keep you informed of the updates.

On the other hand, you may notice that recently we have adopted a series of measures to invite our clients to give pressure to the agencies fro all-around improvement of their services, including EMF mail Satisfactory Rate, Agency Feedback Rating Statistics. There are many gentlemen who have rated their satisfactory with the agencies, and as you can see, most of them are Excellent and Good. This Statistics will wash out the agencies that are not doing a good job in providing honest and satisfied service to our client. And we believe that it can help us to get rid of some dishonest agencies finally.

We pay great attention to the case that you mentioned, please let us have the names, the agency's ID, the lady's member ID, and our gentleman's member ID, we will talk to our Intendance Dept and ask them to look into the case immediately. If necessary, we will also send an email to the gentlemen directly and provide them more assistance.

Once and again, thanks for your (for all the listed names and kindness) time and attention on this matter. We firmly believe that with the support from many more honest and responsible customers like you, and with our determination and efforts to address any complaints from our members, Chnlove will become a respected company with high accountability. Though we understand it might not happen over night, we will put all our strength to attain this goal.

If you have further question or concern, please feel free to contact us, we are always there for our distinguished client.

Kind regards,

Flora Tsui
Chnlove Customer Care

This is the letter I got from our letter to them.

Vince G

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RE: Letter to Chnlove
« Reply #3 on: May 29, 2009, 11:31:46 am »
stroke stroke stroke
« Last Edit: May 29, 2009, 11:32:52 am by Vince G »


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RE: Letter to Chnlove
« Reply #4 on: May 29, 2009, 11:45:05 am »
Funny thing...after just re-reading the reply, she mentioned "herein please allow us to wish you, as well as all the members in your Facebook community a happy Dragon Boat Festival".  Nowhere in the letter did we mention facebook!

So obviously, they are somewhat aware of us.


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RE: Letter to Chnlove
« Reply #5 on: May 29, 2009, 11:53:16 am » what is the next step?  Do we get those that were reflected in the original letter to send a letter to Customer Care, or do we invite Customer Care to read a few specific threads?  What is the best course of action at this point?

Offline RobertBfrom aust

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RE: Letter to Chnlove
« Reply #6 on: May 29, 2009, 12:10:55 pm »
Martin , why not give Flora the choice of which way her management would like to handle it , and by the way Flora is a slippery name over here , it is a Margarine , haha , regards Robert .
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Offline Uncle Brucie

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RE: Letter to Chnlove
« Reply #7 on: May 29, 2009, 01:03:37 pm »
Bruce MacGregor CM CM***637
My 2 cents  ????

Offline Skip

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RE: Letter to Chnlove
« Reply #8 on: May 29, 2009, 02:33:20 pm »
I think it is interesting Customer Service is willing to let the bad agencies "wash out" through member feedback and diminished participation.  Obviously the only way to get the feedback is for someone to get their wallet "rung out" in the process.  Nothing in the letter about restitution for a really bad experience? The compassion of the response brings tears to my eyes.  If I responded to my clients' complaints like this, I wouldn't have any.


Offline JimB

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RE: Letter to Chnlove
« Reply #9 on: May 29, 2009, 03:42:24 pm »
You think this may be the reason Proteus shows up? lol    Hey at least we got their attention.
Maxx's 24 hour rule, learn it, live it.


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RE: Letter to Chnlove
« Reply #10 on: May 29, 2009, 04:10:34 pm »
I think that we, -- as a brotherhood got 3 things from this.........

1. The subject was brought to their attention, and they know we will not let it drop without a fight.....

2. A person from their organizaton talking to us, even if he is 'under orders' not to say too much, which I for one think could be the case.....

3 The brotherhood standing firm shoulder to shoulder together, as in one voice, throughout history, one voice has very often triumphed......

With that in mind, let's see what else is achievable, but do it one step (case) at a time....:)
« Last Edit: May 29, 2009, 04:12:42 pm by Scottish_Rob »


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RE: Letter to Chnlove
« Reply #11 on: May 29, 2009, 06:12:41 pm » who all went to China to see the girl they were writing to...only to find out they were writing to a translator...I want cases of people that know this for certain, because they went there.  I do not want speculation.  My memory is not good enough to remember who it was.  Also, let me know how many letters were passed back and forth.

Or, write directly to chnlove Customer Care, and write a detailed letter...let them know you are writing in response to the letter that was sent to them by me.  Let them know them that you will be posting your letter in our forum for all to read, and that any reply will be told to all the brotherhood.  We have their attention...lets keep up the pressure.  If we can get these issues straightened out, chnlove will be a better company for it, and we will see less and less of this garbage.

Also, make sure to mention if you believe your lady is being bribed or blackmailed to lie for the agency.

Good luck.


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RE: Letter to Chnlove
« Reply #12 on: May 29, 2009, 06:19:09 pm »

In my case I am not certain if the agency is also an agency for Chnlove (see my post "My trip to Fushun"). Can we generate a list of all their agencies (without going through all the profiles)?


Vince G

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RE: Letter to Chnlove
« Reply #13 on: May 29, 2009, 06:29:16 pm »
If a agency or a translator of that agency was doing wrong, there is no need for a list of agencies. Each individual that had their trouble can put the agency name in. They will need ALL INFO.


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RE: Letter to Chnlove
« Reply #14 on: May 29, 2009, 06:35:46 pm »
But we can't complain to Chnlove if the marriage agency has no affiliation with Chnlove. That was my point, need to know first.