Author Topic: Letter to Chnlove  (Read 19686 times)

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RE: Letter to Chnlove
« Reply #15 on: May 29, 2009, 06:46:04 pm »
Spruik...if you joined through the other site, I would say that this doesn't cover your situation.  Have you used Chnlove at all?  I am just curious if you are having better luck here.


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RE: Letter to Chnlove
« Reply #16 on: May 29, 2009, 07:07:54 pm »
In my opinion, if that agency is affiliated with Chnlove, they should be made aware of it. People who are that crooked will not care and are likely to do the same to a member of Chnlove.

I am communiating with 2 ladies through Chnlove that went off EMF after the first letter (don't tell...), but blocked 5 others as I was being bombarded with short follow-ups the next day or the following day (without me having a reasonable opportunity to respond) costing real money and was really p!ssing me off.

I only joined Chnlove recently.


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RE: Letter to Chnlove
« Reply #17 on: May 29, 2009, 07:30:32 pm »
Hi Martin,
I am writing a detailed complaint letter to Chnlove when I return to England regarding my experiences with the CLB agency. I am waiting till I get back just in case the agency kills me in my hotel bed. Paranoid, moi?
I will be asking for 51 EMFs back and referring to your letter. Any suggestions as to how I word my response?

Offline Uncle Brucie

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RE: Letter to Chnlove
« Reply #18 on: May 29, 2009, 08:09:19 pm »
Bruce MacGregor CM CM***637
My 2 cents  ????

Offline froseman

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RE: Letter to Chnlove
« Reply #19 on: May 29, 2009, 08:39:31 pm »
Quote from: 'alex' pid='4275' dateline='1243639832'

Hi Martin,
I am writing a detailed complaint letter to Chnlove when I return to England regarding my experiences with the CLB agency. I am waiting till I get back just in case the agency kills me in my hotel bed. Paranoid, moi?
I will be asking for 51 EMFs back and referring to your letter. Any suggestions as to how I word my response?

I was hoping that Alex would have a good experience with CLB Agency in Changsha, China.  I assume that Alex did not like the CLB agency.  I still get admirers letters from ladies at the CLB agency.  I just ignored the ladies from the CLB agency.


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RE: Letter to Chnlove
« Reply #20 on: May 29, 2009, 08:56:35 pm »
Hi Fred,
check out my sorry but ultimately happier tale in the 'Your Trip to China' section under 'Long distance journey between man and woman'


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RE: Letter to Chnlove
« Reply #21 on: May 29, 2009, 10:59:40 pm »
I would do exactly as you said...write a detailed letter, describing everything.  Make sure they are aware that we all know about this letter.  There will be no hiding behind the cloak of secrecy for them.  They had the upper hand before, because we all acted as individuals.  Now we speak with one voice.

Remember, we are not against Chnlove.  We are hopefully making them a better service, so that the men that follow us, do not have to deal with this kind of crap.

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RE: Letter to Chnlove
« Reply #22 on: May 31, 2009, 04:03:41 am »
« Last Edit: February 27, 2016, 11:53:26 pm by Philip »

Vince G

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RE: Letter to Chnlove
« Reply #23 on: May 31, 2009, 08:05:52 am »
Good letter Alex. Some things I would have left out? but it's good. Something like "Thank you for a speedy resolution of this matter." well they haven't done crap yet? so I would have held this sentence off till later. But....

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RE: Letter to Chnlove
« Reply #24 on: May 31, 2009, 08:39:43 am »

« Last Edit: February 27, 2016, 11:54:10 pm by Philip »

Offline Uncle Brucie

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RE: Letter to Chnlove
« Reply #25 on: May 31, 2009, 04:35:11 pm »
I do not believe this it is a form letter i got same one different little things but almost the same just which agency is involved is changed a few different changes but it looks close enough

From:      Sherry Chu (Customer Care)
To:     Bruce Macgregor
Date:     05 May, 2009 GMT
Dear Bruce,

Ni Hao! This is Sherry from Chnlove customer care. Thanks for sharing your concern with us. I can understand your feelings currently. I'm very grateful that you could share your thoughts with us, so we can have the chance to address your concern and provide any possible assistance to you.

Bruce, I fully understood your concern. I believe that you are very serious in finding your true love on our site, such attitude is greatly appreciated and admired by us. And I truly hope that we could be of help to you. Concerning your communication with the lady ********* (P356***), I have soon forwarded your case to our Intendance Dept.. They attached great attention to your case and is now looking into the matter with the related agency and the lady. Thanks for your kind patience in advance.

Bruce, Chnlove has been aiming at building a safe platform for serious communication between sincere clients. As you know, Chnlove is independent from each local agency as individual companies. We pay the agency who provides EMF messages translation and delivery services to the Chinese ladies, thus enable free translation as well as professional consultation service to the ladies, making it easier for communication between people of different languages and cultures. Though Chnlove is not involved in the internal business of each agency, we have strict policies and regulations that each agency should As-Is deliver the EMF mails and offer quality service to help both male and female members communicate smoothly.

While, we notice that sometimes there are some unexpected situations happened during the course of communication, such as the feelings and personal situation of both the gentlemen and the ladies. That's why we advise our gentlemen clients to go for a relationship based on mutual trust and understanding. With the joint efforts by the two sides, a promising relationship can possibly bloom and fruit. Chnlove is unremittingly making great efforts in providing more guidelines and useful tips for gentlemen to communicate with Chinese ladies, such as online safety tips. You are warmly advised to take a look at these information, hopefully it will be helpful for you.

Thanks again for your support to our customer care. We welcome you to share your comment or feedback with us or any questions you concern about, we will follow up to your kind satisfaction.

Kind regards,
Sherry Chu
Chnlove Customer Care

stick with it took 10 days for my return of  24
My 2 cents  ????

Offline Philip

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RE: Letter to Chnlove
« Reply #26 on: June 03, 2009, 08:19:43 am »
Hi guys,
I hope you still have a sense of humour. I am rapidly losing mine. I got this reply from Chnlove today, together with a lovely letter from the boss of P216, which I include as an attachment.

From:  Flora Tsui (Customer Care)
To:  Alex Viac
Date:  03 Jun, 2009 GMT
Att.:   Chnlove_img.jpg (153.15k)
Dear Alex,

Thanks for your kind response and further explanation of your concern. You are a very thoughtful gentleman. We fully understand your feeling at this moment.

Further to our last email, please be informed that our Intendance Dept has contacted the agency, P216 about your enquiry. The boss of the agency, Qiu Qinghuang has looked into this matter immediately and reported the situation. Attached is his explanation on this case. Please have a look.

At the same time, our Intendance Dept has made a call to the lady, P216365 - Carol Lu directly about your concern. Following is her personal response. Please have a look.

"P216365 - Carol Lu told us that she knew CM738332 - Alex Viac. She usually read and replied the gentleman's letters by telephone, email and QQ. She was fully aware of their communication through Chnlove. Usually she would give her letters to the translator, and the translator will translate and send them out. She met the gentleman days ago and has very good impression and nice feeling for him. However, she was still concern about the gentleman's hair. She did not show his photos to her families during their communication. It was until they met in person she decided to give the photos to her families, but all of them against strongly. She took her sister to meet the gentleman. Unfortunately, her sister does not agree still after the meeting. So, she had no choice but reconsider their relationship."

Alex, hope the above info could help to ease your concern. To further investigate the agency's service quality, our Intendance Dept has randomly selected a few ladies from the agency and made a telephone survey. So far, the investigation shows that the agency has followed Chnlove's policy to translate and deliver the EMF mails, and the ladies are happy with their service.

Alex, you are a very sincere gentleman, we truly hope that you will find your ideal mate in our site. As you know, communication is very important for the development of a relationship. Our site offers a platform for gentlemen to meet real ladies they selected, but it's communication that can help to look into the real heart of a lady. We always advise our gentlemen clients to go for a relationship based on mutual trust and understanding. With the joint efforts by the two sides, a promising relationship can possibly bloom and fruit.

We notice that sometimes there may be unexpected circumstances happened during the course of communication, such as the feelings and changed situation of both the gentlemen and the ladies. Therefore, Chnlove is unremittingly making great efforts in providing more guidelines and useful tips for gentlemen to communicate with Chinese ladies, such as the online Safety Tips. You are warmly advised to take a look at the information. Hopefully it will be helpful for you.

Alex, you have been a member of our site for some time, we appreciate your time and support to our service in the past. And as your friend (if I'm that lucky), I truly hope I could be of help to you. Just now I have forwarded your case to our Billing Dept personally. Seeing that you are a very sincere gentleman, they agree to present you 6 credits as a special offer. It is my sincere wish these credits could be helpful to you and take you to find your ideal mate in our site.

Once again, thanks for your kind understanding and patience. Chnlove will put all the strength in attaining the acknowledgement and recognition from more and more clients. If you need our assistance, we are always here for you.

Kind regards,

Flora Tsui
Chnlove Customer Care

I really have no idea what to do next. Any suggestions would be gratefully received. I think I need to go shopping for wigs. Ha ha
« Last Edit: June 03, 2009, 08:30:23 am by Vince G »

Vince G

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RE: Letter to Chnlove
« Reply #27 on: June 03, 2009, 08:57:50 am »
I don't know what to say about this? But trying to win her back? Even if you did? It might always be a factor.

Offline Philip

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RE: Letter to Chnlove
« Reply #28 on: June 03, 2009, 09:16:39 am »
you probably can't see the original letter from the agency, so I have written it here for your amusement.
'P216's explanation to your concern.
 Hello Alex, I am the boss of P216 - Changsha Love Bridge Company. You can call me Mr. Qiu. I have read the message you sent to Chnlove and known about the situation from my translator. Herein please allow me to clarify your concern with more details.
Firstly be assured that all the EMF mails you excahanged with P216365 - Carol Lu was read and replied by the lady herself. Miss Lu usually replied your letter by email or telephone, our translator would translate it first before sending it out to you.
The day you arrived in Changsha, miss Lu had been waiting for almost three hours. She is a very traditional Chinese lady, so she did not stay late with you in the hotel. As we communicated with her about her response during your meeting, Miss Lu told us that she had introduced you and showed your picture to her families before you decided to meet. She is OK with your hair, but her families do not think so. They were afraid your future baby will have no much hair as well.
Miss Lu has been bothered by this question before the meeting, she was afraid losing you but could not against her families, so she was alittle absent-minded during the meeting and dared not look into your eyes as she felt guilty like she had betrayed you. Miss Lu told us that she did not know how to explain her situation. After the first day meeting, she had a second thought about your relationship. She decided to bring her sister to the meeting, as her sister is the youngest person in the family, and it must be easier to accept your look. If Miss Lu has her support, you can still continue your relationship. Unfortunately it did not work.
Miss Lu told us that she felt sorry about the result. She hopes to have your forgiveness. Hope that you can understand her.
Alex my translator told me that you are a very nice gentleman and she tried to introduce other lady for you. But you did not agree. We understood you have come a long way to meet Miss Lu. It is a pity the meeting did not work out. We truly hope everything goes well with you. If you need any assistance, please don't be hesitated to contact us, we will try our best to help you.
Qiu (Changsha Love Bridge)

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RE: Letter to Chnlove
« Reply #29 on: June 03, 2009, 11:05:16 am »
Dear Spruik,
Read my experiences in 'My Trip to China'. I walked away at the time. I do not want to engage with the lies of this agency. I just want my credits back, not just six of them, but all of them. But Chnlove are happy to take their word against mine. There are many contradictions and inconsistencies already, but I doubt whether I will get a fair hearing. The P216 agency are very clever at spinning a yarn and they will probably weasel out of any further responsibility.
At least members of this forum should be suitably forewarned about this agency, its translators and its boss.