Author Topic: Letter to Chnlove  (Read 19888 times)

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Offline Norb Smith

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RE: Letter to Chnlove
« Reply #45 on: June 23, 2009, 10:00:01 am »
OK here is somthing I have been wondering about ever since we sent our letter to ChnLove, and what has been happening to some of us who have gone to china to meet our laides and then have everything blow up in thier faces, I dont know excactly where to put this so will let you Mods figure it out.

But it seems that ever since we sent in the letter, and those of us who signed it, it seems like maybe we are being boycotted by the agencies, since they have some idea thru maybe the main office that we are all part of this brotherhood, and that they are trying to discredit us with our findings and results, to make themselves look good, I have been thinking about this for the past couple of days, and dont really know how to write this up but its just something to think about, And then of course this coming from an ex-Wyoming Cowboy, that knows more about cattle, sheep and horses, then he does about most woment except the ones that are raised in big citys in America...........:fi_lone_ranger:
Here is some more that I have been thinking about also, but then of course maybe Protesus may have the answer for this also, but am wondering if maybe that ChnLove may have sent our letter out to all their satillite agencies to let them know about the brotherhood. think I will let tis lie and let you mods work on it and see if maybe we can come up with some conclusions that make some sense to all that is and has been going on, not only from our side but from the ladies that are involved also
« Last Edit: June 23, 2009, 10:08:01 am by Norb Smith »
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Offline Chong

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RE: Letter to Chnlove
« Reply #46 on: June 23, 2009, 10:14:12 am »
Vegas Boy ... Is this what the cattles, sheeps and horses are telling you during your nightly Wyoming chats in the fields ....... hahahahaha .... I think your conspiracy theory is off based. ChnLove knows that there's a problem with rogue agencies. More unhappy clients ( us ) means less $$$ for them. But these agencies pay a listing fee / % to ChnLove so money talks. We're secondary in importance to the agencies even though we're the one providing the main revenues. They still need us and our business IMHO.

Movie Credit Footnote : No cattles, sheeps or horses were harm in this postings.
« Last Edit: June 23, 2009, 10:17:53 am by Chong »

Offline Agarn

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RE: Letter to Chnlove
« Reply #47 on: June 23, 2009, 11:52:33 am »
Im writing through 216 at the moment and everything seems normal, our letters are not dressed up with emotive words etc, I asked for e-mail address in my last letter so i could send pictures more easy, it was in the next letter.  The translators name is Janey.  I will pay close attention to details!

Offline Norb Smith

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RE: Letter to Chnlove
« Reply #48 on: June 23, 2009, 12:32:45 pm »
Well King Chong, it was something I was ponderin about so thought might threow it out and let you look at it I know that the present lady I am corresponding with is very up front with things with me but at the moment hasnt volunteered her phone number, but says she will if things progress with us further, at least I thank you for your answer, and hope that ChnLove gets things done soon so that more of us dont get suckered in by the rougues, even tho we both know that some of the newbie will probably be, just like we have in the past, and sorry to hear about things with you, and no I am not looking in Wuhan
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RE: Letter to Chnlove
« Reply #49 on: June 23, 2009, 03:52:34 pm »
Well guys,

Thanks for your responses.  They did help.  I was having a bad day all around yesterday.  Today started the same way but has improved some.  What I said is questions that I imagine knaw on us from time to time until we have the evidence that everything is real; then the feelings settle down.  We all know these issues are real because some of the men on this site that have experienced it and shared it with us.

More than anything we need chnlove to step up to the plate and hold the agencies accountable.  They may want to consider suspending them for a period.  Or maybe the should establish, since they have good paying customers, a good set of parameters that are understood by all 4 parties represented.  Let's say for example that by the 5th letter natural photos are exchanged and by 10th letter and reply that a webcam interview with translator is mandatory and that it should be set up by the agency without the man having to ask for it.  Then every Xth letter and reply there is a mandatory webcam chat for X number of minutes.

Chnlove or the agency could put a button on the lady's reply where we can buy their handwritten letters for a fair fee that would be sent to our home address.

Chnlove could set up blocks of let's say 10 tickets of travel from a major city like NYC, Atlanta, Miami, Dallas, LA, London just to name a few for specific times lets say 10 days to a major city in China for a lower price.  They could do this maybe 5 times a year and we could register for it.  It could be on a first come first serve with payment in hand for the reservation.  It would be the mans responsibility to get to the airport Chnlove choses  and from the city they land to their lady's city.  They might even be able to book the flights on either side  for the men and make a little more money.

Ideas like these would help to build the trust between all parties involved.  Maybe some of you have good ideas that could be mentioned here.

This may be something we need to talk about and approach Chnlove with.

What do you all think?

Again Thanks for putting up with my rants yesterday and having a few good suggestions,


Vince G

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RE: Letter to Chnlove
« Reply #50 on: June 23, 2009, 04:44:04 pm »
Shaun That's all a really nice thought of organization. BUT when you think they can not control or keep straight what they have now? The rest would be a mess. When your stranded at the airport in between countries and you call there to find why the tickets are for the wrong flight you could hear... Awww Mr Shane, you are such a wonderful person. We at Chnlove will look into the reasons for this and remind you that we are not the same as agency. Please wait there until we correspond with all involved.
« Last Edit: June 23, 2009, 04:44:28 pm by Vince G »


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RE: Letter to Chnlove
« Reply #51 on: June 23, 2009, 09:38:56 pm »
True Vince, that never crossed my mind when I suggested it.  But it might work IF chnlove does it on their level and does not let the local agencies participate in it.

My thought was that it might help develop more trust and rapport between 4 entities in this triangle.:icon_cheesygrin: :dodgy: Woops something doesn't add up here.4 entities is as I see it: man, woman, agency, chnlove.  If anyone has a good idea they should tell us about it.  Or am I opening up a can of worms?:icon_cheesygrin:

Plus everything is good between P218 and me.  I didn't mean to insinuate that they were not to be trusted.  Everything I read about them is good and I feel fortunate to have been there from the beginning.  Sorry to say this but it always boils down to God watch over me.  My rant was about the junk that is going on in some of the other agencies, plus not knowing for sure if everything is real, and having a horrible day yesterday.  I should have applied the 24 hour rule here.

« Last Edit: June 23, 2009, 09:40:22 pm by shaun »

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RE: Letter to Chnlove
« Reply #52 on: June 23, 2009, 10:32:52 pm »
Quote from: 'shaun' pid='6369' dateline='1245807536'

True Vince, that never crossed my mind when I suggested it.  But it might work IF chnlove does it on their level and does not let the local agencies participate in it.

My thought was that it might help develop more trust and rapport between 4 entities in this triangle.:icon_cheesygrin: :dodgy: Woops something doesn't add up here.4 entities is as I see it: man, woman, agency, chnlove.  If anyone has a good idea they should tell us about it.  Or am I opening up a can of worms?:icon_cheesygrin:

Plus everything is good between P218 and me.  I didn't mean to insinuate that they were not to be trusted.  Everything I read about them is good and I feel fortunate to have been there from the beginning.  Sorry to say this but it always boils down to God watch over me.  My rant was about the junk that is going on in some of the other agencies, plus not knowing for sure if everything is real, and having a horrible day yesterday.  I should have applied the 24 hour rule here.


I am not sure four entities could exist in a triangle.  Maybe a quadrangle?


Offline Tiztom

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RE: Letter to Chnlove
« Reply #53 on: June 23, 2009, 11:36:45 pm »
I seriously think some of you guys need to google "corruption China" The place is rife with it, & I can assure you Chnlove is no different, yes there will be some nice success stories & flowery replies to complaints but we are probably only 1% of their clients, do you honestly think they give a rats arse about you?..........."No" All they want is their cut of your EMF's which probably ranges around the 50% mark so the more agencies that make money for them the better & the more corrupt that agency is the more they make..........Simple
And for everyone who complains & leaves there will be another sucker to replace you so get real with yourselves, no direct contact after 5 exchange EMF's then it's byebye, they will soon wake up if everyone does this and unless the lady is an illiterate fool there are internet cafe's everywhere & I'm sure she can get someone to help set up an email account, there are translators on google that work just fine.
Have you ever heard of an agency in the States, Aus, Britain that charges the ladies literally months of wages to meet someone, "No" because these girls don't know any better.  
Sorry for the rant but there are too many people wearing rose coloured glasses around here.

Vince G

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RE: Letter to Chnlove
« Reply #54 on: June 24, 2009, 12:08:16 am »
Seems I have read these same words before?? EMF's? this is the nickel and dime of the business. When the complaint goes in and they have to refund the money from the "EMF" what profit did they make?

"Have you ever heard of an agency in the States, Aus, Britain that charges the ladies literally months of wages to meet someone" YES, do you want a list? How about the millionaires club where you have too put up $25 thou, just for an interview?

"too many people wearing rose coloured glasses around here" NO we are well aware of all of it. But we don't sit and bitch about it, we try to fix it. We support each other THAT'S WHAT WE DO HERE.

If you insist that the woman gives you direct contact after 5 EMF's? Pushing the fact that if they don't you will???? It's a very good possibility you end up with none. We're all real here we're not fooling ourselves. Forcing the issue makes anybody back away.

And then this..."unless the lady is an illiterate fool" they're not illiterate in their own language. So this criticism lacks good sense.
You say China is corrupt, the woman are fake, the agencies take your money? Why are you pursuing it then?
« Last Edit: June 24, 2009, 12:16:12 am by Vince G »

Offline Tiztom

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RE: Letter to Chnlove
« Reply #55 on: June 24, 2009, 03:31:44 am »
Wow, touched a bit of a nerve there Vince, Yes China is corrupt & they will take your money, I'm not saying the ladies are corrupt I'm saying be aware that there is a lot of corruption in the Chinese business world, have you seen all the Chinese made Gucci etc stuff on eBay? (Have a look at|3142675742 you can have anything made with any companies name you like stamped on it.)  I've seen many guys bitten before but mostly with Filipino's & Thai's.......Take my cousin for example, he corresponded with a lady via snail mail (before the internet) for a long time, went there got swept off his feet & married her on the spot, waited about a year to get her here only to realize she had never used a washing machine, vacuum cleaner etc etc. Do you really want to have to teach a 40yo woman how to live a completely different life? if he walked into the room whilst she was dressing she would jump into a cupboard, it lasted 3 weeks before she sought a lawyer through Filipino friends she met & tried to take half his belongings, luckily she got nothing.
What I'm trying to get across is that if she is not capable of using a computer and comes form some out of the way farming village do you really need to be spending years changing the way she lives? I'd rather have someone who is at least smart enough to be computer literate which I have found.......all at the cost of 4 EMF's, I've had contact with 3 others for similar costs but decided not to pursue far I've used 13 EMF's in total.

Rose coloured glasses, Example - One guy gets stitched for 50 EMF's & they give him 6 back as a nice gesture to keep him going...Must have broken their bank.

YES, do you want a list? How about the millionaires club where you have too put up $25 thou, just for an interview? ............Seriously Vince, I'm talking about every day dating sites, it's usually the man who has to fork out the money, not the lady....And they don't charge ridiculous amounts to meet or to marry her either.

If you insist that the woman gives you direct contact after 5 EMF's? Pushing the fact that if they don't you will???? It's a very good possibility you end up with none. We're all real here we're not fooling ourselves. Forcing the issue makes anybody back away..........Too bad I'll move on to the next one if I need to, seriously there must be guys on here that have spent more on EMF's than a trip to China where they could have met someone themselves, I'm not here to destroy peoples hopes but I see a lot of naivety & I hope I can open a few eyes. If you are happy to correspond with someone at the cost of $20-$40 per week that you don't even really know exists, great, I hope for your sake it works but I am more of a realist and the old, Oh my computer is broken, my mother is ill, I don't have access to a computer won't wash with me, this is now a highly developed country, especially in the cities where the majority of these ladies live, I doubt too many are trapped in a sweatshop because they would not have the money to pay the exorbitant joining fees.

If I don't end up meeting someone then so be it, I honestly don't care because I'm not that desperate that I will fall in love with someone over the internet with whom I've never had any personal contact with. Having had 3 Japanese girlfriends in the past I've got a thing for Asians, even if I meet someone on here as a friend who can act as a guide whilst I'm on holiday that would be great, if I fall in love with her even better.

I wish everyone success & I hope everything works for you. I can see a ban coming on but I hope I've opened a few eyes before my post is deleted.
« Last Edit: June 24, 2009, 03:44:04 am by Tiztom »


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RE: Letter to Chnlove
« Reply #56 on: June 24, 2009, 05:58:43 am »

I know 4 sides = a quadrangle.  I was using a play on words.  When a person speaks of more than 2 when it comes to relationship they usually talk in terms of a triangle.  Also it is appropriate because I think that chnlove and the agency is on the same side which would make it a triangle.



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RE: Letter to Chnlove
« Reply #57 on: June 24, 2009, 10:57:30 am »
I wish everyone success & I hope everything works for you. I can see a ban coming on but I hope I've opened a few eyes before my post is deleted.

Why would we ban you?  And why would we lock out the thread?  Your pfishy friends are a little mistaken on why other posts were locked.  And we don't ban for no reason.  And unlike your friends over at pfishy, we don't flame each other here.  Stay within that rule, and we will be fine.

We are not in denial over here that there are bad agencies.  We know that statistically, some of the guys here are going to be scammed.  This is a very unfortunate thing.  But these guys have a dream, and they want to follow it.  We are here to hopefully weed out those bad agencies, and in the even that the guy gets burned, to support him in any way we can.
If I don't end up meeting someone then so be it, I honestly don't care because I'm not that desperate that I will fall in love with someone over the internet with whom I've never had any personal contact with.
Who said that anyone here was desperate to fall in love online?  I fell in love was the first time I had ever gone this route.  Was I desperate?  Not at all!  I wasn't actually looking for a wife...I was just bored, and surfing a site.

Vince G

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RE: Letter to Chnlove
« Reply #58 on: June 24, 2009, 11:49:58 am »
Tiztom I not desperate for a wife, or girlfriend, partner or whatever else you want to call it. I can prove at anytime many women I am in contact with that are married, single whatever that I talk to just about everyday. They are old girlfriends and such. I'll put the cost of a trip to China and expenses that I can make a call and have female company by this afternoon in my bed. I'll also bet majority of all here can do the same. So don't assume we are desperate. We are choosy.  

Your "cousin" married a girl that "only to realize she had never used a washing machine, vacuum cleaner" So who's fault is that? Hers? I have talked with many women from Chnlove and none were from a farming village. How would they afford it? That's the flop in your writing. Making that all these women are low life's? I don't know where you came to this conclusion but your dead wrong. Not one that I wrote to or read from others are.

My lady doesn't have a computer. So we talk on the phone. It's not an excuse, it's fact.
Why would I care that China produces Gucci bags? What does that have to do with Chnlove or the women?
Are you grouping the whole country into one type of group? So are you telling me the only people in the US are fat and rich?

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RE: Letter to Chnlove
« Reply #59 on: June 24, 2009, 02:12:31 pm »
Tiztom, I was burned by one, have what we call many little sisters that I've meet there but we were not a good match but are still friends, and I am loved by my CHINESE wife.
No we are not foolish men or desperate men here, as Vince said many of us could have friends with benefits any time we wish, well I won't, but I could, now, maybe some of your friends have had bad experiences with some women or agencies and I can see why they would have bad feelings as maybe you have had, but don't lump all of China into one big pile of sh*t, thats not right just like saying all Americans, Britts or aussies are rich and players.
So sir, if you are saying that all Chinese are a bad or cheating race then I will take offence and we will have a problem, if you are not then I am sorry for this last statment.
In any case I will wish you luck and best wishes in your search.