Author Topic: Letter to Chnlove  (Read 19688 times)

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Offline Tiztom

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RE: Letter to Chnlove
« Reply #60 on: June 24, 2009, 10:49:50 pm »
OK, I'm not saying they are all scammers but it is a way of life in a lot of the business community in Asia in general.

Yes it's great to have a dream but please be wary, I've been on Scambaiters for a few years & I just hate seeing people get ripped off, so I'm just trying to warn the not so wary that this "can" happen, by the sound of it most of the guys on here are pretty switched on but lets face it there are a lot of people out there that will believe anything they read, I'd just like them to be a bit cautious.

I certainly don't paint these people as being farmers from the country, I'd just be wary if one was a bit backward in coming forward & if they give off too many excuses to have no personal contact within a reasonable amount of time it may be time to start the alarm bells ringing.

Yes my cousin was a stupid idiot, he was all his life & you'd think he'd have learned by his two previous divorces but it happens all too many times, probably more here in Aus because of the demographics compared to the rest of the world.

Sorry but what is this "phishy" thing I have no phishy friends that I am aware of, I've been on Chnlove since the 30'th of last month, I have been on here for less than a week. I am emailing 3 different girls & have two of their phone numbers but I'm mainly sticking to one....all at the cost of 13 EMF's, so it can be done.

I guess I'm too cynical for a lot of you but I is who I is.

I figured the ban may come as I'm not a "brotherhood" type, to me it's a forum for discussing & putting forward your views which I have done & if it stops even one guy from being ripped off then I feel I've contributed something.

Peace love & all that stuff.


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RE: Letter to Chnlove
« Reply #61 on: June 24, 2009, 11:26:50 pm »
Quote from: 'Tiztom' pid='6421' dateline='1245828704'

Wow, touched a bit of a nerve there Vince, Yes China is corrupt & they will take your money, I'm not saying the ladies are corrupt I'm saying be aware that there is a lot of corruption in the Chinese business world, have you seen all the Chinese made Gucci etc stuff on eBay? (Have a look at|3142675742 you can have anything made with any companies name you like stamped on it.)  I've seen many guys bitten before but mostly with Filipino's & Thai's.......Take my cousin for example, he corresponded with a lady via snail mail (before the internet) for a long time, went there got swept off his feet & married her on the spot, waited about a year to get her here only to realize she had never used a washing machine, vacuum cleaner etc etc. Do you really want to have to teach a 40yo woman how to live a completely different life? if he walked into the room whilst she was dressing she would jump into a cupboard, it lasted 3 weeks before she sought a lawyer through Filipino friends she met & tried to take half his belongings, luckily she got nothing.
What I'm trying to get across is that if she is not capable of using a computer and comes form some out of the way farming village do you really need to be spending years changing the way she lives? I'd rather have someone who is at least smart enough to be computer literate which I have found.......all at the cost of 4 EMF's, I've had contact with 3 others for similar costs but decided not to pursue far I've used 13 EMF's in total.

Rose coloured glasses, Example - One guy gets stitched for 50 EMF's & they give him 6 back as a nice gesture to keep him going...Must have broken their bank.

YES, do you want a list? How about the millionaires club where you have too put up $25 thou, just for an interview? ............Seriously Vince, I'm talking about every day dating sites, it's usually the man who has to fork out the money, not the lady....And they don't charge ridiculous amounts to meet or to marry her either.

If you insist that the woman gives you direct contact after 5 EMF's? Pushing the fact that if they don't you will???? It's a very good possibility you end up with none. We're all real here we're not fooling ourselves. Forcing the issue makes anybody back away..........Too bad I'll move on to the next one if I need to, seriously there must be guys on here that have spent more on EMF's than a trip to China where they could have met someone themselves, I'm not here to destroy peoples hopes but I see a lot of naivety & I hope I can open a few eyes. If you are happy to correspond with someone at the cost of $20-$40 per week that you don't even really know exists, great, I hope for your sake it works but I am more of a realist and the old, Oh my computer is broken, my mother is ill, I don't have access to a computer won't wash with me, this is now a highly developed country, especially in the cities where the majority of these ladies live, I doubt too many are trapped in a sweatshop because they would not have the money to pay the exorbitant joining fees.

If I don't end up meeting someone then so be it, I honestly don't care because I'm not that desperate that I will fall in love with someone over the internet with whom I've never had any personal contact with. Having had 3 Japanese girlfriends in the past I've got a thing for Asians, even if I meet someone on here as a friend who can act as a guide whilst I'm on holiday that would be great, if I fall in love with her even better.

I wish everyone success & I hope everything works for you. I can see a ban coming on but I hope I've opened a few eyes before my post is deleted.

As we have all heard before, opinions are like as***les, everyone has one.  What you know or think you know may be important.  It's all about how you deliver it.  My guess is that everyone who has entered into this adventure is smart enough to know there is risk involved.  Maybe our eye's weren't wide open at the beginning, but isn't that why we have tuned in to this site?  

I have started three businesses.  In every case, the experiences were different.  NONE of them played out exactly as I thought they would.  To begin the trek of building a relationship with someone I've never met, thousands of miles away, was a long shot.  It has the potential for several failures before success is to be had.  It's called learning. For me and my adventure, that is part of the price I expected to pay.  

This site has been a real eye opener and and a wealth of information.  I am glad I found it.  Even your rants make me think.  Being teachable is the key.  Even for those who think they know everything.


Offline Tiztom

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RE: Letter to Chnlove
« Reply #62 on: June 25, 2009, 10:12:59 am »
mpo4747, Honestly mate I don't have much of a story worth telling, divorced about 18yrs ago (she took off with one of my mates.....I really missed him lol, but we are all the best of mates now) two beautiful kids who have grown up into great adults, had an absolute blast since my divorce, for the past 5yrs I've been living near the beach in Scarborough West Aus & during that time I've had somewhere around 30-35 mostly female Japanese boarders..........all under 30 & yes there have been some......well quite a few fringe benefits,.....hence the liking for Asian girls.
 My last g/f had to leave because her visa ran out 6 months ago but we still speak once or twice a week through skype webcam. I was bored one night and looked up single Japanese ladies, nothing interesting there so figured I'd give China a shot to see if there was anyone worth looking at........"Oh Yess" also it's much cheaper to holiday in China which is the main reason I want to go, it's also easier to teach English too if I decide to stay a while.
 I figured if I meet a couple of nice girls on here it would be great, if we don't hit it off we can at least be friends and they can act as a bit of a guide whilst I'm in their city, one of the ones I'm talking to seems great, she has her own house, an 8yo son & what seems like a couple of clothing outlets but works mainly from home, and believe it or not is paying for a translator to decipher my, & write her emails, obviously I will pay whatever she has spent on the translator when I go there in possibly about 5 ( I intended taking a holiday somewhere in Asia no matter what so this will work out great, also her translator is way cheaper than EMF's) weeks, that is if we are still talking & I see no reason not to be, we have been swapping photo's I even got one of her bedroom?? don't know what that means but I'm hoping it's good lol. But one thing I'm not doing is falling in love over the net & she agrees that we need to meet to take things further, so no mushy stuff & an honest word for word translator.
Funny thing is she was the first to send my her profile the day I joined which I ignored for a couple of weeks, I was on my last 2 credits (I'd only bought 10) & thought bugger it, I'll send her & another girl one each asking them to email me privately & not to teply by EMF, they both did but one agency also sent a reply to my EMF which I couldn't open till I bought more ( I got right up the agency for sending a reply ) as I had to buy more credits to read the reply DOH...... sneaky tactic!!!!
Anyhow the one I'm talking to the most sent a reply but it went to my junk box & I didn't find it for a few days lol, so after I replied we wrote a few times privately but were having some problems with some translations so we agreed to EMF as I had bought some more anyhow, I sent a long letter which she replied to but I said I would only EMF once a week & we would use google translate the rest of the time (which I find to be quite good fun) so she has cost me a grand total of 3 emf's I have her phone number, email address & you know the rest of the story so if something happens, great, if not at least I'll have a guide for a while & I can then go to another city & meet the other girl who I've had a bit of contact with to meet, I won't tell her I'm in China unless I need to.
End of a rather boring story.

Offline Irishman

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RE: Letter to Chnlove
« Reply #63 on: June 25, 2009, 10:39:40 am »
Why do some people seem to think that there are some corrupt agencies out there is a revelation to us here and got nuts posting about it?!!
We all know there is, there has been countless posts about it, its gets boring after a while.

This forum is about the guys individual journeys, about supporting everyone no matter whether their experience is good or bad. What its not about is some kind of crusade to tar chnlove with a brush and declare it all bad, because frankly its not!! There are too many of here that have had good experiences for that to be the case.

Some people seem to think that its some sort of guarantee of success, well get real!, how many ladies have you dated in your life and not had work out? We'll unless you are some kind of Romeo then that's probably a lot more than you married right? So yes sometimes it doesn't work out when you go over there, hell that happened to me first time. That was nothing at all to do with the agency, it just wasn't meant to be, I don't blame chnlove for that at all, I'm old enough and experienced enough to know that sometimes these things just are not destined to be.

If people want to start some crusade against chnlove then please go join their friends on pfishy, those guys seem to to get a kick from that, me, I'd rather send my girl flowers and talk about how excited and delighted she was to get them and to my visiting her in 5 weeks 6 days 12 hours 2minutes time !
Become the change you want today, or all your tomorrows will be like yesterday.

Vince G

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RE: Letter to Chnlove
« Reply #64 on: June 25, 2009, 10:40:49 am »
I like this guy better now. You may call it a boring story? I call it a description of you. It tells me more of who you are. The only question I have is why all the criticisms? You don't have to answer, I just wonder.

Offline Tiztom

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RE: Letter to Chnlove
« Reply #65 on: June 25, 2009, 01:18:43 pm »
It's not so much criticisms (well it probably is) as trying to warn the less enlightened. Yes Chinalove has done some great things that would never have happened without them, but I still wouldn't trust them as far as I could throw them. I've been working on internet scammers for years through & you tend to get an idea of what's good & what's not so good, I've read some good stories here & some pretty horrid ones, it's in my nature to warn those who may not be so street smart to be aware & be cautious, especially when everything you say or read is going through a third person who can fluff it up as much as possible to keep everything going.

Quick edit, Hey Paddy, I just googled pfishy bwahahahaha, som bitching on there, makes for some interesting reading.
« Last Edit: June 25, 2009, 02:21:07 pm by Tiztom »

Vince G

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RE: Letter to Chnlove
« Reply #66 on: June 25, 2009, 03:16:03 pm »
Quote from: 'Tiztom' pid='6538' dateline='1245950323'
I just googled pfishy bwahahahaha, som bitching on there, makes for some interesting reading.

Now you know why the defensive. We don't want to have the forum like that. Talk of third party writings?

Offline MLM

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RE: Letter to Chnlove
« Reply #67 on: June 25, 2009, 04:34:41 pm »
Tom, after reading your interesting story, I  understand you better and I am sorry if I came off a little strong in my first post to you :blush:, but there have been some that came here just to start trouble and then leave, but I see this is not the case with you so please let me (along with the others) welcome you to the brotherhood.
« Last Edit: June 25, 2009, 04:35:48 pm by MLM »

Offline Tiztom

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RE: Letter to Chnlove
« Reply #68 on: June 26, 2009, 12:17:53 am »
No offense taken, I just say it how I see it. I'm not here to argue just like I said, hopefully open some eyes but after looking at that pfishy site I see it's all been said before.