I don't know why I'm contributing to this but what the heck.
Arnold your statement about being worried what the forum would think makes it look like there is a clique here. Honestly to me since I've been here a very short amount of time I can see it a little bit. There are several who only talk to each other. I am looking at this with eyes on the outside. I have seen and I have had a thread where NO ONE said a thing if I remember right, and there was no reply from the regulars here. I can honestly say that if you took my thread and attached another's name to it then it would get responded to.
Thats a bit of a distorted view of how things are here !!
You suggest that there are no replies to your thread because it was YOU posting...what possible vendetta could I or anybody have against you

...I have read all your posts, and if I thought I was complelled to make a reply, then I would do so. I welcome input from anywhere...I dont have to respond to it.
There are many members who only read the posts and do not ever make a contribution.........what is wrong with that ??
It is not compulsory to reply to every post here...and sometimes I think a lot of posts get "over-replied".....give me quality over quantity any time.
I have asked for assistance on a specific question sometimes and received no replies. I expect that nobody was interested in my post (my problem...I should have made it more interesting !!)...or nobody felt they had an answer to the problem.
Either way, it does not detract from the philosophy here.
It is not useful or productive to go on about conspiracy theories, because they just sow seeds of discontent.
If you have all this China experience, I and many others are waiting with bated breath for you to share them with us. I may learn something useful, I may not. I may choose to respond to your post...I may not. That surely should be my choice ??
To put something into this Forum should not be on the basis of what you get back...