Author Topic: mods explanation about china-love  (Read 11349 times)

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RE: mods explanation about china-love
« Reply #30 on: January 16, 2010, 06:28:29 pm »
thats a good idea Arnold  and see were it will
 lead after that, maybe everything will be fine
 the second time around


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RE: mods explanation about china-love
« Reply #31 on: January 16, 2010, 06:59:21 pm »
Yes Ted ,
you know ... now that I've been back and have my Wife here with me , it really makes me feel like a Child myself ... for not seeing Mike in Shenzhen when I was there in Sept. ... why ? Because it would have made me look like a Traitor in the Forum's Eyes . Well , I don't care anymore . I think , why waste a Friendship over some heated arguement I was not really involved in ? Now I have to live with this , not having met him , when I had the chance to do so .

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RE: mods explanation about china-love
« Reply #32 on: January 16, 2010, 08:05:25 pm »
I don't know why I'm contributing to this but what the heck.

Arnold your statement about being worried what the forum would think makes it look like there is a clique here.  Honestly to me since I've been here a very short amount of time I can see it a little bit.  There are several who only talk to each other.  I am looking at this with eyes  on the outside.  I have seen and  I have had a thread where NO ONE said a thing if I remember right, and there was no reply from the regulars here.  I can honestly say that if you took my thread and attached another's name to it then it would get responded to.  You might not like what I wrote, but it is what I see.  Do I care? Hell no.  I've lived too long at this point, and have too much going on in my life to have the time and energy to care.  The information is useful to me.  That's why I'm here, and also to help those that don't have the opportunities that I do to travel to China.  I put well over 100k flight miles to there last year, and I'm leaving Tuesday again to go there.   Could I get into pissing matches.  You bet I could, but I choose my battles, and this is not the site/issue that I care to go at it with.
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RE: mods explanation about china-love
« Reply #33 on: January 16, 2010, 08:37:48 pm »
Ted the second time around.Try about the fourth time around.We have welcomed this guy back on numerous occasions.Each time it goes ok.For about a week.Then Michael has a bad day.And he starts arguments with other members.Then the mods are running all over the boards trying to stop a international incident.

Michael was banned from the face book forum for doing the same thing.Not once but twice.I'm just the victim of his latest rant.And yes I encourage Michael I don't have to post to him.But he does keep asking for it.And it is very childish of me.I will admit.I have no excuse it is just for my amusement.I have not posted to his latest rant against me.And at this point and time.I have no plans to.It is not as nearly as amusing as it was at one time

If your interested Michael rants that got him booted from face book.One was with another mod.After Michael called the other mod and myself  racist.Michael then accused me and the other mod of hacking his computer.And threatened to beat me up the next time I came to China.We banned that mod for the handling of that situations and a few other situations.And we gave Michael a month off the forums I give him a chance to cool off.

The second time Michael got banned from face book.Michael went after another member.Who posted a opinion.On his own topic.Michael went after this new member so hard and made such derogatory comments..That the guy never posted again on face book.And he didn't follow us over.To the new forum.Because of the things Michael posted to him.I apologised to the member for Michael behavior.I Told the member it would never happen again.It shook the member up enough he never posted again.

Arnold is a good guy.He has one of the biggest hearts of anybody that  Ive ever seen.Arnold forgets the hate and mayhem.People like Michael create on any forum.As far as I'm concerned Michael just needs to stay where he is at.And Arnold can still have the big heart.That suites him so well.

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RE: mods explanation about china-love
« Reply #34 on: January 16, 2010, 09:53:40 pm »
It takes a bigger man to allow ego to bruise than to stroke it... :angel:

Maxx good idea to keep thread open! I am with Arnold on this one...I never took sides or posted such here or on facebook forum...closing thread is like closing the mind(many do this here...refusing to hear things that will mess with infatuations)! Joe was wondering(maybe took sides) and posted such here! A good and open forum will allow this to stay open...everybody has good imput that we ALL  can learn from!

Those that want this thread closed should take a good look in the mirror...perhaps it's time to open thy mind(especially those living in infatuations)!!!! :icon_biggrin:


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RE: mods explanation about china-love
« Reply #35 on: January 16, 2010, 10:57:53 pm »
This will be an issue until it is resolved.  Maxx I think you should offer an olive branch of peace to Mike.  Does he deserve it?  No, but neither do you but someone needs to man up and put and end to it.  As a moderator and one of the respected leaders here it would show others on this site that you are above all that now and as you say, it does not bother you one way or the other.

You do not have to invite him back.  If you did it would appear to him as an admission of guilt.  We don't need to go there with this.  Keep him banned, I do not think allowing him to come back at this point would help anything at all.

I do not dislike Maxx or Mike.  They are both fine to me but I wish all of this would go away.  But again, it will not go away until it is resolved.  Maxx, you know Mike wont do it.


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RE: mods explanation about china-love
« Reply #36 on: January 16, 2010, 11:04:51 pm »
Quote from: 'jeffm' pid='28407' dateline='1263690325'

I don't know why I'm contributing to this but what the heck.

Arnold your statement about being worried what the forum would think makes it look like there is a clique here.  Honestly to me since I've been here a very short amount of time I can see it a little bit.  There are several who only talk to each other.  I am looking at this with eyes  on the outside.  I have seen and  I have had a thread where NO ONE said a thing if I remember right, and there was no reply from the regulars here.  I can honestly say that if you took my thread and attached another's name to it then it would get responded to.  


Thats a bit of a distorted view of how things are here !!

You suggest that there are no replies to your thread because it was YOU posting...what possible vendetta could I or anybody have against you  ???...I have read all your posts, and if I thought I was complelled to make a reply, then I would do so. I welcome input from anywhere...I dont have to respond to it.

There are many members who only read the posts and do not ever make a contribution.........what is wrong with that ??

It is not compulsory to reply to every post here...and sometimes I think a lot of posts get "over-replied".....give me quality over quantity any time.

I have asked for assistance on a specific question sometimes and received no replies. I expect that nobody was interested in my post (my problem...I should have made it more interesting !!)...or nobody felt they had an answer to the problem.

Either way, it does not detract from the philosophy here.

It is not useful or productive to go on about conspiracy theories, because they just sow seeds of discontent.

If you have all this China experience, I and many others are waiting with bated breath for you to share them with us. I may learn something useful, I may not. I may choose to respond to your post...I may not. That surely should be my choice ??

To put something into this Forum should not be on the basis of what you get back...


Vince G

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RE: mods explanation about china-love
« Reply #37 on: January 17, 2010, 12:23:39 am »
I can only speak for myself. I read every post. If I feel I have an answer or can help then I post. Sometimes the question isn't for me. Mostly in the visa category. Lets say the question is how long does it take? If anything I can only write what I have read before and so I leave that question to the more experienced. So for me it has nothing to do with an interest, just the right answer.

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RE: mods explanation about china-love
« Reply #38 on: January 17, 2010, 01:02:08 am »
Quote from: 'David E' pid='28429' dateline='1263701091'
Quote from: 'jeffm' pid='28407' dateline='1263690325'
I don't know why I'm contributing to this but what the heck.

Arnold your statement about being worried what the forum would think makes it look like there is a clique here.  Honestly to me since I've been here a very short amount of time I can see it a little bit.  There are several who only talk to each other.  I am looking at this with eyes  on the outside.  I have seen and  I have had a thread where NO ONE said a thing if I remember right, and there was no reply from the regulars here.  I can honestly say that if you took my thread and attached another's name to it then it would get responded to.  


Thats a bit of a distorted view of how things are here !!

You suggest that there are no replies to your thread because it was YOU posting...what possible vendetta could I or anybody have against you  ???...I have read all your posts, and if I thought I was complelled to make a reply, then I would do so. I welcome input from anywhere...I dont have to respond to it.

There are many members who only read the posts and do not ever make a contribution.........what is wrong with that ??

It is not compulsory to reply to every post here...and sometimes I think a lot of posts get "over-replied".....give me quality over quantity any time.

I have asked for assistance on a specific question sometimes and received no replies. I expect that nobody was interested in my post (my problem...I should have made it more interesting !!)...or nobody felt they had an answer to the problem.

Either way, it does not detract from the philosophy here.

It is not useful or productive to go on about conspiracy theories, because they just sow seeds of discontent.

If you have all this China experience, I and many others are waiting with bated breath for you to share them with us. I may learn something useful, I may not. I may choose to respond to your post...I may not. That surely should be my choice ??

To put something into this Forum should not be on the basis of what you get back...


Whatever.  It is how I see it. Take it for what it's worth.

I'm not going to get into a pissing match with you.

Have a nice day.
« Last Edit: January 17, 2010, 01:03:54 am by jeffm »
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RE: mods explanation about china-love
« Reply #39 on: January 17, 2010, 01:03:30 am »
Quote from: 'jeffm' pid='28407' dateline='1263690325'

Arnold your statement about being worried what the forum would think makes it look like there is a clique here.  Honestly to me since I've been here a very short amount of time I can see it a little bit.  There are several who only talk to each other.  I am looking at this with eyes  on the outside.  I have seen and  I have had a thread where NO ONE said a thing if I remember right, and there was no reply from the regulars here.  I can honestly say that if you took my thread and attached another's name to it then it would get responded to.  You might not like what I wrote, but it is what I see.  Do I care?


You don't care? You sound like it matters a whole lot.

It's part of life to realise that in some circles of people you will be really popular, and in others, you will be not so popular.

I have people here I really admire, and I count as friends. But the fact of the matter is, I am a father of a teenage daughter, I have responsibilities for my work, family and friends. I do not have the time to read every post. So as a result of the way I live my life, I do not always have time to to participate in life here, and so I suppose I am not as popular as some of the others, and I don't find this a problem.

I have always felt welcome here when I visit from time to time. I have never felt that there was a clique here.

« Last Edit: January 17, 2010, 02:30:08 am by Danny »

Offline David E

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RE: mods explanation about china-love
« Reply #40 on: January 17, 2010, 02:36:43 am »
Quote from: 'jeffm' pid='28438' dateline='1263708128'

Whatever.  It is how I see it. Take it for what it's worth.

I'm not going to get into a pissing match with you.

Have a nice day.

I did indeed take your post for what it is worth......four fifths of five eigths of sweet nothing.

Why would I want to get into a pissing contest.?????? I just come here to learn and to help when I can, I dont have any other agenda.  You make serious allegations and then dismiss any further debate by walking away with the miffs.

There is no need to take this attitude.........why dont you post some stuff of interest to us about your experience with China and Chinese Ladies instead of just talking about it.

« Last Edit: January 17, 2010, 02:43:42 am by David E »


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RE: mods explanation about china-love
« Reply #41 on: January 17, 2010, 08:21:27 am »
The clique thing?

Come on guys.  It is like anything else.  If you want to have a relationship with others you have to stick around and continue to comment until others get to know you.  To thing you can make one or two comments and then the site should stop and listen is absurd.  You have an over inflated ego of yourself.  Those of us who are regular contributors started the same way you are starting.  New to the site, you do not know anyone and the people here do not know you.  You keep commenting and asking questions until one day people begin to notice you are here.  

Most of us say welcome to the new people to this site, that is your invitation. It was a good 3 months before I felt I was really a part of this community.  I would start a thread and get very few comments.  Then one day people here started asking questions of me?  Then I noticed that someone have me a positive rating.  But it is like almost every group of people in the world.  It is up to you to become a part of the group.  It is not up to us to drag you in.  You are the one who has to find value in being here.  We have already found the value.

If it were any other way this would be just another superficial group of people.  Who needs that.  I know this sounds kind of harsh but it is reality where ever you go.

It is not our job to conform to new people.  Our only job is to welcome them.  They need to do the rest.


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RE: mods explanation about china-love
« Reply #42 on: January 17, 2010, 09:56:27 am »
A clique? Your half right. We all belong to a clique. But here's the half we don't belong to.

a group of people, with shared interests or other features in common, who spend time together and do not readily allow others to join them.

We belong to: With shared interests or other features in common.

We don't spend ALL our time together, we do have the women.

Don't readily allow others to join them, Not True. Anyone can join in as long as you are within the rules. If your a scammer your outof here. But that's because we're not here to take advantage of each other.

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RE: mods explanation about china-love
« Reply #43 on: January 17, 2010, 02:15:56 pm »
I have thought long and hard of many times posting about the dispute.

Maxx I find you have a great wealth of information and wisdom to share. I know it amuses you to post on that official site's thread but I wish you would stop - it belittles you. That one posting Post: #250 you recently gave on Shaun's thread shows your true potential. I bet Shaun can attest that it stung but the wisdom was also potent. That is what we need you for.

I have only face-to-face meet two members of this form: Martin & China Shark. I enjoyed my visits with the both of them. I meet Michael first and I can say his in person personality is in direct contrast to his blog personality. He shed some light on one of my own problems so I know he has knowledge and I thank him for it. He also asked me a few times what my wife thought of him. I am NO psychologist but I do see a dualism in him that has led to the his many verbal duels.

Arnold, when I went back in October for my wedding I was also undecided on contacting him. I was trying to get Chong and his girlfriend Sunny (now wife) to attend the wedding as my guests. I knew Chong and Michael has exchanged angry words. Once I knew Chong could not attend I thought of contacting Michael. I also delayed because I felt it would look bad here. But after returning and finally reading the thread on the official site I am happy I never did invite him.

Now part of the Michael posting below below might  reflect badly on Martin but I think it needs to be seen because the second part and also, the second posting reflects my opinion on never wishing Michael to be allowed back.

Posted: 08 Nov, 2009 14:01:53  # 17
Also, Martin I'de refrain from divulging things of a personal nature regarding Josh's current girlfriend. See it is very easy to pay very little money to investigate anyone in China including your wife.

this post was directed at Maxx

Posted: 27 Nov, 2009 16:56:43  # 29  
If you ever show your face in Shenzhen you must visit Musibase {rock and roll club} so I can aquaint you with my Nanshan Triad bosses friends of mine.

For a man who claims to never threaten physical harm I see a man that has indirectly threatened a member's wife. I see a man that claims to hang out with organised criminals.
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RE: mods explanation about china-love
« Reply #44 on: January 17, 2010, 02:24:25 pm »
Rhonald true enough.As I stated earlier.I'm done messing with Michael.After a while all the amusement was gone for me .So there was no point in continueing.

Michael wasn't learning anything and it was making me look bad.Because I would fire back at him.