Author Topic: mods explanation about china-love  (Read 11351 times)

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Offline Rhonald

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RE: mods explanation about china-love
« Reply #60 on: January 18, 2010, 10:50:24 pm »
Quote from: 'ttwjr32' pid='28599' dateline='1263823046'

and why someone would use that junk after all it eats at
your brain and you become impotent from it.  nice downside

 now tell me what is the upside???  besides being an idiot???

There was a co-worker who had a hair perm and she had an alergic reaction to it. Her face swelled up. She was given a steriod to conteract the alergic reaction. Steriods have their place, but they have to be used wisely just like any drug.

Anabolic steriods are dangerous if used unwisely. Injection steriods greater affect but also greater side affects. Oral steriods less effect and less side afect. Anabolic steriods for Pre teens and teens and women play havoic with their endocrone system so are a terrible mix.

Now I met China Shark and from my opinion - I doubt he uses them. His frame was just too small. Being said - people who think that taking steriods will make them look like Arnold are just fooling themselves. You first need great genetic potential and steriods can not fix that.
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Offline Martin

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RE: mods explanation about china-love
« Reply #61 on: January 18, 2010, 10:57:20 pm »
Quote from: 'Rhonald' pid='28668' dateline='1263873024'

You first need great genetic potential and steriods can not fix that.

Thank goodness I have great genetic potential!  My beer belly will look fantastic on steroids!!!!


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RE: mods explanation about china-love
« Reply #62 on: January 19, 2010, 02:10:05 am »
me to Martin maybe it will spread out my beer belly
 and i will look great  hahahaha

Offline Willy The Londoner

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RE: mods explanation about china-love
« Reply #63 on: January 19, 2010, 10:11:33 am »
Quote from: 'ttwjr32' pid='28686' dateline='1263885005'

me to Martin maybe it will spread out my beer belly
 and i will look great  hahahaha

I can't see my beer belly under all this fat.  But no doubt is looks great:icon_cheesygrin:

Willy The Lpndoner

Now in my 12th year living here,

Offline Martin

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RE: mods explanation about china-love
« Reply #64 on: January 19, 2010, 10:17:02 am »
Quote from: 'Willy The Londoner' pid='28722' dateline='1263913893'

Quote from: 'ttwjr32' pid='28686' dateline='1263885005'

me to Martin maybe it will spread out my beer belly
 and i will look great  hahahaha

I can't see my beer belly under all this fat.  But no doubt is looks great:icon_cheesygrin:


Willy, what you have is an insulated beer belly.

Offline maxx

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RE: mods explanation about china-love
« Reply #65 on: January 19, 2010, 01:01:21 pm »
this thread has definatly gone where no one wanted it to.Next you guys will betalking about your gout.


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RE: mods explanation about china-love
« Reply #66 on: January 19, 2010, 06:34:14 pm »
Gee Maxx,

the least you can to is to not offer new disgusting subjects. We have squat toilets, beer bellies and now gout.

Tisk, Tisk!!!

Hey, I've got a subject.  How do the Chinese treat bunions?
« Last Edit: January 19, 2010, 06:35:08 pm by shaun »


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RE: mods explanation about china-love
« Reply #67 on: January 19, 2010, 06:35:33 pm »
you have to admit we do get creative answers sometimes
 in all the threads

Offline Johnboy

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RE: mods explanation about china-love
« Reply #68 on: January 19, 2010, 11:44:18 pm »
I do not have any agenda or presonal grievances to sound off about on this issue, and I am not one of the "little people" who wants to get anything off my chest, that DavidE refers to in his post.  However, Like Andy (Wilsbrough) I spent about an hour reading every word of the verbal fracas that took place on Chnlove's official site and I was truly appalled and disgusted by it.

For the record, I do not know Mike Sealey, in fact I believe he was banned before I joined this Forum.  However, I have read some of his posts, as they continued to be posted after he was banned, and I found some of them to be interesting and informative.  I also found some of them to be extremely self-opinionated and aggressive; I absorbed what I considered to be constructive and positive and disregarded the rest.  

The fracas that occurred on the other site, however, is a different matter altogether and raises questions of another nature.  In this respect, in my opinion, Maxx's contribution was quite disgraceful, whereas Vince and the others who took part conducted themselves with restraint and civility.  Yes, Maxx is perfectly entitled to defend himself, but I thought he went well beyond the bounds of decency with his accusations of steroids, drugs and insinuations of female abuse and abortion, and any number of other things.  Maxx refers to this as baiting; the Oxford English Dictionary (OED) describes baiting as "to torment with jeers" and that is precisely what Maxx was doing - he was tormenting Mike Sealey and this showed in Mike Sealley's response, which was just as disgraceful as Maxx's comments.  The point of this is, is it acceptable for moderators, who are, as I understand it, the representatives, or perceived representatives,  of this Forum (and if I'm wrong I'm sure members will rush to correct me) to go on to another Forum and behave in this manner?  I imagine that if I behaved in such a way on the other site, that was so unbecoming and demeaning of this Forum, that I would be banned.

I do not take issue with the fact that moderators from this Forum went on to Chnlove's official Forum to challenge what Mike Sealey was posting there as it undoubtedly required challenging, but in a proper and constructive manner; not with taunts and jeers and unexplained allegations.  In fact the more restrained and constructive contribution of Vince, and other moderators, proved Mike Sealey's perceived hurt, that the moderators had voted unanimously to ban him from this Forum, to be false and wrongly held.  That was a notable moment when Mike Sealey had to draw a deep breath and admit he was wrong.  In my opinion, that is how those sort of disagreements are best dealt with - you say what you have to say, in a proper, decent and meaningful manner and then depart and leave others to form their own conclusions about the veracity of what you have said.  And there were others on that site who were coming to their own conclusion and were posting that they were not interested in what Mike Sealey was saying.  

This affair also raises another question regarding members who are banned from this Forum - I don't mean the trojan horses and plants etc, I trust the moderators completely in dealing with them, or those who are banned for short terms for rule violations  - I am thinking of those who are banned for long periods of time, perhaps even for life; is there any appeal available to them?  Surely, this is a democratic Forum, and in the governance of most such bodies or groups there is an appeals procedure that grants the right to appeal what may be seen as more draconian actions.  That way there would be no argument about whether or not someone was wrongly banned or had a perceived idea that they were.  If it doesn't have an appeal process, perhaps this Forum could set up an appeal panel consisting of, say for example, 3 (or any number of) members with high reputations.  It may never be called in to service but it would serve its purpose by being there, and may help to prevent a future occurrence of what took place on Chnlove's Forum.  I merely offer this as something to be thought about and accepted or rejected as members may think fit.

Lastly, it should be kept in mind that the confrontation with Mike Sealey took place on Chnlove's official Forum - and how Chnlove must have loved it!  I can see them reading every insult, allegation and threat with glee - and looking forward to the next complaint from this Forum about agency scammers, or whatever, and dismissively tossing it in to the wastepaper basket.

The moral being: the more credibility and decorum we conduct ourselves with, the more credibility and respect we earn.
« Last Edit: January 19, 2010, 11:50:03 pm by Johnboy »
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Vince G

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RE: mods explanation about china-love
« Reply #69 on: January 20, 2010, 01:35:47 am »
The story behind the screens: Back when the Facebook forum started (I was #13) is when I met Mike. I extended my help to him when he thought one of the mods (I wasn't one) deleted his profile? or something like that? The profile thing might of been the second time? I think he had a virus first? It's hard to remember because there was another old buddy Max on the forum, Pink horror and a few other names later on Facebook. But I tried helping to find the problem there were also I think two others that this happen to. Mike came in blasting accusing everyone in the forum when in fact it was the Facebook  people themselves. They deleted any fake named profiles. Through emails I got him calmed down and explained what happen. This was after emailing Facebook techs and other mucky-mucks.

Mike and I had things in common. We both came from the street. He from Phily, me from NY and picked ourselves up and got educated. Saying street doesn't mean you lived on the street but you were street wise, you learned from the streets. It's a city expression. It's just that I had it under control where he didn't.

Ever since then in and off the forum, I was baby sitting him. Calming him down with anything somebody wrote. When he would email me the story was the same... just like the posts he had, I'm living and teaching in China.... in every email. When he did email me he always asked for a favor and I would do it for him. But when I emailed him? I never got a reply unless he needed something (a month later).

At time of banning, I had PM'd him not to respond as I knew he would. I wanted to get more info on this person first (long story). So instead he emailed or PM'd the person and threatened with bodily harm. He was banned for a short time to have him cool down and realize what he did. Then he went and posted on the Chnlove forum making all these statements on all of us. That was the last straw. Oh yeah lets not leave out the 2 or 3 emails he didn't reply to. Then a while later he did email me a month or so later. It opened with (basically) Hi Vince how are you? Hows Song doing, Your a #%*&# *&*(&!   Q&*&$_&*()@*!,  I wouldn't even put it here. Of course I replied in his native language. What he said was do it his way or we're not friends? Well sorry, that's not what friends do as far as I'm concerned. That was the end for me. To curse at me as he did after all I did for him and without even a thought of what he said to me? Na! Times up, strike 3.

As for some sort of appeal? MAYBE Mike could come back if he controlled his angry rants? Any others that were banned I wouldn't even consider letting them back. They were banned for very good reasons. Never has any regular guy stating an opinion been banned, only real trouble makers that disrupted the forum.


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RE: mods explanation about china-love
« Reply #70 on: January 20, 2010, 02:04:19 am »

it sounds as though there was a lot of tolerance were this subject is concerned
and i agree with you guys if someone threatens someone then no need to have
them on the forum nor allow them to come back. getting mad and calling someone
a    #######  is 1 thing but to threaten them is totally uncalled for and should be
handled with banning      just my 2 cents worth

Vince G

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RE: mods explanation about china-love
« Reply #71 on: January 20, 2010, 08:01:25 am »
Quote from: 'ttwjr32' pid='28776' dateline='1263971059'


it sounds as though there was a lot of tolerance were this subject is concerned
and i agree with you guys if someone threatens someone then no need to have
them on the forum nor allow them to come back. getting mad and calling someone
a    #######  is 1 thing but to threaten them is totally uncalled for and should be
handled with banning      

This wasn't the first time either....


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RE: mods explanation about china-love
« Reply #72 on: January 21, 2010, 05:02:24 am »

Excellent post.  Thank you.  I agree with you 100%


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RE: mods explanation about china-love
« Reply #73 on: January 21, 2010, 10:47:15 am »
Quote from: 'Vince G' pid='28773' dateline='1263969347'

 It's hard to remember because there was another old buddy Max on the forum, Pink horror and a few other names later on Facebook. But I tried helping to find the problem there were also I think two others that this happen to.


Whatever happened to Max/Pink Horror/Alex Janerus(this was his last facebook name)? We had some mutual aquaintances in Wuhan and I know he had a girlfriend there, but haven't seen him on facebook or here...just curious.....

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RE: mods explanation about china-love
« Reply #74 on: January 21, 2010, 10:55:54 am »
Biggie no idea after he got banned on facebook.I seen he was posting on the official.For about a month.Then he stopped posting there.He did start his own group on facebook.But it was a real exclusive group.You had to be invited to Join the forum.Last time I looked it had four members.I don't know if the group is still active.