Irishman, you will enjoy Guilin ... There are many theme parks in the area. The photo with the butterfly on side of mountain, was an entrance to one of them. There was a ancient cutural village, where Jinxiang was sitting on the bear. Lots of natural caverens to explore. I will post some more photos of caverns and area. One of the theme parks, you entered the cavern by boat, then walked the rest of the way through. One thing that can be said about our guided tour from Shenzhen, was for 3 days, but actually only one and half days of sightseeing.... and the tour package really packed a lot of places in that short time. I think it would be hard to find these places on your own, but they are all in the area. Guilin is a popular tourest area. I took the cavern photos with available light ... no flash ... was hard to hold the camera still ... had no tripod