Author Topic: human trafficking  (Read 2624 times)

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human trafficking
« on: January 12, 2010, 10:16:54 am »
i read an article today were the USA was opening up several new
 offices for this in the states. i sure hope this doesnt add an additional
 burden for everyone trying to get their lady to the usa. seems based on
 the records this problem has really escallated recently. the additional
offices and manpower will be used to combat the problem. it was just a short article. has anyone else read anything more in depth on this. it already is such a long wait we dont really need an more additional time to be added on to the wait. there will be 2 new offices and lots of manpower added in los angeles and san francisco

Offline Willy The Londoner

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RE: human trafficking
« Reply #1 on: January 12, 2010, 10:26:33 am »
Maybe it will make things easier Ted by speeding things up with more offices and more staff.  

Then again if they are only opening new offices in California then could it be a Mexican problem as mentioned elsewhere.  

Willy The Lpndoner

Now in my 12th year living here,


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RE: human trafficking
« Reply #2 on: January 12, 2010, 10:36:08 am »
no they are opening several all over the country from what i read

Offline Willy The Londoner

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RE: human trafficking
« Reply #3 on: January 12, 2010, 10:42:27 am »
Oh well, Its back to the dark corner again.   Just pop my head up now and then to see what is flying my way.

Willy The Lpndoner

Now in my 12th year living here,

Vince G

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RE: human trafficking
« Reply #4 on: January 12, 2010, 11:35:44 am »
I have not read anything about this, except some cities and states are doing there own thing. Meaning they government isn't involved, nothing to do with visa's?

San Francisco agencies and nonprofits are joining forces in an effort to fight human trafficking in the city. On Monday, city leaders kicked off a monthlong anti-trafficking campaign, including the formation of the San Francisco Coalition Against Human Trafficking.


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RE: human trafficking
« Reply #5 on: January 13, 2010, 04:06:23 am »
Much the same thing is happening in the UK. When the economy goes bad, immigrants get blamed. That won't ever change.


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RE: human trafficking
« Reply #6 on: January 13, 2010, 10:11:16 pm »
Guy's, there is a chinese restraunt or actually several, but the one that I am refering to I helped build.  Down in the basement, there are small apartments - very small.  Now I have noted that after closing time, no one goes home from there.  They always have fresh cooks and waitress or waiters every year or less.  The new ones don't speak a lick of english and the ones that have been there for a little while know to say things like - take plate?- as they are "all you can eat places"  this goes for lots of chinese places from Phoenix to Flagstaff to Prescott.  I eat a lot at all you can eat chinese.  I just happened to know a waitress at one in particular and she told me that they have to go to San Francisco for some reason, that she kept secret, but she had to save her money for this.  I did not see her agian for around 30 days as she had been replace with another that didn't speak english.  She had to leave with the manager and several other
of the help for this secret trip.  They all of a sudden showed up agian a little after 30 days.  I know several of the others and the excuses ranged widely for this trip.
So I am wondering if this isn't some sort of a work program where they live in the basement and they are indentured servents until they pay someone off in San Francisco.  what do you think.???

Vince G

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RE: human trafficking
« Reply #7 on: January 13, 2010, 11:44:34 pm »
They may be on some kind of work visa? or something like that. But the human trafficking usually has to do with prostitution rings. Bringing women in for fun times and they get to live in some darkened room. Not able to go outside.


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RE: human trafficking
« Reply #8 on: January 13, 2010, 11:53:38 pm »
thats sad for these women someone should turn them in the owners that is
 i doubt the govt would send all of them back would probably help them who
 knows what else they go thru

Vince G

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RE: human trafficking
« Reply #9 on: January 14, 2010, 12:18:20 am »
Ted, It sounds like you haven't heard of this before? If you want to hear some horror stories look up some of it?

Offline Rhonald

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RE: human trafficking
« Reply #10 on: January 14, 2010, 12:28:01 am »
Yes we even hear about it happening here - some poor girl handcuffed to a post on a mattress in some basement. The creeps that prey on the girls and even the so called men paying for the service - makes me want to take out the garden shears and do a little prunning.
« Last Edit: January 14, 2010, 12:29:14 am by Rhonald »
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Offline maxx

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RE: human trafficking
« Reply #11 on: January 14, 2010, 01:53:19 am »
American Samoa Guam,Siapan Puerto Rico.About 3 years ago.You would go down and Buy your designer jeans your Levi's your wranglers.Your designer handbags.Your mama bahama designer t-shirt Tommy hilfiger shirts and pants.That said made in America.

Was actually made in American Samoa, Guam, Siapan,Puerto Rico.In what used to be called sweatshops.By Filipino women and Chinese women.They lived at the factories worked 12 hour days.At about 20 dollars a day 6 to 7 days a week.They lived right there at the factory and were not allowed out.If they did not make enough clothing that day.They were fined.If they tried to leave the job they would be beaten.And then deported.With all the money owed them confiscated.The ladies had to work at the factories long enough to pay for there airfare and food and lodging.At 20 dollars a day it would take the women a year or better to pay this all off.

Only one of the factory owners was brought up on Charges.The only reason he was brought up on Charges was.His goon squad killed a worker.When they thought the woman stepped out of line.The government came in Charged the factory owner with murder.Closed the factory offered the workers back do wages.A free ride home.Or American citizenship.80% of the workers took the citizenship offer.The other 20% went back to China.

One of the founding partners of DSL had his own private brothel. in Siapan.With underage girls.They booted him out.I don't know what happened after that.Up to about a year ago.You could have a maid in Saipan and be on welfare at the same time.

Rocky each restaurant is different.What you suspect in some of them is true.Not all of them.Those Asian massage parlors that are so popular in the U.K and the United states.Yes 99% of those women are the Victims of Human trafficking.Those little road side coffee shops in Japan.That have the real friendly coffee girls.They are victims of human trafficking.Certain Karkoi bars in China and Japan.Some of those girls are victims.Of human trafficking.

The way the Human traffickers get the girls is.They grab them off the streets.Or They promise the girls good Jobs in another country.As house keepers or hostess at restaurants. with good living conditions.Short work hours.With unbelievable pay.Sometimes in third world countries parents or relatives will sell the woman or Children.

Once they arrive at there destination.That's when the gloves come off.About 95% of the woman will end up in the sex trade.They are beaten and raped number-us times.To beat down the women's resistance.They are starved for 3 or 4 days.All the while being raped and beaten and force fed opium,cocaine,Morphine.To lower the women's resistance.Once they are compliant they are fed into the system.Threw strip clubs, massage parlors,Karaoke bars night clubs,Brothels.

The average life expectancy of a women in the sex trade is five years.After that they are either dead.Or so hooked on what there handler is giving them that they are to the point that no mans wants them.So they are either let go or eliminated.Some of the women do escape.Or they do buy there way out like the factory workers.

I mentioned the United States and the U.K.The only reason I mentioned them.Is because they are the ones I know a little about.Human trafficking happens in every country in the world.For 5.00 dollars you can rent a 10 year old Cambodian girl or boy.For about 300. you can buy a North Korean woman.And keep her as her your own.

YouTube is a good place for information on this.So is the rest of the Internet.Just type in Human trafficking.Or white slavery.And you will get close to the same results.For the Saipan story just type in Siapan sucks.Both of the stories I mentioned are there on that website.For the story about the factory worker that was killed.It happened in American Samoa.

The reason that it is getting harder and harder for people to get visas to the UK and the United states.And so expensive.Is because of Human trafficking.Your average Human trafficker will not spend what 4,000 dollars and a year in time.Trying to get just one girl to the States or to The U.k.

The Human traffickers have started to bring the Asian girls up threw Mexico by car or truck.They hide the girls in false panels or false floor boards of trucks.A few of them have even figured out how to forge documents.And we are always reading stories of how a ship will come into port.And when they open the container door.All these people will just come running out.They usually only catch a couple of people when this happens.

If and win they do catch the people off the boat.The people have thrown away there I.d.So there is no way to prove what country.You need to deport them to.If the person is a victim of Human trafficking is picked up by the authorities.The handler is usually out maybe a couple of thousand dollers.They can make that up on the next trip


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RE: human trafficking
« Reply #12 on: January 14, 2010, 11:35:32 am »
At this motel that I had to rebuild, it was owned by a guy from india his name is augustine.  He used to go to india and i am not sure how he got the girls, but he would sponser them as workers for the motel, even had some attorney in Calif LA that would get them visa's and then he would bring them back.  He charged them 25,000 each and would use them for maids at the motel until they paid him off.  He ask me one time if I wanted to sponser one, I declined, but he told me that before I signed the paper for them, they had to give me a bundle of cash for doing it.  He got one over here that was a Doctor as I saw her certificate, and I tried to get her a job at the local high school as they were short of teachers.  As a maid, they made 3 dollars per room.  Now how in hell are you going to pay off 25 grand at 3 bucks per room?  I talked to her husband in India one time, he manufactures welders there.  We were good friends and still are today. Augistine died, so her debt is cleared, but this happens and everyone wonders why its so hard to get visa's and passports to get to the united states, because of shifty people like augustine who run a business and make the big money by importing people on false pretenses.:@
He used to import them every 6 months, so he was making more money at that, than he was making at the motel.  By the way, the motel was a run down joint and he lived in malibu on the beach.  there are other motel / restraunt owners that do this.  Makes me mad about that.
« Last Edit: January 14, 2010, 11:38:57 am by rockycoon »

Vince G

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RE: human trafficking
« Reply #13 on: January 14, 2010, 12:02:49 pm »
This goes back to a post I wrote a while ago. It has to be obvious a man or men bringing women in this way is different then the process we go through? So why make it hard or harder for guys showing proof of a relationship vs a guy with nothing but a job offer? Why punish all for the few that are receiving different type of visa? Seems to me someone is getting there pockets lined? and the people doing it the legal way get the shaft.


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RE: human trafficking
« Reply #14 on: January 14, 2010, 12:34:04 pm »

