Author Topic: Haiti Earthquake  (Read 10375 times)

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RE: Haiti Earthquake
« Reply #30 on: January 18, 2010, 09:09:17 am »
there bringing a knife to a gun fight

Vince G

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RE: Haiti Earthquake
« Reply #31 on: January 20, 2010, 08:59:33 am »
New 6.1-quake hits Haiti, people flee into streets

By PAUL HAVEN and MICHELLE FAUL, Associated Press Writers
21 mins ago

PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti – A powerful new earthquake struck Haiti on Wednesday, shaking rubble from damaged buildings and sending screaming people running into the streets only eight days after the country's capital was devastated by an apocalyptic quake.

The magnitude-6.1 temblor was the largest aftershock yet to the Jan. 12 quake. The extent of additional damage or injuries was not immediately clear.

Wails of terror rose from frightened survivors as the earth shuddered at 6:03 a.m. U.S. soldiers and tent city refugees alike raced for open ground, and clouds of dust rose in the capital.

The U.S. Geological Survey said the quake was centered about 35 miles (60 kilometers) northwest of Port-au-Prince and 6.2 miles (9.9 kilometers) below the surface.

"It kind of felt like standing on a board on top of a ball," said U.S. Army Staff Sgt. Steven Payne. The 27-year-old from Jolo, West Virginia was preparing to hand out food to refugees in a tent camp of 25,000 quake victims when the aftershock hit.

Last week's magnitude-7 quake killed an estimated 200,000 people in Haiti, left 250,000 injured and made 1.5 million homeless, according to the European Union Commission.

The new shake prompted Anold Fleurigene, 28, to grab his wife and three children and head to the city bus station. His house was destroyed in the first quake and his sister and brother killed.


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RE: Haiti Earthquake
« Reply #32 on: January 20, 2010, 11:00:58 am »
Wow a 6.1 is the size that screwed up San Francisco and oakland California, and I remember the damage there, freeways colapsed it was a nasty one, so it shook the heck out of them agian.  Guess the whole Island is gonna be leveled and start over.

Vince G

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RE: Haiti Earthquake
« Reply #33 on: January 20, 2010, 11:12:28 am »
There was another I think yesterday or the day before off the Cayman Islands not far from Haiti. But then this morn another. Shake, Rattle and Roll...


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RE: Haiti Earthquake
« Reply #34 on: January 20, 2010, 10:38:28 pm »
Hey, not the caymen Islands, I dive there.

Vince G

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RE: Haiti Earthquake
« Reply #35 on: January 21, 2010, 12:06:45 am »
It was south of Caymen, not sure how far off? So Rocky have you dived in Hell?

GEORGE TOWN, Cayman Islands (CBS4)
Another earthquake has shaken the Caribbean region on Tuesday; just one week after a devastating quake struck the island nation of Haiti. According to the United States Geological Survey, a magnitude 5.8 earthquake hit just 40 miles off the coast of George Town in the Cayman Islands.

The quake was roughly 6.2 miles below the surface of the earth which is approximately the same depth as the 7.0 earthquake that struck Haiti. A tsunami alert was briefly issued and then canceled after the quake struck around 9:23 a.m. local time.

Tuesday's quake off the Cayman Islands follows another earthquake that shook Guatemala and parts of El Salvador on Monday. Monday's Central American quake hit 60 miles southwest of Guatemala City.

All of the recent quakes have all struck on or near the fault between the North American and Caribbean tectonic plates. No injuries or deaths have been reported in the Cayman Islands on Tuesday or in the Monday quake in Central America.


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RE: Haiti Earthquake
« Reply #36 on: January 21, 2010, 11:11:50 pm »
what about the cruise ship that landed on the other side
with its passengers did you see that one

Vince G

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RE: Haiti Earthquake
« Reply #37 on: January 21, 2010, 11:52:46 pm »
No didn't even hear of this??


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RE: Haiti Earthquake
« Reply #38 on: January 24, 2010, 06:55:01 pm »
natural disasters brings out the best in people or the worst
seems like a lot of worst here

Offline David E

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RE: Haiti Earthquake
« Reply #39 on: January 24, 2010, 07:08:03 pm »
I fully understand it is not appropriate for me, or anyone to poke around in the religious thread with non-christian ramblings....and therefore I keep out of the way...what you believe is your business.

But since we seem to have drifted into religion flavoured issues on this Haiti Thread, I would just like to ask one question.......

I note that there is a lot of rejoicing and Christian togetherness for all those who somehow survived this awful disaster...but why, oh why does any God (of any type or form) allow such a thing to happen in the first place. What do we say to the families and friends of the 100,000 plus innocents who were brutally killed in this event.

Is this some sort of gigantic religious lottery.......some win, some lose.

And if church is people, not a building...why kill the people, is it not enough to demolish the buildings...and leave the people alone ???

I cant reconcile any of this in my mind...based on religion.



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RE: Haiti Earthquake
« Reply #40 on: January 24, 2010, 07:28:20 pm »
some people need something to believe in and
the answers will be there i guess when we die
and then see what happens at that time. maybe
that will be when we can get answers to all these
questions that come to mind. i often wonder the same
especially were kids are concerned. why are they born
with problems or why do they die so young? i guess i will
have to wait for those answers.


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RE: Haiti Earthquake
« Reply #41 on: January 28, 2010, 02:16:32 am »
whats the latest in the states about the quake?
has releif made it there to help them? not seeing
much on it here in gz


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RE: Haiti Earthquake
« Reply #42 on: January 28, 2010, 07:55:08 pm »
thanks mike for the articles


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RE: Haiti Earthquake
« Reply #43 on: January 28, 2010, 09:48:00 pm »
Over 1 million starving people, 114 million donated, that would leave 114 million - 1 dollar mcdonalds burgers, so what are they going to feed them when the burgers run out? Better come up with a better plan, no matter how had we try, people are going hungry.
« Last Edit: January 28, 2010, 09:53:43 pm by rockycoon »

Offline maxx

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RE: Haiti Earthquake
« Reply #44 on: January 29, 2010, 12:15:38 am »
Rocky makes a good point.At some point and time all the aid is going to stop.Then What does Haiti do? They have already pissed away all the help the aid the rest of the world had sent them before the earthquake.