Author Topic: Haiti Earthquake  (Read 10391 times)

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RE: Haiti Earthquake
« Reply #45 on: January 29, 2010, 01:52:36 am »
maybe they will learn lessons from the quake??? just a thought
anythings possible

Vince G

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RE: Haiti Earthquake
« Reply #46 on: January 29, 2010, 09:57:03 am »
Quote from: 'ttwjr32' pid='29738' dateline='1264747956'

maybe they will learn lessons from the quake??? just a thought
anythings possible

Yeah they learn how to row the boat to the US.


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RE: Haiti Earthquake
« Reply #47 on: January 29, 2010, 01:09:13 pm »
Well, i hope when they re-build the cities and towns, they build to a standard that is resistant to earthquakes, and not just throw up the crap that they built with before!!  

They need Engineers and building specilists to teach them what's good and what's not. Just the sort of job/service where active retired Engineers and specilists could make good use of there life-long skills..... Just a thought of mine!!!!


Vince G

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RE: Haiti Earthquake
« Reply #48 on: January 30, 2010, 12:59:44 am »
Quote from: 'David5o' pid='29760' dateline='1264788553'

They need Engineers and building specilists to teach them what's good and what's not. Just the sort of job/service where active retired Engineers and specilists could make good use of there life-long skills

Sounds good on paper but that's not the way the are. They have never gotten off there asses to do anything except spread AIDS.


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RE: Haiti Earthquake
« Reply #49 on: January 30, 2010, 05:04:04 pm »
have you had a bad experience with someone from there?
just seems a little rough on the area and yes i know they
are looking for the handouts and have for a while but this
is a little different with what happened. just a little curious
as i have never dealt with anyone from there.

Vince G

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RE: Haiti Earthquake
« Reply #50 on: January 30, 2010, 11:38:21 pm »
Ted yes they live near and around here. Not so much as Miami but... To many immigrants here. Maybe some come to better themselves as Mike mentioned. I have no problem with anyone like this. But when it's an everyday event? An example would be changing a diaper on the street. They just throw it to the ground and walk away. God forbid you say something to them? like pick it up.

Then it's the history of the country. The US has gone to help for near a century and they take the help and then do nothing to continue with what they were taught. They are the type of people that cry they have nothing when they are stocking it away out of view. They don't care for the human life only themselves individually.
« Last Edit: January 30, 2010, 11:39:35 pm by Vince G »

Vince G

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RE: Haiti Earthquake
« Reply #51 on: January 31, 2010, 11:22:44 am »
Ok this had been on my mind all night. I think I need to put things in prospective of where I'm coming from on this issue. It's not a color thing or obviously not a culture problem. It's Haitian's behavior for their fellow man I have a problem with. I have been to some of the islands near Haiti. Even the Dominican Republic (same Island). I even did a job for a Dominican Republican in NY and helped name his child, they gave him my name, first and middle. How's that for a customer.

China had/has (one yesterday) earthquakes and besides the outside help they received the Chinese people gathered and took care of helping that area, getting people out, food, water and whatever else was needed. Sept. 11, NYC, people helping people whoever, where ever, same for the others in Wash. DC and Penn. It's just natural to do so.

Even here when a hurricane hit many homes where damaged, trees down, phone poles down, cell phone towers on battery backup only lasted about a day. No damage to my home at all (I rebuilt it). But there was weeks of no water, no power, no food. First thing I did after was check the neighbors. In a few days the Red Cross was here and set up food for all. I even served the food to the hundred or so that showed up. I shared my next door neighbors generator and anything needed that I had and the same from them we shared. Didn't matter what color or if they didn't speak english. It was the thing to do for the fellow human being.

Haitian's? Don't do this. They will kill each other over a bottle of water, not because they're thirsty but because they want it. They should be digging out their loved ones instead of waiting for others (outsiders) to come and do it. You can read about how they act. I even posted an article about one that went to the graveyard and dumped the corpse out and took the casket? No respect. Since they don't have respect for others I have no respect for them. Help them, yes. Send water, food whatever it takes. But there has to be a limit. Just like there history, they will sit back and take but not do.
« Last Edit: January 31, 2010, 11:23:15 am by Vince G »


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RE: Haiti Earthquake
« Reply #52 on: February 01, 2010, 01:46:33 am »

i didnt think you were a racist just thought you had some bad experiences
with them were your at. your right they need to help each other. i read on the
net there are places with machete carrying people charging tolls to go any
further??? now what the ###l is that kind of crap doing going on?? your right
in the us we band together and give help. of course we have instances like
in new orleans were the help was felt to be to little and to late so those people
turned it into a race issue but if i recall that was the only time that ever happened
but there  they seem to be exploiting their own people

Vince G

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RE: Haiti Earthquake
« Reply #53 on: February 01, 2010, 09:20:14 am »
The katrina hurricane was different. The Government reacted slowly, but there were many individuals out there getting people off roofs until the gov. held them back saying they'll do it and couldn't decide how to? But the individuals weren't charging for the boat ride.

It was just a thought that "some" might misunderstand the posts. If they were white, I would feel the same. In a time like this they should be compassionate for there countrymen. They seem to lack this.


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RE: Haiti Earthquake
« Reply #54 on: February 01, 2010, 05:44:21 pm »
sometimes the worst is brought out when a disaster strikes.
i remember people charging large prices for water until it hit
the media

Offline maxx

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RE: Haiti Earthquake
« Reply #55 on: February 01, 2010, 07:50:41 pm »
Did you all forget about the dome.That wasn't handled well at all.Beatings robery rape gunfire murder

Offline metooap

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RE: Haiti Earthquake
« Reply #56 on: February 01, 2010, 10:20:21 pm »

I have found humor in may of your posts. I am glad that your last couple of post on the subject were rethought.

The bottom-line is when you start talking about Haitians as a collective group. In my opinion you are off base.

It is pretty simple. All Haitians - like all Americans are not alike. Far from it. So too me it is a stretch to say that all Haitians do is spread Aids, or row a boat to America or Miami - or where ever it was you referenced. Maybe I read your posts wrong.

People are people. Some are good, some or evil, some are downright disgusting.

But right about now, people are hurting in mass - and some of your comments are off track.

Vince G

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RE: Haiti Earthquake
« Reply #57 on: February 02, 2010, 12:28:23 am »
"Haitians as a collective group"? Of course not all. But as a country?

"So too me it is a stretch to say that all Haitians do is spread Aids" ? I'm not bring sarcastic, it's a fact they have a large AIDS population and no course of action to stop it. So it keeps multiplying.

It's easy to say they are not that bad. You don't live here among them. An area in Miami called Little Haiti. You do not see them when there is a break in a TV program about another boat load coming in. And to see there protests, many all the time.

Maybe you don't know that as far back as 1915 the US went in to help, and again in the 1980's, 1990's, 2000, and again now. And what are they doing right now as the US is there again helping? Complaining, we should give more?

For a few months work as dropped off. I don't even get a call. What to do? I changed jobs. Can't do accounting? I do remodeling. Finishing up a store remodeling job. One down 4 to go. If this drops off I'll do power washing of homes, if that drops, I move to another. What are they doing? Why aren't they doing the digging? Why aren't they getting the water flow going? Why aren't they setting up or repairing hospitals? Why do they have the time to go loot, rob places? You may think it's off track but it's just that I see more.

Vince G

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RE: Haiti Earthquake
« Reply #58 on: February 02, 2010, 09:58:53 am »
metooap, I might have leaned into the subject to hard on you, sorry for that. It does bother me when people don't "try" to help themselves. It may come across as being mean? But there are so many things going on in helping, it sounds like the US is taking over the country instead of helping. It's going to come back and bite them in the ass. Miami - Dade county is emptying a county jail to make room from the thousands from Haiti that are being brought in? The ones that were suppose to be sent back got a free visa for a year and a half? This all sounds like the island is being cleared out so we can rebuild it. Then what? Are they going to return? If it was my home I would be there doing all I could. That's the difference. They remind me of Huckleberry Finn where he got all the neighborhood kids to paint the fence for him.

To say "all"? no, I don't mean all. I'm sure there are many that are doing what they can. But the masses out weight the few. I'm not happy that the government chooses neighboring countries and gives them easy access, visa and bends the laws for some and on the other hand gives us months of crap with China?

Offline metooap

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RE: Haiti Earthquake
« Reply #59 on: February 02, 2010, 12:33:04 pm »

You are not leaning too hard. Pictures and all you are simply aggressively expressing a point of view.

This is fine.

My point is simple, if you start lumping people together, whether Haiti, the Bronx, China or wherever, you are going to have a problem. Because If you are to say all Haitians are this way or that way, then that would mean you have either met all Haitians - or you are God.

I understand your frustrations with the immigration system. Trust me, I wish, as a country we would not have to take one year or more to get our wives and love ones from China VISAs. Especially since some other countries take about 3 months.

On the other hand, you and I are fortunate, because with relative ease we can get a VISA to China or anywhere else for that matter. Why? Not because you are I are such great people. We simply happen to be born and or citizens of the US.

Most of the Haitians you are talking about have about as much influence over their government, as you or I, when it comes to changing our country's policy on extending VISAs to our love ones from China - little or none.

I am not a preacher. In fact, the Church doors would probably buckle as I approached them. I am a full fledged capitalist that see great merit in the game "QQ Garden" that so many people in China play. But I know with great blessings come great responsibility.  

Think about it. The same things have been said about "Little Italy, "Chinatown", on and on. It seems to me through your posts you are way too bright to buy into this - all those folks crap.
If you have not gone to China - by the looks of things - soon you will be in China. Looking at in your opinion the most beautiful and sexiest woman you have ever seen. While you are looking at your future wife, think about it, some fool there will be looking at you. Saying what the hell is our beautiful woman, doing with an "a.. hole" like you? Surely she could find better in this great land of ours. As this fool passes you and your lady by, your lady will simply look at you smile, and hold your hand even tighter. Because she knows that some may think you are this way or that way. But to her she her you are her umbrella, you are solid as a rock.