Author Topic: Haiti Earthquake  (Read 10389 times)

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RE: Haiti Earthquake
« Reply #60 on: February 02, 2010, 05:58:17 pm »
well this is a strong topic but as i see it is is great to ask and recieve help
but your part in that is to also try and help yourself along with the others helping
you   just a thought

Offline metooap

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RE: Haiti Earthquake
« Reply #61 on: February 02, 2010, 09:03:02 pm »

I agree - we each have a responsibility to help ourselves.

I have no problem telling anyone to get up off their ass.

As long as I know that - that person - is sitting on their ass.

The problem comes in when one is bold enough to say without a speck of proof - everyone is sitting on their asses.

I do not buy this or buy into it.

Vince G

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RE: Haiti Earthquake
« Reply #62 on: February 02, 2010, 11:29:21 pm »
Quote from: 'metooap' pid='30076' dateline='1265131984'

Because If you are to say all Haitians are this way or that way, then that would mean you have either met all Haitians - or you are God.

Well I didn't want to mention it? I haven't talked to every Haitian so... it will rain for 24 hours where you are. :icon_biggrin:

Your right, I shouldn't pick on them just from the media reports. I am usually more skeptical of the media.

Offline metooap

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RE: Haiti Earthquake
« Reply #63 on: February 03, 2010, 12:10:25 am »

Now you sound like the guy that I have been reading in your other posts.

The earth quake victims need help. We have a responsibility to extend our hand. They have the responsibility to pull themselves up.

Now as for as the rain - give me about 30 minutes. Let me go find old what's his name - Noah that's it!:icon_cheesygrin:


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RE: Haiti Earthquake
« Reply #64 on: February 03, 2010, 02:45:48 am »
its probably one of the few places were the bad and lazy outweigh the good hard
working people but how did that come about?  from to much aid? i dont know but i
do know i had a good vacation there one time for a week. but didnt venture all over
to see first hand

Offline metooap

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RE: Haiti Earthquake
« Reply #65 on: February 03, 2010, 03:02:12 am »

At least you added to the economy - right?

I can name a few other places where the bad and lazy outweigh the hard working folks.

I will not name the place.

But here is another thought.

I do not think the earthquake made a distinction between the bad, lazy, and hardworking folks.

Right now we can't either. We just have to help - and hope that our efforts get to as many hardworking people as possible.

Vince G

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RE: Haiti Earthquake
« Reply #66 on: February 03, 2010, 11:09:19 am »
Well I never said we shouldn't help. But to what extent? is what worries me.

I have a knack that I notice most others don't have. When doing a project or anything else I know where and how it's going to end up. It's hard to explain. It's sort of like before you put a certain air pressure in your car tires you know what the ride will be like, how it will brake, take turns. this is what I see with Haiti, so it worries me how it's going to end up?

South Florida is a multi-cultural state. I meet all kinds of people from all over. Just the other day I met a Hungarian (I thought he was German). It's almost like NY? Haitians protest here all the time. In one way they should. In another a protest isn't going to help. The protesting is they want the same immigration rights as Cubans. They should, but the Cubans shouldn't have it easier then the rest either. They have the wet foot, dry foot law for them and nobody else? For those not knowing what that is? If they come on a boat and make it to land they can stay? Passing all the immigration laws to the side. Then knowing that I/we have to jump hoops to have a wife come here to live? It gets my blood boiling. It's just not fair.
« Last Edit: February 03, 2010, 11:10:50 am by Vince G »


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RE: Haiti Earthquake
« Reply #67 on: February 03, 2010, 04:51:54 pm »

doesnt it always seem to be harder to get things done when you dont try
to circumvent the system? when you do circumvent the system it seems to
be easier for you. at least on these type issues. the frustration is just endless.

Offline metooap

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RE: Haiti Earthquake
« Reply #68 on: February 03, 2010, 11:08:50 pm »
Vince and ttwjr32,

Really we are talking about apples and oranges here.

First we are talking about the earthquake and devastation. Here I think we should help individually and collectively as much as we can.

Also we are talking about immigration - which is a different can of worms altogether.

On this issue - to me it is pretty clear, find the end of the line, get in it, and follow it until it is your turn. On the other hand I agree, with you it burns me to know end to know that in a matter of two months, I will be married and ticked off because I have to wait another 12 months or so to process a VISA to the US for my wife. So I understand what you are saying.

The only thing that is a saving grace is when I look at my wife, I say 12 months, 5 years, it does not matter, Until we get the VISA I am staying in that pudding line - if you know what I mean. :icon_biggrin:

Vince G

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RE: Haiti Earthquake
« Reply #69 on: February 03, 2010, 11:39:11 pm »
Well it's pears. The subject falls into the earthquake and how the US is helping. The immigration is part of it. It's one of the things they are "helping" with. Currently there are three counties taken in Haitians. Miami, Broward and Palm Beach. So everything written is the fallout of the earthquake.


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RE: Haiti Earthquake
« Reply #70 on: February 04, 2010, 01:06:08 am »
i saw and read that also they are bringing them to the usa
its one thing to help but i dont think that is the way. why
dont they spend the money to bring them here and feed
the people who are in tough times already there?? send the
help to them and if they abuse and misuse then its on them
but bringing to the country is not the answer needed

Vince G

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RE: Haiti Earthquake
« Reply #71 on: February 04, 2010, 09:45:49 am »
Well like I wrote earlier, they are clearing out a holding area named Chrome, moving them somewhere else and bringing in haitians to stay there? So who's rebuilding? I'm just finishing a job where I had a helper. He couldn't do anything? Part of the job was a drop ceiling (suspended). It takes 14 seconds to cut a tile where needed. It took him 2 hours to cut 1 tile? I laid into him for the time lost. And by the way he's Italian or at least he says he is? But that's another story. But dealing with such a person I get the feeling, like me the US will be rebuilding this way. Ending up doing it all.


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RE: Haiti Earthquake
« Reply #72 on: February 04, 2010, 11:27:42 am »
vince  what is chrome? or is that just what they are calling it?

Vince G

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RE: Haiti Earthquake
« Reply #73 on: February 04, 2010, 08:28:56 pm »
Chrome Detention Center

Chrome Detention Center in Miami of the Department of Homeland Security. Basically it is the detention hold for people being sent back to whatever they came. Mostly criminals. If they have a criminal record they can't stay.  

Ran across this article from a few years ago, but it shows just what I was posting.

CNN correspondent Mark Potter has just learned that six people have now been charged, apparently with attempting to smuggle these Haitian migrants into the United States. Mark Potter is down at the federal courthouse and the U.S. attorney's office, and hopes to bring us additional details as soon as they are available.

Meantime, demonstrations continue this day in Miami, as they did yesterday, and more are scheduled for this afternoon, as supporters of these Haitian migrants, who are arguing for equal treatment of them, continue to protest their treatment here in the United States so far. This, following very stunning pictures, but not unfamiliar to those who live in south Florida, of this latest arrival of Haitian migrants to the United States.

More than 200 of them jammed onto an overcrowded, 50-foot wooden boat, landing in Miami's Key Biscayne. Some argue that these Haitians should be treated like Cuban migrants; that is, to allow them to be paroled into the United States and then make their cases for political asylum.

Right now, as it is, for the most part, these Haitian migrants do not have the opportunity, their supporters say, to hire lawyers to represent them to try to fight their case in a U.S. court.

Now, today, a Democratic congresswoman, Carrie Meek, confronted Republican incumbent Governor Jeb Bush about this, asking him to take advantage of his family ties to try to fight and try to change U.S. immigration policy. She was asking him for help.


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RE: Haiti Earthquake
« Reply #74 on: February 04, 2010, 09:08:42 pm »
maybe that is why the chinese cant go to many coutries of their own
free will. they could use the political asylum in their quest to leave China?
dont know just a thought?