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Offline jeffm

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South China Trip
« on: January 16, 2010, 08:33:28 pm »
I will be leaving Tuesday the 19th for Nanning, Shenzhen, and Beihai.  

Visiting for the first time a girl in Nanning from CLL, and also to visit the 608 and 512 agency in town.  

I then have to go over to Shenzhen to take care of business issues, but while I'm there I might visit Moonlove and the Oriental agency.  There are two from the Moonlove agency I just started talking to.  Hopefully I will be able to meet them.  In any event I should acquire really good information on these agencies for the guys on this forum.

Then over to Beihai to look at homes to buy.  I understand they are new and quite reasonable.  I will also visit a friend of mine.  She is only a friend and is looking for a guy.  She is pretty 24 years old and can speak and write English well.  Anyone interested PM me.  

Then back to Nanning.

Now that is the plan, but at any point along the way if I find my girl then the whole schedule gets revised.  I do have to be in Shenzhen at least breifly though.

I will be there for three weeks, as I return on the 14th of Feb.. If anyone has any advice I'm all ears.  I have been to China several times, but I feel like a newbie sometimes.  I hope this trip is successful.  Really tired of the process.

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Offline Voiceroveip

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RE: South China Trip
« Reply #1 on: January 16, 2010, 08:40:11 pm »
Jeff, good luck with all of that!

I'll be in the vicinity starting Feb 6th, so if you're bored, let me know!

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RE: South China Trip
« Reply #2 on: January 16, 2010, 08:42:44 pm »

I'm afraid that even if the homes are dirt cheap, you won't be able to buy one!! As far as i can remember, you need to be a Business in China for X amount of years with a Chinese business partner or married to a national and then the property is registared in her name...not yours!!

Unless the rules have changed in the last year or so that is.....


Offline maxx

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RE: South China Trip
« Reply #3 on: January 16, 2010, 08:54:48 pm »
Jeff glad to see you got your sign in issues taken care of.Irish or Martin was going to have to fix it.I don't have that kind of access to fix things like that.

About your trip the only advice.I can offer.Is slow down it is hard to really get to know someone in just a couple of days.You said your spending three weeks there so I hope you have one special lady picked out.And I hope your are going to give it a harder try then just a couple of days.Chinese women like romance to.They are not all about business all the time.I don't think I would be dragging the special lady to the other marriage agencies.To a Chinese woman it says your still looking.And you have just shot yourself in the foot.Most Chinese women I know have a big jealousy streak running threw them.SO be very careful

We do need your impression and opinion of the other agencies.But don't get yourself in trouble over it.

Good luck

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RE: South China Trip
« Reply #4 on: January 16, 2010, 10:30:33 pm »
Looking forward to hearing about your trip Jeff.  Good luck with everything.  It sounds like you will be quite busy during these three weeks.

Offline jeffm

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RE: South China Trip
« Reply #5 on: January 17, 2010, 12:42:16 am »
Wow I'm surprised by the quick replies, but it is appreciated. Thanks

Frank yes it would be great to sit and have a coffee or a wine.  Do you have a Chinese cell phone?  I have to get another while I'm there.  In December I lost mine in a taxi in Beijing jeez, so I have to get another.  In any event let's keep in touch and see if it happens.  We have some experiences in common.

David- Yes I'm aware of that.  I have a plan haha.  Thanks though.  

Maxx- Thanks for the advice.  I do need to slow down.  I do have a tendency to go to fast sometimes when I see something in business or a woman. I'm spending three weeks and only going back because I have a child support hearing Feb. 24th to get it lowered.  If you knew what I was paying now you would be cheering for a victory lol. The plan is to go right back at the end of Feb. or the first of March and stay for awhile.  I don't know how long.  I have one girl I met on CLL, and she wants to pick me up at the airport.  I'm not getting my hopes up.  What is the saying here?  Go without high expectations.  That's what I'm doing.  I am good at romance and affection, so I should be okay with that. Omg lol I would never think about taking her to an agency.  That would be rude as heck.  If she's the one then I might not ever make it to an agency.  Yes if a Chinese woman loves you they will LOCK you down lol.  I have experienced that.  But having said all that I'm kind of just going to see what happens without forcing the issue.  If it happens it happens. If not then I will do as the professional poker players say after losing a hand, "deal the cards".  I appreciate your wisdom Maxx.  Anytime you want to throw it my way I'm listening.

Martin- Talked to you earlier. Thanks yeah I'll be busy. I figure as much as I'm pursuing this I'm bound to get lucky and find a special woman.  I'm playing the odds.  Sooner or later I'm bound to hit. Once I do I won't screw this one up.
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Offline Peter

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RE: South China Trip
« Reply #6 on: January 17, 2010, 05:30:30 am »
Is this only in Guangzhou or are they loosing up the rules for all of China ??
Better to be married to a wife from Changsha then have 7000 women in Chnlove

Offline Cam

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RE: South China Trip
« Reply #7 on: January 17, 2010, 11:28:13 am »
I was just out to dinner with a bunch of locals in Chongqing, they said no problem buying a house here.........I was in Nanning for about 10 days up till about 10 days ago, if you have nothing to do and like night clubs go to the Soho, full of gorgeous young ladies willing to talk to any westerner. There is also a very famous street/lane just opposite WallMart, you'll see a million people crossing the road every time the walk sign comes on, just follow them, there are some pretty amazing sights like dog raw or cooked ,great little street for a stroll

Offline jeffm

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RE: South China Trip
« Reply #8 on: January 17, 2010, 01:04:41 pm »

Thanks for the info.  The Soho, hmm that sounds tempting.  I also have heard of that street opposite WalMart.  Did you visit the agencies there?  Anything else you can tell me about Nanning before I arrive?  Well if my girl doesn't show up at the airport and it doesn't work out at the agencies then at least I can visit the Soho.  Is it on Dongge Rd or Minzu Ave.?
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RE: South China Trip
« Reply #9 on: January 17, 2010, 01:24:25 pm »

225 sq mt, I hope your lady is up to cleaning it, that's big by Chinese standards.
Why do you need one that big?? There's only the 2 of you right?? Even if you wanted friends and relatives to stay at different times, that still seems on the big side for China.
Do you know, ....i don't think i've ever been into an apartment of that size inu China, ...around 150/170 is about the biggest i've seen, and that was in a real expensive block, on a real expensive development.... haha!!



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RE: South China Trip
« Reply #10 on: January 17, 2010, 06:40:17 pm »
i have looked at many this size in guangzhou but didnt like the layouts
so i drew up one for us. we need 3 bedrooms as my mom and her mom and
dad will live with us. my mom all year long and hers about 6 months. it will
have 2 bathrooms and a big kitchen as my wife loves to cook and bake.
the kitchen will be a western kitchen with a full stove and oven along with
the dish washer yes you can get those here in china. i also want a den like
i had in usa as my office. i sold everything i the USA houses and all so i will
set up here comfortable and enjoy. the problem now is that i have to do
all this in a new building unless i do find one that is layed out well.


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RE: South China Trip
« Reply #11 on: January 17, 2010, 06:42:50 pm »
Good luck with your trip Jeff.  remember to update us...:icon_cheesygrin:


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RE: South China Trip
« Reply #12 on: January 17, 2010, 07:06:57 pm »

Are you saying your going to buy a plot of land and build your own place, or have i miss-read
you?? If you are ...that'll be a!! Does that new rule for Aliens include land purchase??

Yes i know those goods are available there, you can find just about anything really in China, just have to know where to look. I purchased a freestanding oven/hob while in China and took it with me when i moved projects there. Didn't go as far as a dishwasher though!!!


Offline Cam

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RE: South China Trip
« Reply #13 on: January 17, 2010, 10:09:42 pm »
Quote from: 'jeffm' pid='28481' dateline='1263751481'

Thanks for the info.  The Soho, hmm that sounds tempting.  I also have heard of that street opposite WalMart.  Did you visit the agencies there?  Anything else you can tell me about Nanning before I arrive?  Well if my girl doesn't show up at the airport and it doesn't work out at the agencies then at least I can visit the Soho.  Is it on Dongge Rd or Minzu Ave.?

Yeah the Soho bar is huge, the second time I went there I ended up drinking with the owner (little mafia looking type who rarely smiles but nice guy) and all the lovelies that hang around him, it was Xmas eve and I ended up leaving at 5am after a great night playing the dice game with a couple of little sweeties that were a good 30yrs younger than me, NYE was much the same.
I didn't go to meet a girl ( had one failure in Changsha about 5 months ago, that was enough to put me off ChnLove) I met a nice girl on QQ and as I was going to China anyhow I decided to go to Shanghai and meet her but I got sick of the place after 3 weeks of freezing my nuts off and seeing a westerner every time I turned around so I decided to go somewhere warmer (I came here to find a job teaching but they want a degree in the bigger city's & I only have TESOL) Nanning is really clean compared to a lot of places I've been and you'd be lucky to hear 10 people spit a day, names of streets and places I'm useless with but they sound familiar. once you get used to most of the girls looking very Vietnamese (on the border) they become more beautiful by the day.
I've ended up signing a 12 month contract in Chongqing (fog city) and I'll find my own woman once it's decided which school I'm at in a few weeks and have my own apartment,  this place is MASSIVE and foggy, I'm sitting in a luxury 23rd floor apartment which they are letting me stay in for free until I'm placed and I can barely see the ground, I guess being 400m above sea level doesn't help much.
Good luck with the trip & ladies..........plenty out there.
« Last Edit: January 17, 2010, 10:13:22 pm by Cam »

Offline Neil

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RE: South China Trip
« Reply #14 on: January 17, 2010, 10:19:39 pm »
Nothing wrong with Vietnamese ladies.
*warning - this link is probably not work-safe* irresistible as chocolate