Brin you will never know how much confidence you ahve given me by your leap of faith.
In am interested to know th estuff ypour teaching.
Today I recieved an email telling me that this school in Qingdao (where i am) wants me to do a days teaching, 9which I am willing to do).. I will hear about it all tomorrow when alice phones me.
Best of lusk to you and yours mate../..
Hiya Rob,
My first few days at work I taught what they call and english corner or demo class. This is basically to see if I can actually do what they need me to do. So for my first one I basically told them about Canada and some of the differences between there and China.
The second class I did I spoke about weather. Being that I am trained as a Meteorological technician it was an easy subject to teach. I was a bit worried that it might be difficult for them to understand based on limited english and I kept the words and ideas as simple as possible but they ate it up and the hour passed so fast they had to tell me the time was up because I didnt even notice. They also kept me after class for 45 minutes just chatting which apparently means they like how or what you have to say, so I think I have been accepted by the students at least.
Today I gave another english corner on Marriage and the different customs between countries since we all here know quite a bit about that.
I was also supposed to start teaching regular classes but today it snowed all day so most students stayed at home so I did not get to teach and I am off tomorrow and wednesday.
So all in all Zhen and I have settled into our new life quite nicely and I am settling into the school also quite nicely, so it appears my great gamble has paid off. I have a job, an apartment, and the love of my life at my side, and I even get paid for it so what more could I possibly ask for?
I wish you luck on your adventure I am sure you will do fine. Besides you could always teach a class about being a jockey. I am sure that is something they will never have heard about before. Speaking of Jockeys did you ever meet Willy Shumaker? It seems to me I remember meeting him when I worked at the woodbine Racetrack in Toronto Canada back in the 1970's but perhaps I am mistaken.
Anyway good luck and keep the updates coming.
Zhen and Brian