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Offline Irishman

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RE: South China Trip
« Reply #30 on: January 21, 2010, 01:16:31 pm »
Great story Jeff, hope there is more updates to come !

Cam I never heard of the 7 Days Inn, I see there is several in Guangzhou and one right beside Beijing Street which is a great location. I'll definitely keep that in mind for future visits.
I really don't get people spending more than maybe 30 euro or so on a hotel room in China - that gets you a nice room, with internet, air con and a good hard king-size bed. I only plan on sleeping there, any extra is just wasted cash that i could be spending on having a good time out in the city with my girl.
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Offline Martin

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RE: South China Trip
« Reply #31 on: January 21, 2010, 01:48:39 pm »
and a good hard king-size bed. I only plan on sleeping there

I guess the rest of us know how to put a good King sized bed to use.

Offline Irishman

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RE: South China Trip
« Reply #32 on: January 21, 2010, 02:06:48 pm »
Quote from: 'Martin' pid='28967' dateline='1264099719'
and a good hard king-size bed. I only plan on sleeping there

I guess the rest of us know how to put a good King sized bed to use.

Some of us don't need to brag, it goes with out saying! :)
« Last Edit: January 21, 2010, 02:07:27 pm by Irishman »
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Offline Cam

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RE: South China Trip
« Reply #33 on: January 21, 2010, 11:17:12 pm »
www/7daysinn is their western site, some of them are not licensed to have westerners ( I found one in Shanghai) but yes I find spending a fortune on a hotel a complete waste of money, I only sleep there and if I'm lucky do a bit of shagging, I don't need a pool or a heated sauna just a nice clean room with helpful staff, nearly always someone on duty that speaks a smattering of English and they will usually book you in on the reception net so you get the discount lol.
Lets face it, you spend 129 - 149rmb at 7 days or 500rmb at a fancier hotel & you're blowing a good 350rmb spending money every day.
P.S. They all have WESTERN TOILETS so no crapping in a hole under the shower where you could easily snap an ankle.

Offline jeffm

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RE: South China Trip
« Reply #34 on: January 22, 2010, 08:12:28 pm »
Hello all.

Let me first start off to say that it is STILL raining here. It has not stopped since I last wrote a couple of days ago.  I had to change socks yesterday from my feet getting wet lol.  The rain is relentless. Glad I brought an extra pair of shoes lol.  

I didn’t write yesterday, because by the time we got back to my hotel I was too tired to write.  It was a good day yesterday.  I finally got another Chinese cell phone.  I left my old one in a taxi in Beijing last month.  It was a cheap one I got a year ago on my first trip to China, so it wasn’t a huge loss.  I regretted losing almost all of my contacts I built up over that time in that phone.  I’m still pissed about that.  We walked around the mall on my recommendation, because I felt bad that Wendy gave me a present at the airport and I had nothing.  It ended up being yes you guessed it skin cream lol.  They live for that stuff.  Had a brunch and sat at a coffee house and used the Besta to communicate.  Later we had dinner before using two tickets she picked up for the theatre.  We went a see Avatar with our 3D glasses on.  It was the second time she saw it and wanted to see it again.  Really good movie, and in 3D makes it even better.  I would see it again myself.  

Really nice girl calm personality with a nice sense of humor.  Very respectful of me not spending much money.  Restaurants have been low cost, and I had to twist her arm to let me buy a present for her.  I had to insist on it lol.  At this point it doesn’t appear she is in it for the money.  I misunderstood her about her career.  She’s an accountant at a clothing company.  I might have posted that she was a fashion designer.  That is an indication of the miscommunication, because of the language barrier.  That is one glaring minus I have to decide if I have the patience for.  It might also be because I’ve been spoiled by my last relationship.  It was nice dating an English major LOL.  Learning about each other went way more quickly.  Today she wants to take me to an Exposition related to business.  Don’t know quite yet exactly what that is, but will post it on my next letter.  Oh did I say that it hasn’t stopped raining since I landed in Nanning? Lol

Tomorrow I have to go to Shenzhen to take care of business issues.  While there my plan was to visit two agencies there.  Plus there are two women I’ve started writing to from the agencies.  I will try to meet them if possible. I also would like to stop by a bar where I used to live in Shekou at the Coastal Rose Garden apartments.  Many westerners there.  He’s from Chicago and has a nice little place there.  Made some friends there.   Then the plan is to return to Nanning and visit the two agencies here.  They have been expecting me and are probably wondering where I’m at.  They know I’m in town, but don’t know I met Wendy from CLL.  The situation is relatively fluid so the plans with the agencies are not set in stone yet. I can tell you this that Wendy is 32 and looks 22. I wish she knew English a little better.  There is so much I want to say to her, but I have kept it simple.  

Any advice would be welcomed as always.

Cam – I couldn’t find any 7 days inns in Shenzhen.  I went to their website and didn’t see a locater.  I also looked on Ctrip and American Express travel and came up with nothing.  I would find it hard to believe they don’t have a presence in Shenzhen of 9 or 10 million people.  

That’s all I can think of now

Talk to you soon.

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Offline Martin

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RE: South China Trip
« Reply #35 on: January 22, 2010, 08:22:52 pm »
Oh, i just checked the weather forecast, and you might be surprised to learn that it is going to rain some more.  Good to hear you are enjoying yourself.

Offline Cam

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RE: South China Trip
« Reply #36 on: January 24, 2010, 12:22:26 am »
I've stayed at a 7 Days in Shenzhen 5 months ago, it was either149 or 169 per night and from memory there were at least 2 to chose from, try getting someone to call either 400 777 0777 or 156 2222 7777, they are the phone numbers on the back of my key, you'll find nothing on the western web site, try these web sites, they are also on the back of my or
The one in Nanning is 129, it depends on the size of the city and the location as to the price.
Hope that helps. Make sure you ask for membership as soon as you get there.
Oh and if you do manage to find one get whomever books it to write the exact address down in Chinese & be prepared to hunt for the sign & keep asking the people near where the taxi drops you off if he doesn't take you directly to the front door, if you stay at the one I did it's down a driveway behind some shop fronts...most are the same for some reason.
« Last Edit: January 24, 2010, 12:35:33 am by Cam »

Offline jeffm

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RE: South China Trip
« Reply #37 on: January 24, 2010, 09:33:45 am »
Thanks for that Cam.  I'll check into it.  I knew they had to have at least one here.  I remembered seeing one in Guangzhou in August and it was tucked away like that.  Maybe their low price brand is tied to buying space like that.  Just a guess.

Yesterday in Nanning was a good time with Wendy. It continued to rain, but got a reprieve now and then.  We spent most of the day at a scenic resort park above the city walking around in the rain with our umbrellas in 47F/8C. I think the name was Qingdao.  I took a picture of the sign, so when I download the pics I’ll send the name again.  I’ll also post some of those pictures when I download them.  Man it was cold and wet, and had wet feet for three days in a row lol.   We visited an old Buddist Temple.  Some of the art work was beautiful.  Still well kept.  We continued to walk through the park and visited different monuments and buildings.  Sorry it is a little of a blur of what exactly what they were.  Part of the language issue.  It was a nice a relaxing time just walking at our own pace communicating and using the translator.  We saw a lot of exotic plants and flowers.  It pretty much ended at what looked like a big water park and picnic area with a lake.  We stood at the doc with a bunch of people feeding the million gold fish in the lake.  Good simple quality time together.  We went to eat at yet another great restaurant.  The bill was about $15 lol.  I can’t believe how good we ate for such a low price.  Roasted duck heated in this hot bowl, a whole fish, and this big pot/roasting skillet with broth that was also on a hot plate that kept it boiling and duck kidneys or liver lol and Wendy put in different greens and let it cook down a few minutes.  It was like vegetable soup with I think was large leaf kale and green onions.  My god that was good.  We then went to a coffee house and used the translator and just relaxed and talked.  We then went back to the hotel and she went home.  Nice girl and it might turn out okay, but I have learned not to put all my eggs in one basket.  I am not sure about the communication difficulties yet.  I have other women to meet, and want to see how I feel about it.  At least if it doesn’t work out then I know I represented westerners well, as she thought I have been a gentleman during the entire time.  So her impression of me is good. I am her first contact with a western guy.  I told her I would return to Nanning while here.

Today I arrived in Shenzhen and am ready to get a few things done tomorrow.  The most extremely unusual situation happened while at the hotel. I was here for only an hour.  After putting my bags in the room I’d thought I’d walk around the hotel to see where things were. In the lobby I ran into my brother who I have not seen for 3 ½ years.  Of all the places to run into him it is China and in a city of what 9 million people and a million hotels.  I had to stay at the one he was staying at.  He was talking business with a few Chinese, so I know he is now doing business in China lol.  There has got to be a message in there somewhere.  My jaw hit the floor.  While here I plan on visiting a couple of agencies.  Moonlove, Oriental, and maybe XinYuan. I’m also going to look for an apartment. I come here enough it’s about time I do this.  

Until next time.

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Offline Martin

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RE: South China Trip
« Reply #38 on: January 24, 2010, 11:48:35 am »
You ran into your brother??  WOW!  You should go out and buy a lottery ticket.


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RE: South China Trip
« Reply #39 on: January 24, 2010, 06:28:31 pm »
That is something to run into your brother who you havent
 seen in a few years about 6000 miles from home.
 Sounds like it is going well there in Nanning with

Offline Voiceroveip

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RE: South China Trip
« Reply #40 on: January 24, 2010, 07:49:36 pm »
All I can say is: It's a small world ... I ran into my best friend in London in the crowd during the Queen's birthday parade, and a few years later in San Francisco airport ... we were on the same plane to Paris :huh:
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Offline jeffm

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RE: South China Trip
« Reply #41 on: January 24, 2010, 09:16:11 pm »
Quote from: 'Martin' pid='29182' dateline='1264351715'

You ran into your brother??  WOW!  You should go out and buy a lottery ticket.

Martin I thought the same thing.  Maybe my lottery will be finding my new girl lol.
Quote from: 'ttwjr32' pid='29203' dateline='1264375711'

That is something to run into your brother who you havent
 seen in a few years about 6000 miles from home.
 Sounds like it is going well there in Nanning with

32 - 8200 miles but who's counting lol.  

Yes it did but if the chemistry was 100% I wouldn't be keeping my options open.  I'm going to let this thing play out and see where it leads me.
« Last Edit: January 24, 2010, 09:21:07 pm by jeffm »
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RE: South China Trip
« Reply #42 on: January 24, 2010, 09:22:03 pm »
Great read Jeff . Now go and do some more ... as I'm watching closely what you say . haha

Forget the Brother , hope you run into the one that makes you say " I DO " .

Offline jeffm

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RE: South China Trip
« Reply #43 on: January 25, 2010, 12:31:44 pm »
Arnold thanks for the encouragement.  It is appreciated, and if I do run into "the one" then I will be full-go, however I'll have to remember Maxx's advice on "slowing down" if I run into something that feels right.  

Not much to report, as it was all business today.  I will say that it was frustrating working with a financial institution today regarding what one person says as compared to another.  This isn't the first time I've run into this  situation,  so it wasn't a complete surprise to me.  I haggled for a good 3 hours on what the home office told me prior to my trip and what the local office was telling me, then when an agreement was reached I had to go to another office to process it as they didn't have the means to carry through with that particular deal.  I really had to sit back and just laugh about it.  This country is growing so fast that the policies outpace the training of the employees.  Everyone is simply not on the same page to their own policies.  Ultimately it is a good problem to have in this country.  Better than what the alternative could be.  I could go on, but you probably get the gist of it.

I went through City Walk today and Coco Park mall/stores.  Both have prices what you see in the west.  No bargans at those places that I saw.

Tomorrow looks to be much of the same.  If I can squeak a visit in at one of the agencies I'll report on it.  I think the first agency I want to visit is the one who recently sent me two mails without a reply in between from me.  I didn't put a complaint in as I knew I was coming to Shenzhen.  So I will be able to ask Cindy (the translator) point blank why that happened.  Bet that doesn't happen much with the translators haha.  They are so insulated from those types of things because the guys are many thousands of miles away.  

Sorry for the boring report, but I am here for business too.  

Oh this is for Cam.  You are going to like this one.  This morning I had the taxi driver take me from my hotel (Four Points) to the Sheraton in town (only about a 5 minute drive).  While driving there I casually look to my right and see a sign on a building that read "7 days Inn".  I just had to laugh to myself.  I couldn't find them online until you mentioned it in an earlier post.  I keep running into strange events lol.  Now as big as Shenzhen is what are the odds I would just drive by a 7 days Inn?  This has been an interesting visit to Shenzhen and I haven't been here a full two days yet.  

In addition to just running into strange events.  I have another one.  I get back to the hotel, and decided to go into the bar and just have a glass of wine before I went up to my room.  A guy and his colleague are sitting there working on their laptops.  It turned out that he is from a city not far from where I live.  He's been living in China working for his company for the past two years.  There were some common things that we were talking about.  

This kind of stuff is happening rapid fire.  Almost everytime I turn around something strange/familiar happens LOL.  Martin I think you are right.  When I get back I will buy a lottery ticket.  The planets are in alignment, but I better watch for lightening strikes too lol.  

over and out
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Offline Martin

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RE: South China Trip
« Reply #44 on: January 25, 2010, 02:50:20 pm »
Great update.  You do seem to have a lot of odd things happening!  Maybe you don't need to buy a lottery ticket.  Maybe your grand prize will be a wonderful woman who you will get to spend the rest of your life with.