Author Topic: South China Trip  (Read 20084 times)

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RE: South China Trip
« Reply #45 on: January 25, 2010, 03:06:57 pm »
Talking about the Lottery . Anybody winning a Jackpot that is a Member here , is under contract to foot the Bill for a Forum Reunion Party ( in a City to be determent yet ) . Anybody trying to ditch after winning will face the consequences .:@


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RE: South China Trip
« Reply #46 on: January 25, 2010, 03:07:42 pm »

Better still, ...A shit load of money!!

That's using the Logic, ...You stand a far better chance of finding a Good Chinese wife, than you will of winning the Lottery!! ...So better having best of both worlds rather than just the one!!! Lets face it, ....Finding and winning the heart of a Chinese woman is best left to your own endeavors!!! Oh!!, and the money will come in handy too ....hahaha!!!


Chet Sams

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RE: South China Trip
« Reply #47 on: January 25, 2010, 08:13:04 pm »
Ok Arnold ya win megamillions in Cali. Ill snag the powerball in AZ for me.

Offline Cam

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RE: South China Trip
« Reply #48 on: January 25, 2010, 09:54:25 pm »
HaHa told you there were a couple there, I've found that as far as organisational skills go the Chinese couldn't organise a fcuk in a brothel, the girls in the office at the school/agency I work in are incompetent at best, they expect you to be a mind reader amongst many things.
Last week I was examining kids at a school in Beibei, they didn't tell me to write down the questions on the e-mail they sent me because the printer had broken down so I turned up at the school with nothing, luckily the hotel they organised for us which only changed the sheets once a week no matter who lived there (never been in anything so disgusting, pubes in the bed.... I kicked up hell when I got back) was close & I had my wireless laptop in the room so I raced back and got it, then the next morning I'm waiting out the front for my assistant to be there at 7.40 as arranged & nothing, I ring head office to see where she is & she's at the school, stupid %$*# didn't think to tell me she would meet me there, this is only a small sample of the stupidity I've come across in the first 2 weeks of being here.


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RE: South China Trip
« Reply #49 on: January 26, 2010, 06:17:05 am »
Haha it's good to have a Chinese lady take care of all the stupidity for you. Like the hotel in her home town, the fridge was broken and there was no hot water and the Internet was down, so she went and fixed it all for me. In fact she thought the hotel was rubbish and I had to stop her finding a different one for me.

KFC running out of chicken, now that was the wierdest fcuk up that happened to me :icon_cool:.
« Last Edit: January 26, 2010, 06:17:26 am by brett »

Offline Cam

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RE: South China Trip
« Reply #50 on: January 26, 2010, 06:26:18 am »
Every time I've eaten KFC here I've had the trots, I think it may stand for "Kill Foreign Capitalists"


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RE: South China Trip
« Reply #51 on: January 26, 2010, 10:11:22 am »
the kfc's are bad here i think. all 3 times it was for me now i stay out of them
better to buy a live chicken and make your own.

Cam -- mind reading is a prerequisite here in china or its chaos all
          the time. just my observations living here all these years

Offline jeffm

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RE: South China Trip
« Reply #52 on: January 26, 2010, 01:46:25 pm »
Quote from: 'Cam' pid='29326' dateline='1264474465'
HaHa told you there were a couple there, I've found that as far as organisational skills go the Chinese couldn't organise a fcuk in a brothel, the girls in the office at the school/agency I work in are incompetent at best, they expect you to be a mind reader amongst many things.
Last week I was examining kids at a school in Beibei, they didn't tell me to write down the questions on the e-mail they sent me because the printer had broken down so I turned up at the school with nothing, luckily the hotel they organised for us which only changed the sheets once a week no matter who lived there (never been in anything so disgusting, pubes in the bed.... I kicked up hell when I got back) was close & I had my wireless laptop in the room so I raced back and got it, then the next morning I'm waiting out the front for my assistant to be there at 7.40 as arranged & nothing, I ring head office to see where she is & she's at the school, stupid %$*# didn't think to tell me she would meet me there, this is only a small sample of the stupidity I've come across in the first 2 weeks of being here.

Tell me about it.  I have been through the frustrating stuff like you and number of times.  I pretty much have become numb to it except for the other day when I was haggling over the accounts.  At times I probably was talking loud enough over the phone that the entire bank could hear me lol.  I spent 3 hours in that bank to open ONE account.  My God.
« Last Edit: January 26, 2010, 01:50:01 pm by jeffm »
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RE: South China Trip
« Reply #53 on: January 26, 2010, 04:56:56 pm »
Hahaha!! This brings back many memories, and is quite common not only in China, but throughout South East Asia, especially in Korea, Japan, Vietnam. I've found that it's basically a language thing, even though you are talking to a person that speaks/reads English well, they are often completly lost understanding the content of what is being said to them. Being proud Asians, they will not admit that they haven't understood you, and often nod the head as if to indicate they understand.

Having been caught out too many times with this head nodding, i no-longer take it for granted as ''understood'' and will emphasis my meaning till i'm satisfied they ''Have'' understood. When you hear, a long Arrrhhhhhhhhhhhhh!! you can be pretty certain the penny has dropped!! ...haha!!

Organisational skills, ...Yes, again i agree!! They can quite often add one or two levels to a simple tasks. I'm sure it's because they want to get things right the first time, and not to lose face in front of a foreigner or the Boss. Also, if it involves money, this part of the world it requires god knows how many signatures before anything is set in concrete. There not used to doing anything quickly at the best of times, which can be bloody frustrating to the Western way of doing things..... Even more frustrating, you can't rush them either, if you try, it takes even longer to get something done!!!!



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RE: South China Trip
« Reply #54 on: January 27, 2010, 04:10:43 pm »

Do you have KFC'S secret recipe of herbs and spices??  
If so, you can share them with you Bro's, ...Right!!! ...hahaha!!


Offline jeffm

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RE: South China Trip
« Reply #55 on: January 28, 2010, 02:31:54 am »
I haven’t written in a couple of days, so I thought I’d give an update.  

I’ve been involved with work during the day mostly.  I did contact Chen Yan and we met at a Starbucks.  I did to discuss a couple of issues related to business with her.  She met me after work, so since I was taking her dinner time away from her we went out and had nice dinner.  She knew a place in Louhu Jia Ning Na Plaza, and the food was really good. Thanks Yan for showing me that place.  I would return.   I found out that I am officially the first member on the site that has met Yan in person.  I hope this doesn’t embarrass her, but I have to say without question that if I could make a deal with the devil and shave 15 years off my age I would be trying hard to win her.  She is very beautiful and has the personality of an angel.  She is so calm, gentle, and intelligent. How do I say this?  It is very calming to talk to her.  She is a diamond.  I can’t believe she hasn’t been discovered.  Once she is discovered I predict she will be off the market quickly.  Whoever wins her heart will be a very lucky man.  And I’m not kidding about that or her being beautiful.  She is.  Hmm beauty, intelligence, and a personality to match. Does anyone have the devil’s phone number? LOL I did ask her if it was okay to include our meeting in this update and she gave me the go ahead, but she didn’t know what I was going to write haha.  Sorry Yan if I embarrassed you.  You are most deserving of finding your true love.

Yesterday I was able to do a little clothes shopping.  I went to Dongmen Shopping Center where the Chinese like to go.  Not as high pressure as the other place just down the street. Can’t remember the name.  I wasn’t in the mood for high pressure yesterday as I was tired from being out late the night before haha.  You can haggle down things, and the place is big.  I only needed a couple of things so I got what I was looking for and left.  I had a date to get to lol.  

Speaking of this date I was on for two days.  I got sidetracked by hormones I believe.  Let me explain.  When I came back to my hotel later in the day I got on the elevator with three pretty Chinese women.  They were on their way to the dancing bar that had a live band on the sixth floor.  I was supposed to get off the 5th floor and walk through the hall to the other tower and go up to my room on the 27th floor.  Well one of the girls was a 12 and I had to say something to her.  She gave a nice reply and the eye contact was right lol.  Now these were not street girls by any means.  I missed my floor, and I had to stay on the elevator and go back down to the 5th floor lol.  I went to my room and dropped my bags and went right back to the bar. I was just pulled by this girl. Can’t explain it.  We spent the rest of the evening talking and closing the bar at 2am.  We met again for dinner last night and spent the rest of the evening in the same bar until closing.  Thank goodness for my Besta 7000.  Without it I would not have been able to pull this off lol.  I am a sucker for beauty and she was a 12. Not a 10 and dressed to the nines.  When we parted she wanted to go with me today.  I have been looking at apartments on this trip.  I didn’t contact her to go with me.  I’m kind of nipping this in the bud now, because she’s quite young.  She’s 22 years old.  I hope she doesn’t call me looking for me.  It was a moment that took me off of my plan.  Now if I could have that look and add just a few years then I’m full go assuming of course that the personality traits are there.

I am deciding whether to go to Nanning or to Beihai first.  I check out this Saturday, so I need to decide.  There is Wendy to go back and see, but there is also Qiao that will be in Nanning by the 4th of February.  Both women are from CLL.  Hopefully I will make it to P608 Nanning Ouyan, but like I posted on another thread their service thus far has been poor.  The jury is out of them.  If I had to grade them today I would give them a big fat POOR.  I’ll give them the benefit of the doubt at least for me to meet them in person.  I have my friend in Beihai who I’ve been talking to on MSN for awhile now.  She really has been a big help regarding my last relationship and explaining how Chinese women are.  You’d think at my age I would have this down lol.  It is nice to communicate with her because she can both write and speak good English.  When on MSN we mostly talk on the computer, and my daughter loves talking to her, but I keep telling her that she is only a friend.  

Edit for an addition:  I found out the Xin Xin agency is in Futian.  I am in Futian. I will try to go by there  tomorrow.  Also I think the Moonlove agency is in Louhu.

That’s all for now.  I’ll update more later.

« Last Edit: January 28, 2010, 02:47:26 am by jeffm »
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RE: South China Trip
« Reply #56 on: January 28, 2010, 02:49:54 am »

maybe you said in other posts and i missed it but what type of
business are you doing in China? just curious ?

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RE: South China Trip
« Reply #57 on: January 28, 2010, 03:31:16 am »
Education business
Watch what people do not what they say


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RE: South China Trip
« Reply #58 on: January 28, 2010, 04:29:31 am »
not sure what you do in regards to education but have you tried to tap
the guangzhou area   it is pretty huge for the education market well i guess
maybe a little more so than some areas   just a thought

Offline Voiceroveip

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RE: South China Trip
« Reply #59 on: January 28, 2010, 11:34:42 am »
Ok Jeff, I think I know where we're meeting in SZ, hehe 6th floor? :icon_cheesygrin:
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