I cant quite make up my mind whether or not you are serious or are just having fun with us here....in both of the threads you have posted in.
This Forum represents a bunch of normal guys who have decided to help each other with advice and assistance to find our life partner in China.
I am sure that those of us with wives, fiances, girlfriends and such would consider "smokin' hot" as about the last thing we would look for. What happened to character, honesty, honour, intelligence and decency

Neither do many of us here have your "God Like" good looks, or charisma or could be considered to "excel at voice chat". As for your "personality and unique characteristics" truly we are in the presence of greatness......
CHNLove must be so grateful to you that you are keeping your options open with them in case you find "something to hot to resist"
Is that all you are concerned about..."being hot"......I have absolutely no idea what this means, and frankly it is of little interest.
If you want us to publicly applaud your unbelievable skills with women, then it wont come from me !!
I am surprised that you need to bother with Chinese Love Agencies, I would imagine that Supermodels are falling at your feet in droves.
Look mate, we are a bunch of ordinary guys as I said before, we all want something good, lasting and sincere to come out of our search in China and it would help a lot if you posted something that helped everybody get just that a little easier. I for one, dont just want to hear how good you are...just post something constructive, or just listen to some normal guys going about normal business to find their Lady.
I am sure that the vast majority of the Bros here have a great regard and admiration for those parts of Chinese Culture that typify the Ladies we would like to find. We have all had enough of mindless, shallow "so-called Hot" women in our own history to avoid them like the plague in China.
Dont trivialise the wonderful adventure that many of us are living in the search for our life partner.
David E