I should add a small caution to those contemplating pre-nups prior to a marriage (with anyone, not just a Chinese Lady)
Please dont think that a Pre-nup is a 100% "get-out-of-jail-free" card because it is definately not.
The first hurdle you will need to get over if a seperation happens within a Pre-nup centres around what contribution she made within the marriage....and that does not necesarily mean working and bringing in a wage. If she only contributed time and effort...a good Lawyer will get that translated as a share of your assets, or cash or both.
The second hurdle is if you have had children together and they are below the age of self-support. In this case, a Pre-nup can be completely put aside legally...always the children's welfare (mentally and financially) will over-ride a Pre-nup.
Thirdly, if she joined the marriage with nothing, if it all goes perr-shaped, she will easily get some level of compensation for her situation. If , however you both had more or less equal assets to bring to the marriage, then you should be safe if there are no kids.
If you are thinking Pre-nup, get a REAL good Lawyer to draft it...and be prepared that is almost certainly wont be watertight when the crunch happens !!!
From bitter and costly personal experience I KNOW this is a set of facts that requires you do it very carefully.
Take care !!!!!!!!!!!!!