Author Topic: [split] From the Passport up.  (Read 5967 times)

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RE: [split] From the Passport up.
« Reply #30 on: January 21, 2010, 02:50:49 pm »

The Irish integrate far more and much better than you you think. For one thing they Emigrated in the whole, to country's that spoke English as the main language. You also had fundamentally, ...a culture that wasn't too different to those country's you emigrated to either.

Sure, there are always Irish pubs or bars in the areas where there are larger number of Irish living (hey, we even have them here in Cyprus) but you also see the local people frequenting them too!!

Your also right, that the Irish are generally an amicable bunch, and have a traditional dry sense of humour that can laugh at themselves and at others without a hint of offence.
I believe this is one of the qualities that draw the locals in these country's to the Irish.

Though times have changed since those days of mass emigration, The costs to those country's you emigrated to, would have been minimal and very short term. Unlike those of today from the the Indian sub continent and Asia minor. Where language and culture is totally Alien to the country's they are immigrating too. They can and do, command enormous costs from those country's.

You hit the nail on the head Ronan, you didn't want to name others, because straight away, there are those that would label you a ''racist'' even though your not!! ..And we are all here either with, or looking for a Chinese wife!!!!  The main bulk of people in these affected country's with huge Asian numbers already, are basically just saying ...OK!! enough is enough now!!


Offline Philip

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RE: [split] From the Passport up.
« Reply #31 on: January 21, 2010, 03:09:14 pm »
Define racist.


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RE: [split] From the Passport up.
« Reply #32 on: January 21, 2010, 03:54:51 pm »

Perhaps it would be better if you define Racist...

If you are implying that i have (and others here have) an over all discrimination against everyone that is not of my race, then i think  you have me totally wrong. I would not have lasted 5 minutes on the projects i've worked on throughout my career. Maybe you'll be even more surprised by the fact that i have many very good friends of Asian decent, that i'm in regular contact with. And that have spent holidays with me here in Cyprus...

I have pointed out a particular area of the world that the UK has the biggest current problem with in terms of Immigration/Asylum Seekers/Refugees. I'm sorry, but i can't think of any other way of putting over my points, than to define those races that are costing the UK ongoing serious amounts of money....

So i would very much like to know, if your definition of ''Racist'' covers me in it's blanket meaning??
