Author Topic: story- if we would have hurried  (Read 1851 times)

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story- if we would have hurried
« on: January 24, 2010, 10:01:09 am »
There once was a fellowwho,with his dad,farmed a little peice of land.several times a year they would load up the old ox drawn cart
with vegetablesand go to the nearest city to sell. Except for their name and a patch of land,the father and son had little in common. The old man believed to take it easy. the son was usually in a hurry - the go getter type.

   One morning,bright and early,they hitched up the ox,loaded the cart with their vegetables and started on their long journey.The son figured if they walked fast and walked all day and night they could make the market by the next morning. So he kept prodding the ox with a stick urging him to move on.

  Take it easy son the dad said, you will last longer. But if we get to the market ahead of the others we will have a better chance to get good prices,argued the son.

  No reply , dad just pulled his hat over his eyes and fell asleep on the seat. Very irritated the son kept prodding the ox to go faster but his stubbborn pace refused to change. Four hours and four miles later they came upon a little house. The dad woke up and smiled here is your uncles place lets stop and say hello. But we have lost an hour complained the son.

 Then a few more minutes wont matter then dad said. My brother and i live so close but we dont see each other often the father said slowly. The boy fidgeted and fumed while the two men talked and laughed for almost an hour. On the move again the dad took his turn leading the ox. At the fork in the road the dad went right and the son said dad the left is faster and shorter. Dad said i know but this way is much more beautiful. Have you no respect for time the son said. Oh i respect it very much that is why i like to look at the beauty and enjoy every moment dad said.

The path led through graceful meadows,wildflowers,and along a rippling stream, all of which the son missed because he was preoccupied and boiling with anxiety. He didnt even notice how lovely the sunset was that day.

Twilight found them in a huge colorful garden. The dad breathed in the aroma,listened to the stream and pulled the ox over and said  lets sleep here. This is the last trip i am taking with you the son said in anger. Your more interested in all this than making money.

Why that is the nicest thing you have said in a long time smiled the dad and soon he was fast asleep. The son stared at the stars and the night dragged as he was restless. Before sunrise he hurriedly woke his dad and soon they were on their way.About a mile down the road another farmer was stuck in a ditch and dad whispered  lets help him. And lose more time the son said?  Relax son one day you might be in a ditch.We need to help others in need, dont ever forget that. The son looked away with anger and disgust. At about 8 in the morning with them on the road again, suddenly there was a great flash in the sky and a sound like thunder. Looks like big rain in the city the dad said.

 The son said in anger if we would have hurried we would almost be sold out by now and on our way home. Take it easy son you will last longer said the dad. And you will enjoy life so much more counseled the kind old gentleman. It was late in the afternoon when they got to the hill overlooking the city. They stopped and stared down the hill for a long time. Neither of them said a word.Finally the son put his hand on his fathers shoulder and said, i see what you mean now dad.

 They turned their cart around and began to roll slowly away from what once had been the city of Hiroshima.

 Take it easy,slow down and enjoy as much of life that you can with
 family and freinds


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RE: story- if we would have hurried
« Reply #1 on: January 24, 2010, 10:08:49 am »

I think that's the longest post i've ever seen of yours!!!!   And a Good story to boot too!!!!



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RE: story- if we would have hurried
« Reply #2 on: January 24, 2010, 10:22:52 am »
aging like a fine wine david  hahaha
you get better with age so they tell me


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RE: story- if we would have hurried
« Reply #3 on: January 24, 2010, 10:25:51 am »

I HAVE to agree with you on that one....hahaha!!



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RE: story- if we would have hurried
« Reply #4 on: January 24, 2010, 07:20:34 pm »
I agree with the old farmer, things will be there tomorrow, why rush today !:icon_cheesygrin:

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RE: story- if we would have hurried
« Reply #5 on: January 25, 2010, 05:12:48 pm »
Hmmm if I keep delaying my tax report the bomb will land on my house ...
Go deep or don't go


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RE: story- if we would have hurried
« Reply #6 on: January 28, 2010, 02:14:53 am »
just dont be in the house Frank haha