Author Topic: Let puppy show you what is love-very touching  (Read 6995 times)

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Offline chen yan

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Let puppy show you what is love-very touching
« on: January 24, 2010, 11:48:03 am »

I donn't know whether this website can be opened in abroad,Pls start watch from 30 seconds. The video is about one of the puppy died,The other puppy never leave her and push her body persistently try to wake her up,he looks so helpless and sad. When people moved the dead puppy,he used his paws to hold her body tightly. When the girl give him sausage and water,he hold in the mouth to feed his dead wife. It is very touching I cann't help to cry. Show your gf or your wife,I think they will feel the same .
« Last Edit: January 24, 2010, 10:05:29 pm by chen yan »
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RE: Let puppy show you what is love-very touching
« Reply #1 on: January 24, 2010, 12:21:37 pm »
This is a sad movie.

Offline Voiceroveip

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RE: Let puppy show you what is love-very touching
« Reply #2 on: January 24, 2010, 12:59:50 pm »
People understimate what feelings animals can have ...
Go deep or don't go


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RE: Let puppy show you what is love-very touching
« Reply #3 on: January 24, 2010, 06:02:46 pm »
that was sad, being the animal lover i am if
i new were and who that lady was i would
buy her dinner for her act of kindness in
helping the stray

Offline kenny

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RE: Let puppy show you what is love-very touching
« Reply #4 on: January 24, 2010, 06:38:31 pm »
Hi Yan,

I seen this and want to tell you a story. Myself and four of my friends have been going on a hunting trip to Iowa for nine years now. Before my seperation in 1999 i raised and trained beagles for seveal years. After i had to move out of my home i had to get rid of several dogs i had. I gave one to a buddy who had bought some from me before. My buddy is Roger and the dogs name was Roscoe. Roger and I run dogs together and Roscoe became one of the best running dogs i ever seen. About two weeks before our trip this year Roger said that Roscoe didnt look good, like he had a cold or something so he let him out of the kennel to run around around for a while then put him back.
That evening the dog next two him in the kennel (Queenie) began to howl and had a strange bark. Roger knew something was wrong. Queenie and Roscoe had been together since 1999 and had a couple litters together. He went out to check on them and Roscoe was dead. He let queenie out to stay in the barn that night as he did very often and she was dead the next morning. They had died within 12 hours of each other. I looked it up and Roscoe was 12 years old going on 13 Queenie was at least 3 years older. They lived a long life for a beagle and there is no doudt in my mind that animals have feelings and we do underestimate this as Frank said.
You said show this to your gf or wife. haha I think i have shed more tears over dogs than my gf or wife ever thought about.



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RE: Let puppy show you what is love-very touching
« Reply #5 on: January 24, 2010, 07:14:01 pm »
I would have given the live dog a good home, by taking it home with me, to play with all the others I have.  I also would have buried the dead one.  I hope the other puppy was given a good home (and not for dinner).

Offline chen yan

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RE: Let puppy show you what is love-very touching
« Reply #6 on: January 24, 2010, 10:15:17 pm »
Hello Kenny, You mentioned about Iowa. I just saw another touching news,the young man is come from Iowa.This touching story now is spreading over China especially Suzhou city.

American's true love touches hearts---From Shenzhen Daily News

A young American who refused to desert his paralyzed Chinese girlfriend and managed to stay in China to take care of her is a reminder that touching love stories can take place in the real world — not just in fiction.

Colin Pemp, a 28-year-old from Iowa, has been supporting Chen Yahuan, a 33-year-old woman from Guangxi, financially and psychologically for more than one year, since she was partially paralyzed in a traffic accident in Suzhou, Jiangsu Province, in July 2008, according to a report in the Yangtse Evening Post.

The two first met at a party in 2005, while Pemp was an English teacher in Taiyuan, capital of Shanxi Province, and Chen was an employee with a local company.

They were drawn together by their common interests, including a love of traveling and sports.

They fell in love and moved to Suzhou in 2006, where Pemp went to Suzhou University to study Chinese so he could communicate better with Chen, who speaks little English.

(Continued on Page 4)

Their life took a turn for the worse one night in July 2008, when Chen was knocked down by a vehicle.

Chen suffered severe brain damage and was in coma for more than a month. Pemp visited her in hospital every day, despite undertaking extra part-time jobs to pay Chen’s medical expenses, which came to 8,000 yuan (US$1,170) each day.

Chen regained consciousness one month later to find herself unable to use the left side of her body. Pemp managed to renew his visa, which had been about to expire, in order to stay with her.

“Life then was really hard,” Pemp told the Post. “My biggest wish is that she can walk again.”

In September last year, Pemp persuaded his parents to come from the United States to Suzhou to help him take care of Chen.

Chen’s situation is improving.

“He is such a nice guy and always thinks about my interests instead of his,” the woman said. “I love him so much. I hope I can recover so that I will not be a burden on him.”

This is a story about an American young man who fell in love with a Chinese lady. After several years, the lady was paralyzed in an accident. The American, who is not rich, has not deserted her, but has tried very hard to make money in order to cure her. He went through substantial hardship and the lady is now getting much better.

This is indeed one of the most touching love stories I have ever read. It is real, not a fiction!
Quote from: 'rockycoon' pid='29214' dateline='1264378441'
I would have given the live dog a good home, by taking it home with me, to play with all the others I have.  I also would have buried the dead one.  I hope the other puppy was given a good home (and not for dinner).

Don't worry Don, People donn't eat this kind of dog, This kind of dog is kept as a pet.
« Last Edit: January 25, 2010, 08:35:52 am by Vince G »
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RE: Let puppy show you what is love-very touching
« Reply #7 on: January 25, 2010, 07:20:40 am »
Dear Chen Yan,
I would like to thank you for sharing the story of Pemp and Chan, As I read it I was touched by the compassion of Pemp. Some men (not all) would walk after those types of injuries. I can't help to think that may be their love of each other may help in her recovery and healing of the injuries. It also shows me that love as no broundries as well, when oneself dares to seek out of the ordinary.  To quote my Laopo "love is such power".
Thanks again from Gen and Alan


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RE: Let puppy show you what is love-very touching
« Reply #8 on: January 25, 2010, 11:07:02 am »
very good story about a very old fashioned thing---------LOVE
 i hope that they live a long and fruitful life together as they have
 a very special love  you have to do nothing but admire the young man
 for what he has done for a lady whom he must love very very much

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RE: Let puppy show you what is love-very touching
« Reply #9 on: January 25, 2010, 12:47:06 pm »
Chen Yan,

Very touching stories! It's amazing what people and animals will do with true love and affection! There is nothing worth more in this world! You can't purchase this at any price! I am very lucky to meet a beautiful Chinese lady(that is now my wife), that shows me this everyday! I am forever grateful for this and will cherish this always! I wish you the best in finding this same fortune! :heart::heart::icon_biggrin:



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RE: Let puppy show you what is love-very touching
« Reply #10 on: January 25, 2010, 04:30:14 pm »
Thank you Yan for this touching Video .

This Yan , reminds me of a Story that came to an sad end also . My own .
After a close to thirty year marriage to a wonderful Woman ( my first Wife ) , she developed Cancer .. which gave her about 6 to 8 month's going by her Doctor's . After Chemo , I had to rush her to the Emergency Room ... after which she spend three weeks there in the Hospital . Me knowing this , I had to find a way to spend these last month's with her as much as I could . I pulled a second Mortgage on the House and stopped working all together to be with her and take care of her , ones she got released out of the Hospital . I did not want her to pass away there and me keep working and get a phone call at my Work , giving me the bad news of her passing . I spend her last 6 and a half month's , doing everything from giving her the Medication's and feeding her through a Tube connected to her Stomach . On Jan 24th 2007 , she died in my Arms at home . The last thing she most likely heard me tell her ... was that I loved her . Yesterday , was the three year anniversary of her passing . Qing and I stopped by the Cemetary and brought Flower's for her . Qing know's how much I loved this Woman and I in return Love her so much more for understanding this .
When there is True Love , one does everything for the other and I was not to let it get ... anything less than that . Now Qing know's very well ... I would do the same for her also .
I did start writing a Book about all of this and how I met Qing , but need to get my A** in gear and continue writing .
On the other Hand , someone leaving a badly hurt or dying Spouse behind and not want to deal with it ... I don't know how someone can live with themselves after doing that ?

Offline stuart barlow

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RE: Let puppy show you what is love-very touching
« Reply #11 on: January 25, 2010, 06:05:59 pm »
Chen,you have a way with words.(people don't eat this kind of dog)HA HA HA
so funny.

Offline kenny

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RE: Let puppy show you what is love-very touching
« Reply #12 on: January 25, 2010, 07:13:33 pm »
Hi Yan,

Thank you for sharing that story with us. It is good to hear of devotion like this. With all the bad you hear about people on the news it is refreshing to hear storys like that.


I have read about your story like most here have. What can anyone say, you have a great story to tell and i look forward to reading it. I wish you and Qing all the best.



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RE: Let puppy show you what is love-very touching
« Reply #13 on: January 25, 2010, 09:34:21 pm »
Chen, thank you for that story, it show's you have a big heart towards love.  It is rare to have someone who loves you even though you are disabled and to stand beside you in a crisis like that.  That guy is a wonderful person, and I am sure she will marry him.

Offline chen yan

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RE: Let puppy show you what is love-very touching
« Reply #14 on: January 26, 2010, 04:02:50 am »
Quote from: 'stuart barlow' pid='29315' dateline='1264460759'

Chen,you have a way with words.(people don't eat this kind of dog)HA HA HA
so funny.

Is there anyone can correct my words?

Hello Arnorld,You are a  rare man and we all know that, When your book is published,I must read it. Although It is a shame that I haven't read English novel before.

And new friend Gen and Jim, I am happy to know you both have found your lady and cherish her so much.
Quote from: 'kenny' pid='29316' dateline='1264464813'

Hi Yan,

Thank you for sharing that story with us. It is good to hear of devotion like this. With all the bad you hear about people on the news it is refreshing to hear storys like that.

I like your story too,Kenny. By the way,I am curious who's the baby you are holding ,is he your son?
« Last Edit: January 26, 2010, 04:09:47 am by chen yan »
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