Author Topic: brand new  (Read 16684 times)

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Offline falcon

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brand new
« on: January 24, 2010, 10:29:15 pm »
Hello everyone, I am brand new here and this is my first post.

I have been browsing this forum for days now and it has answered most of my questions and given me a firmer platform from which to proceed. I want to thank everyone for all their time and effort.

I have been on CL for a little over three months now and have met a very special lady that I plan on visiting hopefully before summer. She seems to be very relaxed about things, as am I. I am consciously choosing to be trusting rather than skeptical as there seems to be no end to that road. Anyway, she is planning to pick me up at the airport and I am going to stay at her place. I am excited about it all of course, any thoughts?

Thanks again!



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RE: brand new
« Reply #1 on: January 24, 2010, 10:50:36 pm »
First let me welcome you to the forum,  we try our best to help when we can.  There are a lot of guy's on here that are total experts in dating and marrage  of chinese women.  A lot are married and have been or are in china at this time.  They will be glad to answer any questions you may have. We also have some expert ladies on here that are glad to help also and can give you some inside advice, as to customs and what to expect when you get there.
Agian, welcome to the forum.
« Last Edit: January 24, 2010, 10:55:37 pm by rockycoon »

Offline falcon

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RE: brand new
« Reply #2 on: January 24, 2010, 11:01:10 pm »
Quote from: 'rockycoon' pid='29236' dateline='1264391436'

First let me welcome you to the forum,  we try our best to help when we can.  There are a lot of guy's on here that are total experts in dating and marrage  of chinese women.  A lot are married and have been or are in china at this time.  They will be glad to answer any questions you may have. We also have some expert ladies on here that are glad to help also and can give you some inside advice, as to customs and what to expect when you get there.
Agian, welcome to the forum.

Thanks, I have learned so much already and have so much more to learn, it can get complex it is appearing..........

Offline maxx

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RE: brand new
« Reply #3 on: January 24, 2010, 11:52:55 pm »
Falcon like most things in life.They are only complicated when we make them complicated.

Rule #1 different country different customs.

Your lady has certain beliefs and customs.You have your own belifes and customs.Just because you were brought up to do something that way.Doesn't make it the right way.Be willing to go at this with a open mind.

Rule # 2  24 hour rule.Live it love it learn it.

The 24 hour rule is there for you.It is to keep you from sticking your foot in your mouth.Or wrecking your relationship.With a Chinese woman.24 hour rule is no matter what crazy thing your lady writes to you.Or says to you.You do not reply for 24 hours it gives you time to slow down and think about what your lady said.It also gives you a chance to post what your lady said here.And gives the other members here a chance to discuss it.

Attitude a postive and open attitude will help out allot on this little adventure.

Good luck and welcome to the forum.


Offline Johnboy

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RE: brand new
« Reply #4 on: January 25, 2010, 12:18:14 am »
Welcome to the Forum William - you will find it's a mine of information and invaluable advice!

If you haven't already done so, you may like to let Vince G, one of our moderators, have your lady's details for the BROTHERHOOD LIST OF LADY PROFILES#.  

You asked for any thoughts so I will give you the advice I was given when I first joined: keep an open mind and move on to direct contact, especially webcam, as soon as you can - if you haven't already done so.  The best advice of all is read, read and read again, and try to absorb the positive and factual experiences of other members of this Forum, rather than the speculative or assumed.  And, if in doubt, don't hesitate to ask!  There will always be plenty of bothers (and sisters too) who are willing to help.

I have been writing to someone 'special' for four months, and I am still not sure if I am writing to her or to a translator!  And without the incredibly good advice and help of people here, I don't think I would have had any idea of how to go about resolving that; however, I hope to very shortly.

I hope that your's is a happy, joyful and lasting relationship.

Stay cool!

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to say nothing.  (Edmund Burke)

Vince G

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RE: brand new
« Reply #5 on: January 25, 2010, 01:25:46 am »
Falcon, Welcome to the forum. I have a few things to ask? You said you would be staying at her place? Look into a few things before you do this. You may have to register with the local police first. Depends on their mood they can say no to you staying there.

To correct Johnboy, I take care of the Who's your Mate topic. Chong has the Brotherhood list ....

Oh yeah one more thing, Where is Alamo City?
« Last Edit: January 25, 2010, 01:26:29 am by Vince G »

Offline Johnboy

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RE: brand new
« Reply #6 on: January 25, 2010, 01:32:24 am »
Quote from: 'Vince G' pid='29248' dateline='1264400746'

Falcon, Welcome to the forum. I have a few things to ask? You said you would be staying at her place? Look into a few things before you do this. You may have to register with the local police first. Depends on their mood they can say no to you staying there.

To correct Johnboy, I take care of the Who's your Mate topic. Chong has the Brotherhood list ....

Oh yeah one more thing, Where is Alamo City?

Big apologies Vince - and you are of course a super, super moderator.  Well, you are in my eyes anyway......:angel:  Johnboy
The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to say nothing.  (Edmund Burke)


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RE: brand new
« Reply #7 on: January 25, 2010, 01:34:39 am »
Also a warm Welcome from me , the " Other " Mod married for almost two year's . You have already added advice to your ( I see 2 Post's ) post . Maxx has given you the two most important Rule's here .. in this chinese Woman search . Inplant those into your Head and never let them escape . With all other difficulties or problems , just ring our Bell for help . Good Luck William on your Venture , that could be your greatest Journey ever .

Offline falcon

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RE: brand new
« Reply #8 on: January 25, 2010, 05:00:09 am »
Quote from: 'maxx' pid='29242' dateline='1264395175'

Falcon like most things in life.They are only complicated when we make them complicated.

Rule #1 different country different customs.

Your lady has certain beliefs and customs.You have your own belifes and customs.Just because you were brought up to do something that way.Doesn't make it the right way.Be willing to go at this with a open mind.

Rule # 2  24 hour rule.Live it love it learn it.

The 24 hour rule is there for you.It is to keep you from sticking your foot in your mouth.Or wrecking your relationship.With a Chinese woman.24 hour rule is no matter what crazy thing your lady writes to you.Or says to you.You do not reply for 24 hours it gives you time to slow down and think about what your lady said.It also gives you a chance to post what your lady said here.And gives the other members here a chance to discuss it.

Attitude a postive and open attitude will help out allot on this little adventure.

Good luck and welcome to the forum.


Hello Maxx and thanks for the advice. My thought is to keep things as simple as possible and as for the 24 hour rule that has to be the best advice I have heard in a long time, something to apply to much in life.
Quote from: 'Johnboy' pid='29247' dateline='1264396694'

Welcome to the Forum William - you will find it's a mine of information and invaluable advice!

If you haven't already done so, you may like to let Vince G, one of our moderators, have your lady's details for the BROTHERHOOD LIST OF LADY PROFILES#.  

You asked for any thoughts so I will give you the advice I was given when I first joined: keep an open mind and move on to direct contact, especially webcam, as soon as you can - if you haven't already done so.  The best advice of all is read, read and read again, and try to absorb the positive and factual experiences of other members of this Forum, rather than the speculative or assumed.  And, if in doubt, don't hesitate to ask!  There will always be plenty of bothers (and sisters too) who are willing to help.

I have been writing to someone 'special' for four months, and I am still not sure if I am writing to her or to a translator!  And without the incredibly good advice and help of people here, I don't think I would have had any idea of how to go about resolving that; however, I hope to very shortly.

I hope that your's is a happy, joyful and lasting relationship.

Stay cool!


Hello Johnboy and thanks. It has occured to me that I indeed might be having a wonderful relationship with the translator and if I am I do want a picture! Kidding aside my eyes are wide open and if I have any questions I can ask here. This is a great forum everyone!
« Last Edit: January 25, 2010, 05:13:04 am by falcon »


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RE: brand new
« Reply #9 on: January 25, 2010, 05:16:53 am »

Where is Alamo City?

I though you knew everything.

I'll let William answer you.

William, Welcome.


Offline falcon

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RE: brand new
« Reply #10 on: January 25, 2010, 05:17:30 am »
Quote from: 'Vince G' pid='29248' dateline='1264400746'

Falcon, Welcome to the forum. I have a few things to ask? You said you would be staying at her place? Look into a few things before you do this. You may have to register with the local police first. Depends on their mood they can say no to you staying there.

To correct Johnboy, I take care of the Who's your Mate topic. Chong has the Brotherhood list ....

Oh yeah one more thing, Where is Alamo City?

Hello Vince. I was wondering about what exactly I have to do to be able to stay her place so i will start to check on that now to have that in place to be able to cross that anxiety off my list. Will check into the lists.

I am in San Antonio Texas

Thanks much.
Quote from: 'Arnold' pid='29250' dateline='1264401279'

Also a warm Welcome from me , the " Other " Mod married for almost two year's . You have already added advice to your ( I see 2 Post's ) post . Maxx has given you the two most important Rule's here .. in this chinese Woman search . Inplant those into your Head and never let them escape . With all other difficulties or problems , just ring our Bell for help . Good Luck William on your Venture , that could be your greatest Journey ever .

Hello Arnold, good to meet you and congrats on your marriage! This is crazy, so much to learn it is like having a new hobby all of a sudden, thanks........
Hello Shaun, I have been reading your posts with great interest, good to meet you!

« Last Edit: January 25, 2010, 05:25:11 am by falcon »

Vince G

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RE: brand new
« Reply #11 on: January 25, 2010, 09:13:40 am »
The common way is when you go to visit and get to a hotel, they register you with the police. Even some hotels do not take foreigners for they can't register them. If you stay at a someone's residence (unmarried) that's a no no. Different from the states, unmarried couples can't live together. Either way staying with her or not you would have to register. You'll find all this in the topics here but I just didn't want you to get there and then problems start? Other then this I hope you have a good time.

Haven't heard the name "Alamo City"? Thanks for clearing that up. :icon_biggrin:

Offline falcon

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RE: brand new
« Reply #12 on: January 25, 2010, 09:30:11 am »
Quote from: 'Vince G' pid='29266' dateline='1264428820'

The common way is when you go to visit and get to a hotel, they register you with the police. Even some hotels do not take foreigners for they can't register them. If you stay at a someone's residence (unmarried) that's a no no. Different from the states, unmarried couples can't live together. Either way staying with her or not you would have to register. You'll find all this in the topics here but I just didn't want you to get there and then problems start? Other then this I hope you have a good time.

Haven't heard the name "Alamo City"? Thanks for clearing that up. :icon_biggrin:

Thanks for the information, the last thing I would want is this kind of problem as soon as i arrive. So is the lesson here that it is best to engage a hotel to avoid problems even if you do not stay there? Your input appreciated.


Offline Neil

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RE: brand new
« Reply #13 on: January 25, 2010, 10:09:20 am »
I was probably breaking some terrible law, but I didn't register with the police to stay at Nina's place.  I did mention to the border guys that I would be staying there and gave them Nina's phone number.  They didn't seem too concerned. irresistible as chocolate

Offline falcon

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RE: brand new
« Reply #14 on: January 25, 2010, 10:14:54 am »
Quote from: 'Neil' pid='29270' dateline='1264432160'

I was probably breaking some terrible law, but I didn't register with the police to stay at Nina's place.  I did mention to the border guys that I would be staying there and gave them Nina's phone number.  They didn't seem too concerned.

Thanks Neil! That seems like a reasonable perspective on it. I imagine they have other matters more urgent to attend to, an assumption I am not ready to make quite yet though