Author Topic: visas in Guangzhou  (Read 2573 times)

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visas in Guangzhou
« on: December 18, 2009, 10:11:36 pm »
i live in Guangzhou and if anyone from the USA has any questions about visas i will go to the USA embassy here after the new year and go to their question and answer time they have. i would be willing to compile a
list and ask away when i am there. i have nothing but time on my hands while my wife works so i would be happy to help.  let me know what questions you might want to get answered.

Vince G

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RE: visas in Guangzhou
« Reply #1 on: December 19, 2009, 09:35:36 am »
Thanks that would be helpful to many. The only question I can think of at this time isn't even for me.

If a person is on SS, retired whatever and on a fixed income (maybe low) can he still bring a wife into the US being under the living cost amount?

Another question is for those staying in China for a year or so. No real residence in the US (gave it up or sold it?) How do you return with your wife? When not showing an income or a low income (worked in China).
« Last Edit: December 19, 2009, 09:37:41 am by Vince G »


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RE: visas in Guangzhou
« Reply #2 on: December 19, 2009, 09:46:41 am »
Vince,  you read my mind.


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RE: visas in Guangzhou
« Reply #3 on: December 20, 2009, 09:48:23 am »
i am compiling a list and when i go after the new year i will
 post my findings but im surprised not to many inquiries

Offline maxx

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RE: visas in Guangzhou
« Reply #4 on: December 20, 2009, 10:03:46 am »
Scott yes on all your questions.They have special places set up around GZ where your lady has to go to get the medical check.The consulat will only except the results from these places.And it is a seperate fee.

22 vaccinations yes there is that many.Some of the  women have had some of the vaccinations as kids.So they will not have to get that many at one time.For example my wife had to get 6 shots.Nik's wife had to get 21.So it varies from lady to lady.

The interview fee for my wife was 375.00 U S dollars.3 years ago.It may have gone up in price in that time.So 500.00 doesn't sound out of line.Nik or Arnold will have to comment to give you the exact fees they paid.
Vince no. a cosponsor will have to be used.The poverty level has ben set at a certain number.You have to make over that number to bring your lady to the states.If you do not make over that amount.You will have to find a cosponsor.The rules on the cosponsor have changed in the last couple of years.I heard the other day.That the cosponsor now has to  be a member of your family.Before when I did this the cosponsor could be anybody.

The minimum that you can make is 21,000 a year.You have to have proof of income and tax returns for the last 3 years.If you do not meet this requirement.And a cosponsors cannot be found.The ladies visa will be denied.Immigrations does not what your lady to be on public assistance.

If the lady does come to the states and say after a couple of years applies for public assistance.She is not eligible she will be denied access to public assistance for up to 5 years.

Ive already answered these question once on this forum.But I know you guys need to here the official answers. And I'm ok with this.So Ted if you please and you have the time.I would like to hear the official answers to these questions to.I'm kind of curios to see how much it has changed since I had to go threw this.

As a side note on the paperwork I recieved .It stated that if for some reason your lady did apply for public assistance.And was excepted.The U.S goverment would go after the sponser for the money owed to the goverment for the womans health care.

From what i understand you as a sponser are responsable for the womans health care and well being untill.She eather leaves the country.Or dies or marries somebody else.
« Last Edit: December 20, 2009, 10:34:51 am by maxx »

Offline rhoodtsao

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RE: visas in Guangzhou
« Reply #5 on: December 20, 2009, 03:24:42 pm »
This is my situation, my lady is much younger than me, say 20+ years, how can we prove that our relationship is real? what kind of document will we need, will it be better for us to get marry in China and apply for spouse visa or can we apply for fiancé visa and get marry here in US. If you can put it in better wording and ask that question for me I’ll be forever grateful to you.
Thank you.

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RE: visas in Guangzhou
« Reply #6 on: December 23, 2009, 02:01:27 pm »
only 3 gurantee children in the furture, i'm hijacking Willy's shipment,:icon_cheesygrin: I have some one to help me with paper work on my side, I know about all the usual stuff the embassy wants to see, I want to know if there's any special document we might need, she coming over to US is not the only way for us to be together, and I'm not moving to China to stay permanately, what I'm thinking is we get marry in China, buy an condo with both our name, she lives there and I can go visit her for a longer period at a time, I think that will prove that we have a bonifide relationship, after she get a visa, she can come over here and stay with me for a period of time and when she's home sick she can go back to China, we'll just go back and forth, how's that for Big Daddy certificate.


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RE: visas in Guangzhou
« Reply #7 on: January 21, 2010, 11:07:50 pm »
only wanted questions asked on your case when i was there
 so cant ask the multiple questions

Offline Okie_Rob

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RE: visas in Guangzhou
« Reply #8 on: February 10, 2010, 10:51:28 am »
Quote from: 'maxx' pid='26022' dateline='1261321426'

Scott yes on all your questions.They have special places set up around GZ where your lady has to go to get the medical check.The consulat will only except the results from these places.And it is a seperate fee.

22 vaccinations yes there is that many.Some of the  women have had some of the vaccinations as kids.So they will not have to get that many at one time.For example my wife had to get 6 shots.Nik's wife had to get 21.So it varies from lady to lady.

The interview fee for my wife was 375.00 U S dollars.3 years ago.It may have gone up in price in that time.So 500.00 doesn't sound out of line.Nik or Arnold will have to comment to give you the exact fees they paid.

Vince no. a cosponsor will have to be used.The poverty level has ben set at a certain number.You have to make over that number to bring your lady to the states.If you do not make over that amount.You will have to find a cosponsor.The rules on the cosponsor have changed in the last couple of years.I heard the other day.That the cosponsor now has to  be a member of your family.Before when I did this the cosponsor could be anybody.

The minimum that you can make is 21,000 a year.You have to have proof of income and tax returns for the last 3 years.If you do not meet this requirement.And a cosponsors cannot be found.The ladies visa will be denied.Immigrations does not what your lady to be on public assistance.

If the lady does come to the states and say after a couple of years applies for public assistance.She is not eligible she will be denied access to public assistance for up to 5 years.

Ive already answered these question once on this forum.But I know you guys need to here the official answers. And I'm ok with this.So Ted if you please and you have the time.I would like to hear the official answers to these questions to.I'm kind of curios to see how much it has changed since I had to go threw this.

As a side note on the paperwork I recieved .It stated that if for some reason your lady did apply for public assistance.And was excepted.The U.S goverment would go after the sponser for the money owed to the goverment for the womans health care.

From what i understand you as a sponser are responsable for the womans health care and well being untill.She eather leaves the country.Or dies or marries somebody else.

In checking packet #3 from Consualte in Guangzhou, they only mention cost of $131.00 for Visa interview or just the interview .. was wondering if there was a listed price that is different than this ? I copy and pasted their instructions on fee:

For K visa applicants, all K nonimmigrant visa applicants must pay a non-refundable application fee of 131USD (or equivalent in RMB) at a CITIC Bank prior to the visa interview. The fee can be paid at any of the branches of CITIC Bank in mainland China. For more information, please contact CITIC Bank national Customer Contact Center at 95558 or visit its website at Please submit the payment receipt at the visa interview.

Okie Rob
"USA, Wise Up!"  "美国,明智了! " "China has" " 中国有"

Offline maxx

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RE: visas in Guangzhou
« Reply #9 on: February 10, 2010, 06:44:31 pm »
Okie Rob I thought you dropped off the face of the earth.I seen what you posted.And you said that was from your ladies packet right?

I mite of added the medical check fees in when I gave the number.The further you get into this.The more clear it should be.Just make sure your lady follows there instructions.About the medical Check and the associated fees.


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RE: visas in Guangzhou
« Reply #10 on: February 10, 2010, 07:26:52 pm »
the co sponsor is definetely needed and it does have to be a family member from what
they told me   the citic fee does need to be paid as it is a fee for proccessing  there is one
close to the consulate in gz. make sure the medical is completed at the approved doctors