Ni hao, looks like shalala is a beautiful horse. She likes to run as you can tell by that tail. How many hands is she?
Are you planning on living in China or the US. 
I suggest hideing the papers, until you know for sure. Stick em in the hotel safe for now, along with your passport.
Ni hao rockycoon zaoshang hao,
She is 15 hands and yes she does love to run. I think I will take advise from every body and take the papers, but I won't be staying in a hotel. I will be staying with friends while I am there. Instead I think I will give them to my friend to hold on to. My lady wants to meet me at the airport but since I will be flying into Hong Kong then taking the ferry over and my friends will meet me there so she wont be able to. I will be meeting her the next morning. My Lady told me that her parents will be with us on the first day and will be staying with her for the first 3 days of my visit. I don't mind telling you that I am not happy about that but it is the way it is. Stubborn Lady she is. I think finally she is starting to acert herself a little bit. Sign she is comfortable with the relationship? Who knows what the hell these Ladies are thinking.
I am going to live in China if we get married for the first year maybe year and a half, but then we will move back. That being said if we hit it off and end up getting married and that is a big if at this point. I will still have to come back and change my visa status and set things in order here in the states before I will be able to go and stay In China.
I have a question for you all, Has anybody ever looked into bringing a Lady over to your country to meet her? I know it is a big hassle to get a visa to the states but how about other countries? I think I already know the answer to this but others opinion would be interesting. I think going over there is better regardless of visa because if it doesn't work out you can always meet another Lady while you are there. So, what I am really asking is more about visa restrictions in other countries.