Author Topic: meaning of visit  (Read 39728 times)

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RE: meaning of visit
« Reply #90 on: February 28, 2010, 09:18:37 am »

Well Vietnamese and Chinese food is very similar in there content, so i guess would be similar in the effects on satisfying the tummy, ....or lack of it!! ..hahaha!!



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RE: meaning of visit
« Reply #91 on: February 28, 2010, 05:28:36 pm »
i am usually hungry again within 3 hours after eating

and my wife is like Jims she is picking up a little weight
but says its my fault because of the western food i cook
at home with the oven  we bought. has nothing to do with
the ton of food she can eat  hahaha

Offline Lee357

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RE: meaning of visit
« Reply #92 on: March 01, 2010, 05:16:28 am »
Ok guys I have just been pumped for an EMF charge by a translator that has been nothing but honest up till now. As you all know I am getting married to my Lady and she has been very busy with work and wedding plans and all. So we have not written each other on CL for about a month since we have been talking on the phone and ETC. So I get this EMF tonight out of the Blue while I am on the phone with my Lady. It is even signed with her English name and we have not used that in months. My lady is going to go down to the agency tomorrow and tear them a new one. This letter is part compilation of other letters and some current things. It came with generic photos off the internet.  So here is the letter.

My dearest Lee

Because of tired and busy, I was sick these two days, but it's not serious, I just haven't the appetite to eat, meanwhile, my head is heavy, I took some medicines and I feel better and better, please believe in me that you are in my mind always. meanwhile, please forgive me. I not neglect you.
Do you know my Lee, today is the lanterns festival and it's the first festival after the spring festival in the new year. we eat the tuanyuan dumplings, watch the red lanterns and dragon dance, I wonder have you ever watched them. here I have some pictures about them for you, I wish you will love them. meanwhile, I wish we will be together the next lanterns festival. how do you think about it?
So, how are you these days my lee? are you very busy with your work? how is your daughter? when you got my letter please don't forget send her my best wishes. I know you worry about me, I can always feel your love here, really thank you for making me feel so happy, once again, please forgive me for my later reply, I will write to you soon

Yours always
:@ :@ :@ :@ :@
Does it matter to the bird if an apple is Red or Green? Or does the bird just care that the apple is sweet.

Offline maxx

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RE: meaning of visit
« Reply #93 on: March 01, 2010, 10:02:08 am »
Lee wow I wonder how the agency is going to talk themselves out of that.That's pretty blatant fraud.One of my concerns is your lady will go down to the agency and rip them a new one.

If your lady goes to the agency and rips them a new one.The agency will know that you have ben to China.Then the agency will want the meet and greet fee.Then the agency will also want the marriage fee.In some of these agencies the meet and greet fee and the marriage fee can be several thousand Rmb.And they will hound and threaten the lady until the fees are payed.

One way around all this drama is.Talk to your lady.Tell her not to go to the agency.Tell her not to worry about it.That you two will only talk on the phone or on the computer with web cam.And her personal email.(Not the agency controlled email)After you have talked to your fiancee.All you have to do is block your fiancee profile.That will keep the translator from sending you letters.And burning up credits.

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RE: meaning of visit
« Reply #94 on: March 01, 2010, 02:07:56 pm »
Yes, Lee, her going to the agency is EXACTLY what they want. That or you replying. Information is power, and they are fishing for information.
When my fiancee and I got off EMFs, I received 3 fake EMFs from the agency over a two month period. Darling, I haven't heard from you for a while. Have you forgotten me? I will never forget you, I still love you, blah, blah, blah. My lady knew nothing about these until I told her. Fishing. If I had replied or if she had given them grief, that would have been exactly what they wanted. The promise of a crock of gold at the end of the EMF rainbow.
The only answer is silence. Depriving them of information deprives them of the oxygen they need and eventually they give up.

Offline Lee357

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RE: meaning of visit
« Reply #95 on: March 01, 2010, 02:08:48 pm »
I paid the meet and greet fee while in country with her and she has the money I sent her to pay the marriage fee right now. I think she is going to use this as a way to negotiate the fee down considerably. I know that either way she is very mad and there is no way I am going to be able to stop her from going down to the agency.
Does it matter to the bird if an apple is Red or Green? Or does the bird just care that the apple is sweet.


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RE: meaning of visit
« Reply #96 on: March 01, 2010, 02:35:17 pm »
Oh ... these Lady's  when it comes to Dishonesty and Money , watch out and don't get in their way .

I see Maxx is a little late to stop you , but he is exactly right and should be well concidered by other in the same or near the same issue/situation . I'm still upset what my Wife had to Pay her Agency for the Marriage Fee , even though she thinks they deserved it . It was forty thousand Yuan , which I would have never let her Pay ..if I only knew ahead of time . One more thing , everyone should find out before going from their Lady ... HOW much all those Fee's are adding up to ? Well too late now , but not for other's .

Offline Josh Markley

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RE: meaning of visit
« Reply #97 on: March 01, 2010, 03:53:24 pm »
I remember when I was in Baoding with Xu Le she would not got to the agency.  At the time I did not understand why she didnt want to go there.  But now as I look back on it, it was smart in her part.  She new what was going to happen and she didnt want to pay for those fees.
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RE: meaning of visit
« Reply #98 on: March 01, 2010, 05:35:53 pm »

You didn't actually pay 40k RMB surely???...  They might ask for that sort of money, but it doesn't mean you pay it!!! I've never known anyone pay more than 15k, and even then, i reckon they were lucky to get that!!!

Where money is conserned you ''ALWAYS'' negotiate, ... and you NEVER pay what they first ask for!! In fact, where that sort of money is involved, the Chinese Expect to negotiate....



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RE: meaning of visit
« Reply #99 on: March 01, 2010, 05:55:43 pm »
David ,
re-read my last Post here , you misunderstood it . Qing pay'd it and she told me not till she was here with me .. when I finanlly ask her that question of the cost's . If I would have know it sooner ... she would have had a big chance to see me Mad and Upset , what she wanted to see . After the sign-up Fee and the meeting Fee , I would never have given them more than maybe $ 500 at most and if they complained about it ... see those two "0" 's ... watch them come off like magic . haha


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RE: meaning of visit
« Reply #100 on: March 01, 2010, 06:09:52 pm »

Yes i got the wrong end of the stick!!...!!! haha!!  I'll have to slow down my speed reading, especially where money is conserned!!



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RE: meaning of visit
« Reply #101 on: March 01, 2010, 06:23:40 pm »
don't we all do that sometimes ? Especially when we are day-dreaming about a Lady . :icon_cheesygrin:

Offline maxx

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RE: meaning of visit
« Reply #102 on: March 01, 2010, 06:57:11 pm »
Arnold,Phillip, And David you are all making good points.And everybody does need to be aware of this.By the agencies enticing the ladies to come back in.And complain it opens the door for the agencies to get more money.

Another favorite tactic of some of the agencies is your buddy the translator.Will  send you admiration mails from different ladies.Even with your profile closed.They get the same exact results.You tell your lady.She gets mad.Goes to the agency.The agency says oh we are so sorry.You didn't pay the meet and greet fee.So we didn't know.

If your lady tells them where to get off at.That she isn't paying them any fees.That's when the threats start.We will block your visa application.We will garnish your wages.We will take the money from your bank account.We will tell the police and have you arrested.

These are all threats that hold no merit.The agency has nothing to do with the visa process.Or any power to stop it.They  can't garnish the ladies wages.They can't even withdraw the money from the ladies bank account.And nine out of ten of these agencies are not going to get the police involved.Because as me and Willy have stated on more then one occasion.These agencies do not have the proper license to introduce foreigners to Chinese nationals.

If they did get the police involved.The police would start investigating why said agency is introducing foreigners.Then there is a good possibility the agency will have to close it's doors.And somebody is going to jail.Or be fined out of business.

David50 makes a good point.If you and your lady are in the  position where you are going to have to pay the meet and greet fee along with the marriage fee.Negotiate the fee.This is expected in China.The madder you act the cheaper it is going to be.Because now the agency is scared you are going to complain to the police.

Sometime it doe's pay to be a foreigner in China.

« Last Edit: March 01, 2010, 07:00:11 pm by maxx »

Offline Lee357

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RE: meaning of visit
« Reply #103 on: March 01, 2010, 09:45:26 pm »
I would have come on here first and brought it up but I reacted to the emf while I was on the phone with her. We were talking about living arrangements during the wedding and I got a notice of mail. I looked and then before reading it I said "oh, you sent me a letter" to this came the reply "no I did not" the rest was history. I negotiated the meet and greet fee down to a hundred US. They wanted about 500. I had already discused with my lady what they wanted and we decided I would just say no I just won't talk with the lady anymore and you can get it out of her. They took what I offered. The marriage fee is 10k but she thought before this she could get them down to at most 800. Last night after this email came she thinks she can get them down to 500 and help with the planning of the wedding for free. My lady works for the local government and says she knows a whole lot about the local and provincial laws. I am glad that my posting this situation sparked conversation again about things us newbes need to think about and how what I still think is an honest agency, in the whole, will try to do when they think you are trying to cheat them. I am a little surprised at the move since they were told that we would be getting married in oct. And I would talk to them about the marriage fee at that time. Maybe after the meet and greet negotiation they might have thought it would be better for them to negotiate with my lady. I think they are wrong now that they pissed her off.
Does it matter to the bird if an apple is Red or Green? Or does the bird just care that the apple is sweet.

Offline David E

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RE: meaning of visit
« Reply #104 on: March 02, 2010, 12:38:11 am »

Here we touch on one of the great flaws in the Chinese mentality...whenever money is involved.

David 5O and I have had many dealings with Chinese Businesses, sometimes for Contracts worth many Millions.

What we have both found is that they may think they are very smart and shrewd when setting up a deal and screwing your A ** off...but when it comes to the crunch, the detail or the too-often temptation to try and screw a little more...even at the expense of a total failure of the whole deal......overtakes their common is something they cant seem to resist !!!!

So they think they have you by the B***s and sooner or later , greed takes over and they blow it all !!

I think they still have a lot to learn about "negotiation" despite being able to get something for 2 RMB less than the advertised price :icon_cheesygrin::icon_cheesygrin:
