Author Topic: Ratio of scams to legit women  (Read 7969 times)

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Offline jeffm

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Ratio of scams to legit women
« on: January 31, 2010, 10:46:24 am »
As we all know most agencies have their REAL girls and smokin pictures of girls used to generate revenue.

What do you think the general ratio is of scams versus legit women.  Is it 60/40? or is it 40/60 for example?

What say you?  

My gut tells me 60/40 or maybe 70/30 for the women in their twenties.  Thinking this through as I'm writing this is that it would be obvious that when you get into their 30's and then 40's the ratio heavily slants to the legit side.
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Vince G

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RE: Ratio of scams to legit women
« Reply #1 on: January 31, 2010, 11:45:48 am »
I would be able to work out a ratio if I had all the statistics. But I don't so I can only guess at this. Changsha has a higher chance of scamming. From reading and seeing what comes out of there. This all depends on what you deem a scam? Entirely on Chnlove I would say it's a wider ratio Maybe 80/20, 20 being the scammed part.

Offline dude

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RE: Ratio of scams to legit women
« Reply #2 on: January 31, 2010, 12:02:45 pm »

Being that you know China prety good, have you ever been to the KTV's? You know the kind that have many smokin women in their early twentys working in them...You know the kind of work they do! Add some make up and a miniskirt and they are smokin!

I would think most of the women are legit(regardless of age), the problem you will have is there are probably a couple hundred dudes writing them and these women will have the one(s) they are interested in and you will have the agency wanting to generate money with phony EMF's! So the sucker flys to China and ends up meeting another woman because the woman he was interested in, wasn't interested with him. You will have the ones looking for money(not love) and you will have your legits...of all ages! In the past 5 weeks I have met many women looking for a man to have in their their 20's, 30's, 40's and three in their 50's! All of them are legit but not sign up with an agency! There are about 5 in my wifes English class and I see them three times a week. I did meet a translator from that other Changsha agency p218(I think) that looked pretty hot! She had a man with her from France(dude didn't speak any English!) and the woman he wanted to check out was probably the only bad apple out of them all! The man was dumped by the woman he came to meet, so the translator was trying to set him up with another(HAHAHA...about 15 years younger than him and she wasn''t interested a bit!!!). She is more interested in money anyways....

You know like anybody here, getting past the emf garbage is the most important part to start having a clue if they are interested. I would say over 90% of those women truly interested in a man will be willing to do this, in no time and even then after a chat or two the woman may lose interest.

Many get infatuated with them emf's and will think it's the real thing and that percentage will be very small(a few have found their love with this route only)...most don't!!!

I was reading you are here now in China have you been to any of the agencys?

Offline jeffm

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RE: Ratio of scams to legit women
« Reply #3 on: January 31, 2010, 12:11:09 pm »
Quote from: 'Vince G' pid='29922' dateline='1264956348'

I would be able to work out a ratio if I had all the statistics. But I don't so I can only guess at this. Changsha has a higher chance of scamming. From reading and seeing what comes out of there. This all depends on what you deem a scam? Entirely on Chnlove I would say it's a wider ratio Maybe 80/20, 20 being the scammed part.

To me a scam would be phantom women or women who know this is happening and don't care.  Those would be the two major qualifiers.  Also one could throw in a third one, and that is the girl is extremely picky and the agency/translator knows it, but will send letters to those guys who they know the girl won't like and keep sending translator generated mails.  

That's interesting how you look at that.  I was leaning the opposite way on the 60/40 to 70/30 as 60 and 70 being the scammed part.  I would hope I am wrong.
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Offline dude

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RE: Ratio of scams to legit women
« Reply #4 on: January 31, 2010, 12:11:55 pm »
Quote from: 'Vince G' pid='29922' dateline='1264956348'

I would be able to work out a ratio if I had all the statistics. But I don't so I can only guess at this. Changsha has a higher chance of scamming. From reading and seeing what comes out of there. This all depends on what you deem a scam? Entirely on Chnlove I would say it's a wider ratio Maybe 80/20, 20 being the scammed part.


 You may want to reword this because assuming a city, like Changsha, is full of scammers when you haven't even been here, is weak! There is a city north of here(Wuhan) in then next province, that is full of scamming women and the agency isn't too bad. The problem with chnlove is they have no control over whats going on at the agencys and this is where the sucker gets burned everytime, regardless of agency!!! What the name for this???? oh thats right "LOOPHOLE"!!!
Quote from: 'jeffm' pid='29924' dateline='1264957869'

Quote from: 'Vince G' pid='29922' dateline='1264956348'

I would be able to work out a ratio if I had all the statistics. But I don't so I can only guess at this. Changsha has a higher chance of scamming. From reading and seeing what comes out of there. This all depends on what you deem a scam? Entirely on Chnlove I would say it's a wider ratio Maybe 80/20, 20 being the scammed part.

To me a scam would be phantom women or women who know this is happening and don't care.  Those would be the two major qualifiers.  Also one could throw in a third one, and that is the girl is extremely picky and the agency/translator knows it, but will send letters to those guys who they know the girl won't like and keep sending translator generated mails.  

That's interesting how you look at that.  I was leaning the opposite way on the 60/40 to 70/30 as 60 and 70 being the scammed part.  I would hope I am wrong.

You hit the bulls-eye...mainly because woman is interested in another man...butt agency doesn't want to lose the entice you to come and shove another woman in your face! This will be in the 70% range!
« Last Edit: January 31, 2010, 12:17:08 pm by dude »

Offline jeffm

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RE: Ratio of scams to legit women
« Reply #5 on: January 31, 2010, 12:25:35 pm »
abigbutt no I haven't made it in those places.  Probably because I'm not big on Karoke (spelling?).  No I didn't know the girls did anything.  I could think of a couple of things.  I originally thought they were just hang out places for the younger group to go and sing. I found out a few days ago that they have a family ktv, a nude ktv, and one other one.  More schtick goes on there than I thought.  Care to share more of what you know about those places?

The rest of what you say is well noted.  I agree and that's why I chose to just be here for awhile, and  cut through the crap.  My chances are good meeting someone in town on a certain day with the timing just right.  

Tomorrow I visit my first agency in Nanning 608, and also the 512 Yibang.  Will report on them.  I can tell you this that when I got into the hotel room Castle (translator 608) finally sent me pictures of the girl she wants me to meet.  Of course she looks good, and I wrote back to tell her nice, but I want to she what is behind the makeup and photography.
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Offline dude

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RE: Ratio of scams to legit women
« Reply #6 on: January 31, 2010, 12:37:33 pm »

Not all the KTV's are this way but many can find expat news on this and I seen this at a KTV here in Changsha a few weeks ago...went to meet a friend and had no idea about it till then...I was with my wife and we were discussing this with the friend...the hookers looked like many of the hot photos you see on chnlove! The wonders of make-up and minskirts!!! LOL!!! :icon_cheesygrin:

Vince G

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RE: Ratio of scams to legit women
« Reply #7 on: January 31, 2010, 12:50:15 pm »
Abigbutt, From the information that I have and seeing the difference of the photos that come out of at least one Changsha agency? It seems more likely the scam is more there. But China a whole? I think there are many really looking. Take into account who's paying for signing up. Scammers are mostly set up by an agency. I can't see a female spending that kind of money to do a scam? Also, there has been a few that went and found the woman wasn't available, but there are some that said the woman wasn't like the photo? That's not the same. I wish I took numbers on this.

Scam to me is deceiving someone for money. Fake EMF's, bait and switch are part of it. But looking at it from a total point of view? If there are 7000 women and 1000 are fake? I'll stay with the 80/20.


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RE: Ratio of scams to legit women
« Reply #8 on: January 31, 2010, 05:52:20 pm »
i see the ktv's all over guangzhou and i guess i am glad that i did not
go in one in my adventures around town, and then tell the wife were
i was or checked out. didnt realize these were for prostitution. and with
my luck if i went into 10 they all would be that and not a legit one.


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RE: Ratio of scams to legit women
« Reply #9 on: January 31, 2010, 08:28:49 pm »
Vince, what is a KTV ?  first of all (stupid me)

Second, those are called bait and switch...I like Scottish Robs approach, which is go to china and let one find you !!!

Vince G

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RE: Ratio of scams to legit women
« Reply #10 on: January 31, 2010, 10:09:08 pm »
Karaoke on a TV screen = KTV
we have/had them in bars mostly, over there they have private rooms you rent, with food, drinks.
« Last Edit: January 31, 2010, 10:09:49 pm by Vince G »

Offline metooap

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RE: Ratio of scams to legit women
« Reply #11 on: January 31, 2010, 11:13:15 pm »
I have had time to really look into this area.

The bottom-line is the Agencies are businesses and they make money off of the emfs.

The Agencies do have women that they use photos to attract other men; and the women are really not interested in the person.

Most of the women I talked to in this situation, do not focus on this. They appear to be interested in finding the right person for them. That is where their focus seem to be. they really do not get into the details of how the Agency they may belong to operate.

The key is to quickly free yourself from the Agency's control by communicating with the lady as soon as possible.

Vince G

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RE: Ratio of scams to legit women
« Reply #12 on: January 31, 2010, 11:24:39 pm »
I would think the money is from the sign ups. EMF's are change to them. Think about it? Would you rather make $1.5 - 2. each EMF or 5 grand for an hours work? That's why some agency will make a fake profile then they only make money on the EMF. To me this is petty. I guess for them it's a big deal?


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RE: Ratio of scams to legit women
« Reply #13 on: February 01, 2010, 01:13:50 am »
2 us dollars and you can eat  here in china at certain areas

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RE: Ratio of scams to legit women
« Reply #14 on: February 01, 2010, 04:06:51 am »
I was talking to a girl who is on Chnlove the other day and she paid the agency 1,200 rmb and if they introduce her to a man she marries they want another 8,000 rmb, she was perfection on legs but I doubt it will go anywhere.