Author Topic: My fourth Trip  (Read 10763 times)

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Offline JimB

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RE: My fourth Trip
« Reply #30 on: February 13, 2010, 12:48:47 am »
I have been here 10 days now and not much has happened. But, we moved back into her room and her brother, his wife and daughter is here until mama and the sisters arrive.  We have pretty much been just hanging around.  They taught me to play Mahjong.  At first my Bro in law wanted to play for money.  Then after 7 games, I had won 4, my wife 2 and him 1.  he decided he didnt want to play for money after that. lol
I taught him Gin Rummy and them crazy eights. They are pretty competitive so it has been fun.  It is too darn cold to go outside much.  This morning I thought WWIII or a Coup de etat was happening.  At 6 am their fireworks started, now I do not mean little firecrackers, I mean the big stuff, cannons, rockets, etc.  And this was just the preliminary.  Tomorrow is actually New years.  I am not exaggerating one little bit.  We were out to dinner last night and walking back to the main street one went off, I actually dove for cover.  Of course they started laughing and after i cooled off, I did too.  I know what the sound of Chinese artillery sounds like.  I remember from Viet Nam. That is what it was.  It is funny how the body reacts automatically.  Especially when the sounds of gunfire open up and you see little Asian men running around.  I thought this would have been a good idea.  maybe not.  I might have to go back and see the shrink. hahahahaha  
But it has been great to spend time with my wife and her family.  My brother in law told me that the family actually likes me and not just accepts me.  I thought that was pretty good.  No accounting for taste though.  maybe they just are trying for a ticket to the USA.
I babysat my 6 year old niece for a few hours a couple of days ago, we had fun.  She is the smart one.  I was teaching her English, everything I said she remembered and by the time her parents came back she was actually talking in English sentences.  Broken to be sure but still sentences.  Quite amazing.  so she has been helping me translate now.  Her mother asks her about something in English, she turns and asks me and then she ways it back to her mother.  this is just 3 days.
Also last night Lisa came over and we all went out to dinner.  My wife and Lisa have become good friends once the jealousy had subsided.  Anyway, my wife was sayhing how she and Lisa wanted to start a business together in the US.  So when she gets there she wants to send for Lisa to come live with us while they get it going.  Well, I could not pass that chance up.  I said only if i could have her for my number 2 wife.  I thought it was funny and so did Lisa but my wife did not.  So after I got down on my hands and knees begging for forgiveness she relented. LOL.   I should have learned from the last time.  Wont make that mistake again.  Even this morning she said it was not funny.  I will pay for that remark for a while.
that is about all for now.  I hope every one else is having a good trip.

Maxx's 24 hour rule, learn it, live it.

Offline JimB

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RE: My fourth Trip
« Reply #31 on: February 13, 2010, 11:39:29 pm »
Ok, let me say this, my ears are still ringing, (The one that didnt already ring), I have never in my life seen or heard such fireworks in my life.  They actually started at about 6 pm non stop and I mean non stop until 3 am, then it started to settle down.  at noon today it is still going off once in a while.  Millions (I am not exaggerating)  of firecrackers, cannons, rockets, bottle rockets, 30 foot chains of lady fingers and this was just in our neighborhood.  We went out at midnight and had to plug our ears.  In the middle of the street people were setting off their fireworks.  Cars were driving thru them like an obstacle course.  A bus came flying through and knocked over a rocket setup and people scattered like crazy as it started shooting at them. I imagine the people whose cars it hit were not happy about it. Anyway that didnt deter anyone else. We stood out there in the cold until we couldnt stand it, our lungs were full of smoke and our ears ringing.  Poor little Suzie Q still liked it even though she couldnt hear much afterward.  Their New Years is similiar to ours in all other respects.  I waited to see the dragons but there were none here.  Sort of disappointing but we would have had to make our way downtown and that would have been almost impossible so we just stayed here.
It has been very good with gina's brothers family.  we have had a good time.  Mainly my sister in law could not lose at Gin Rummy, she is so cute when she wins.  She just squeals and claps her hands.  Especially when she beats me, her teacher, which she did quite often.  Explaining strategy is very difficult, but she caught on without my help, obviously.  The rest of the family is coming tomorrow.  Gina took me out to buy me some Chinese New Years clothes.  Couldnt find any to fit. lol.  So I am wearing anything close to red as I have.  That is the color of the day.  Red here is a happy color.
Maxx's 24 hour rule, learn it, live it.

Offline maxx

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RE: My fourth Trip
« Reply #32 on: February 14, 2010, 01:13:29 am »
Jim Sounds like your having way to much fun.Enjoy as much of it as you can.


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RE: My fourth Trip
« Reply #33 on: February 14, 2010, 02:52:10 am »
sounds like everything is well except for the celebration noise  hahaha
same here in GZ

Offline JimB

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RE: My fourth Trip
« Reply #34 on: February 14, 2010, 03:41:32 am »
I was wondering if it was the same all over.  I assumed it was, but Beijing being a larger city.  I just didnt know.  By the way, we went to a fair today, waaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyy to cold for me.  Froze my butt off.  the streets were already cleaned. That surprised me as it was a mess last night.
Maxx's 24 hour rule, learn it, live it.

Offline odysseus007

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RE: My fourth Trip
« Reply #35 on: February 14, 2010, 05:35:27 am »
Haha Jim, so nice to readf your report. If there's one thing I would give you for new year's gift, that would be EARPLUGS !!! :icon_cheesygrin:
Men are great thinkers coz they have 2 heads (just don't think with the wrong one!) & women are great talkers coz they have 2...:icon_cheesygrin:

Offline kenny

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RE: My fourth Trip
« Reply #36 on: February 16, 2010, 06:06:37 pm »

It is early in the morning here i been trying to read up on the forum for a couple hours and I got to your post number 34 and started laughing so hard i was afraid i would wake Linda. Her home is what she calls a small town between Shenyang and Tieling. What you talked about is exactly what i experienced, people shooting these rockets off in the middle of the streets and cars driving around them and people running for cover when some were knocked over. One shot off side ways and hit the front of a building. We were about 50 yards from this and Linda and her family only was looking up at the display. I could not watch the fireworks because i was in awh of what was happening on the ground. These are some crazy SOB's here. I cant help but wonder how many people get hurt during all this celebration.


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RE: My fourth Trip
« Reply #37 on: February 17, 2010, 06:58:10 pm »
it was crazy in Guangzhou also with everyone having such a good time
and the mess all around town was cleaned up by the next morning. and
i do mean a mess. it amazes me as the cleaning crew had it all done in about
5 hours


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RE: My fourth Trip
« Reply #38 on: February 17, 2010, 07:11:02 pm »
That's because they have an enormous workforce in the refuge and cleansing dept's in China. Stay up late one night, and watch them, an army of ants busying themselves away!!...haha!!!



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RE: My fourth Trip
« Reply #39 on: February 17, 2010, 07:21:27 pm »
and they are probably paid only 1000 to 2000 rmb a month
but work like hell to get it done

Offline JimB

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RE: My fourth Trip
« Reply #40 on: February 18, 2010, 04:49:39 am »
It has been a few days since my last post.  Nothing has changed much except I have come  down with a nasty cold.  New Years day we went to the Temple Fair.  That was a mistake.  So many people you could hardly move and below 0 in temp.(that is where I got the cold) we walked from one end straight to the other and then tried to get a taxi.  No go, I was so cold my ears were numb. We walked a couple of miles to get a taxi.  
The family has been having a great time together.  The women all wanted me to give them their English names.  So I thought about each one and did.  they seem to really like it.  I kept them all starting with a G.  Gina of course my wife, my brother in laws wife is Grace, Younger sister is Gayle and older sister is Gwen.  The girls are Suzie Q and Sarah.  I also showed them the meaning of each name.  It fits them and is a heck of a lot easier on me to call them by their English names as I get tongue tied on their Chinese names and my wife usually refers to them by their place in the family. Older sister, younger sister, younger brother.  The first name I came up with was Georgia and they all laughed very hard.  I said what is the matter and they said that it sounds in Chinese like toenail. So they stopped that one.  Every once in a while they still call Gayle, toenail.  Even my brother in law wanted one.  So I gave him David, dont know why just liked it.  He loves it as he said David was a very handsome man in history.  Which is true.  So now everyone except Mama has English names.  She did not want one and anyway everyone calls her Mama.  The two teenage girls already had English names.  We have had a really good time together.  I was nervous at first, but even the bathroom has been ok.  Ten people and one bathroom.  I usually get my shower about midnight.  they have of course a small water heater about 5 gallons of hot water.  the third person usually ends up with cold water. The sleeping arrangements are Gina and I have our own room, we are the newlyweds.  4 adults and 3 kids in the other bedroom and Mama sleeps on the bunk bed in the living room.  It is like camping at the cabin. lol  In the evenings we play Mahjong and Gin rummy or crazy eights and rotate. I have taught everyone the card games and go fish to the kids.  they love it.  Grace is winning at everything.  It is fun just watching her when she wins.  She squeals, dances around in her chair and claps her hands.  Mama does not like gambling so no one plays for money, otherwise Grace would have all of it and she knows that too.
This afternoon everyone is gone except me.  It is nice and quiet.  When they are here the noise is loud.  If you didnt know better you would think they are fighting but it is just their way.  My wife tells me in their family they never fight, ever.
Three days after new years and the fireworks are still going off. Now I hardly pay attention to them.  they tell me this will go on for 15 days.  I would love to be a vendor of fireworks at this time of year.
There is not a thermostat in the rooms.  It is controlled by a central console outside of the apartments.  And it is always chilly.  They dont mind, they just put on extra clothes.  it is what we should really do, but of course we wont.  They have the old fashioned steam pipes.  One in each room.   if you are warm, you can put the cover on.  The central government controls this.  I cant remember the start date my wife told me, but i remember she was freezing in here because even though it was very cold outside they had no heat because it was too early.

I got a message from my sister to call her as soon as possible.  My phone is not covered here as we have my wife's phone, so I called her on skype.  She told me that my mother is in serious condition in the hospital and that on Friday they would have the results of the tests on her heart.  It looks as though one of her valves need replacing. She is 78 years old and with her medical conditions, she is not a good surgical risk.    So if she is going to have surgery, i will leave here on Friday and go back to the US as the earliest they can do the surgery would be on Monday. Unless of course she goes critical.  I hate leaving my wife early but of course she understands.  I keep debating with myself about going anyway, so tonight when I get my sister on the phone I will leave the decision up to her whether I should go now anyway.  she is the one closest and has the best feel.  
If I miss everyone in GZ, have a good time and I wish we could be there, I really do.
Maxx's 24 hour rule, learn it, live it.

Offline zook144

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RE: My fourth Trip
« Reply #41 on: February 18, 2010, 06:21:22 am »
Sorry to hear about your Mother. My thoughts and prayers to your family and your Mother's health.  I know how you feel. My mother will be
91 this summer. Seems like something happens with her everytime I plan a vacation.  Just before I went to China last year, she ended up in the hospital. It's always a tough decision,..."do I cancel and stay home, or go ahead with plans?"  Hope everything turns out ok.

The Journey Is The Destination


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RE: My fourth Trip
« Reply #42 on: February 18, 2010, 06:54:48 am »
Jim good updat as usual...

Sorry to hear about your mother, my prayers are with you...



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RE: My fourth Trip
« Reply #43 on: February 18, 2010, 04:53:59 pm »
Jim ... Qings and my Prayer's are with your Mom and the Family .
Hope it all will go well .


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RE: My fourth Trip
« Reply #44 on: February 18, 2010, 05:17:31 pm »
hope all goes well for you and the family