Author Topic: Close Encounters of the Interesting Kind : anybody been "reverse-visited" here?  (Read 3373 times)

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Offline odysseus007

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What I mean is, you got into a chat with her, and after the first chat, she likes you so much that she decides to pay you a visit in YOUR HOME COUNTRY. Before you even think about visiting her or take any further action. Anybody experienced that? Seems I may be getting a visit soon. Date TBA. Is this a first? :angel:

If this actually happens & it works out well, I may just say goodbye & good riddance to CHN !
« Last Edit: February 04, 2010, 10:49:49 am by odysseus007 »
Men are great thinkers coz they have 2 heads (just don't think with the wrong one!) & women are great talkers coz they have 2...:icon_cheesygrin:


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i dont think anyone has experienced that. not because of what not but because the
ladies cant just visit us from China. I see your in Singapore which i believe they can go
to easy with there passport. It almost would take an act of congress for them to pay us
a visit in the USA. But i am sure that most members here would jump at the oppurtunity
if it presented itself and pay for the visit for her. Your lucky in that sense. so enjoy the
visit, treat her like a lady, and she will take care of you as no woman ever has. The good
chinese ladies are a real find when they love us and care for us. I am lucky, my search is
over and i have my lady at home with me everyday here in China. Best move i ever made

Offline RegnisTheGreat

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I'd be cautious if she wants you to pay for it. Some girl I was talking to for 3 days says she wants to visit me in Canada for two weeks. She also said I should pay as the man in the relationship. I said 'kthxbye'


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well 2 weeks is short time i was thinking it would be a sweet deal
if after a few months of chatting she would be able to go there.
but only if the seriousness was there.

Offline mustfocus

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I don't believe chinese citizens require a visa to visit China.  I think it's one of those reciprical things like how Canada and the US have it set up.  The difference is the number of countries because of how big each of them are.
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Offline Bee964

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How about this. Has anybody ever planned or taken a trip to a third party country for a vacation or family get together? You know, she is from China, you are from Canada and you plan or take a trip to France?
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Offline David E

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If you want to meet in a Third Pary Country, then both of you will need to comply independantly with any visa requirements for that Country.

For instance, if you wanted to meet in Thailand, no visa is required for most Western Passport holders, but a visa is required for Chinese Nationals. So from Europe, USA, Canada, Australia New Zealand etc, you just turn up and no problem, but if she is a Chinese Passport holder, then she will have to apply for a visa beforehand. These are the rules for Thailand.

I am not sure which countries are visa-free for Chinese Nationals...if you check individual websites you can find it out. Countries usualy clearly define who can get in visa free in their websites under the visa section.

David E


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i guess that would work but isnt it better to go to china
and explore her country?? her home city?

Offline maxx

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Irish took one of his ladies to Malaysia said they had a good time.But that was after they had met in China.

Offline odysseus007

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Quote from: 'RegnisTheGreat' pid='30262' dateline='1265299749'

I'd be cautious if she wants you to pay for it. Some girl I was talking to for 3 days says she wants to visit me in Canada for two weeks. She also said I should pay as the man in the relationship. I said 'kthxbye'

Haha, that would be a very big red flag is she asked for me to pay. Like the National Flag of China waving overhead loool. Nope she did not ask for it. But then again, if any gal asked for that, it either means :
1) she gonna scoot with the money, and I ain't gonna see her, or
2) she has plans coming here, as I know a great many come on social visit visas to ply the streets.
Unless I already been talking to her real long, and even then,
I already know how to respond. Never pay upfront.

Quote from: 'David E' pid='30337' dateline='1265332140'

If you want to meet in a Third Pary Country, then both of you will need to comply independantly with any visa requirements for that Country.

For instance, if you wanted to meet in Thailand, no visa is required for most Western Passport holders, but a visa is required for Chinese Nationals. So from Europe, USA, Canada, Australia New Zealand etc, you just turn up and no problem, but if she is a Chinese Passport holder, then she will have to apply for a visa beforehand. These are the rules for Thailand.

I am not sure which countries are visa-free for Chinese Nationals...if you check individual websites you can find it out. Countries usualy clearly define who can get in visa free in their websites under the visa section.

David E

As I understand it, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore are quite hassle-free for PRC nationals to get social visit visas. Many Western countries are harder, as Big Brother knows they may scoot & never come back !!! Haha
« Last Edit: February 05, 2010, 12:23:56 am by odysseus007 »
Men are great thinkers coz they have 2 heads (just don't think with the wrong one!) & women are great talkers coz they have 2...:icon_cheesygrin:


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but i still think meeting in china is a very good option as it
introduced me to the country 8 years ago and each trip made
me like it more and more and now i am here living a good life
and cheap just go to USA for lenthy visits

Offline odysseus007

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Quote from: 'ttwjr32' pid='30383' dateline='1265355326'

but i still think meeting in china is a very good option as it
introduced me to the country 8 years ago and each trip made
me like it more and more and now i am here living a good life
and cheap just go to USA for lenthy visits

I fully agree, and have been there some 10 times, in about 7 provinces. At one time I even tried to set up a business, & live there. Didn't work out, but that is another story. If today I had a workable business that I can do in China, I would be there in a jiffy. I would say that some 90% of the people I met there are quite decent folks, it's usually the business types & officials that you have to be careful of.
Men are great thinkers coz they have 2 heads (just don't think with the wrong one!) & women are great talkers coz they have 2...:icon_cheesygrin:

Offline Bee964

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Quote from: 'ttwjr32' pid='30339' dateline='1265332591'

i guess that would work but isnt it better to go to china
and explore her country?? her home city?

I agree with this. I would want to meet her first in the country where she lives. This would be after she and I have met. I would think that if you suspect she may bolt you would not plan the trip at all. I just wanted to see if anybody has done this without being married to the lady, thats all. I understand that she would have to comply with the visa requirements of the country you want to visit. I would want to know her and her city very well before I would do anything like this.
Quote from: 'ttwjr32' pid='30383' dateline='1265355326'

but i still think meeting in china is a very good option as it
introduced me to the country 8 years ago and each trip made
me like it more and more and now i am here living a good life
and cheap just go to USA for lenthy visits

I have thought very hard about this very thing Ted. If I had the chance to do what you are doing, i would probably do it in a minute. I will have to look up what city she is originally from in China. I don't remember off hand. This makes me think about some questions that I should ask her. This last letter she wrote to me had some chinese characters in it and I need to find out what they say.
I guess that reverse visiting may be too difficult to do. I know that in the big picture of an international relationship the problem of getting together either for visiting or married couples to be together it is not the Chinese government. It will be your home Government. I was surprised to see that it would be nearly impossible for her to visit here in Canada. It is far easier to visit China. Fill out a visa app., put down a couple bucks and your passport, wait the couple days, and you're off to China.
« Last Edit: February 05, 2010, 09:41:24 am by Bee964 »
Life is like a jar of Jalapenos-- What you eat today will burn your ass tomorrow!.


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it is up to the govt of your country to decide the outcome of
 can she or will she be able to come. not sure about the other
 countries but in the USA the govt acts very slow in this like a

" herd of turtles stampeding thru peanut butter "


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I think many of you forget, that there are many Chinese ladies that can travel to the West virtually unhindered on business visa's. Be it there own business or via the company they are working for.

So don't be too surprised when and if any of these ladies offer to meet you in your own country!!!
You maybe very pleasantly surprised, ...haha!! This is going to be more and more common in the future....
