Author Topic: General Questions  (Read 8740 times)

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Offline RegnisTheGreat

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RE: General Questions
« Reply #60 on: February 08, 2010, 04:05:02 pm »
David50: you are wrong. If you have credit in your account, it is deducted as soon as a letter arrives. Not when you open it.

Remember they cannot write you an EMF until you write them one so they can't go hunting for those with big credits. I believe that the agencies can see if you have credit or not. If they see you do not have credit, they will not reply from the lady (or fake a reply to burn more credits).

Offline Philip

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RE: General Questions
« Reply #61 on: February 08, 2010, 04:13:28 pm »
In the past, I have had consecutive EMFs from a lady I was writing to on 3 separate occasions, the first pair when I didn't write for 5 or 6 days, the last (three in a row) when I stopped using EMFs altogether. The last one was one month after the previous one. Just agency fishing. So they certainly weren't waiting around for a reply from me before sending me a letter.


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RE: General Questions
« Reply #62 on: February 08, 2010, 04:24:36 pm »

I am not Wrong!! They cannot now see your Credit account. I forget which of the two Chinese guys that worked in one of the agencies, but he also confirmed this in one of his posts.... I guess the best way to check, is ask the guys that live in China visit an agency and ask.... But, ....I know they now, cannot see your credit account!!!

What they can see, is when you have been visiting the chnlove website, which is why they now use that information to target them with Ad-mails.

Maybe the policy has changed as far as deducting the credit for replies, but in the past it was deducted on opening The EMF reply..... It's been over 3 years since i last used the!!

« Last Edit: February 08, 2010, 07:17:43 pm by David5o »

Offline Bee964

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RE: General Questions
« Reply #63 on: February 08, 2010, 07:12:22 pm »
The only reason I posted it was because I had started to correspond with a couple women. I had a hard time keeping track with whom I had said what to. So I quickly narrowed it down to one. Then I thought "I wonder if they can check up on whom the guy is writing to?" I don't like being played for a fool and I would have to think that they would not either. Although come to think of it I have done some pretty foolish things in my life.

Dave C
« Last Edit: February 08, 2010, 07:13:57 pm by Bee964 »
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Offline maxx

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RE: General Questions
« Reply #64 on: February 08, 2010, 07:25:59 pm »
Dave c Scott and David 50 have the right answers.If there is no money setting in your account.The lady can send you as many letters as she wants to.You cannot open them.Until you put more credits in the account.The individual agencies have no idea how many credits are in your account.Individual agencies cannot tell if you are writting to another woman at a different agency.

You could probably write to two different ladies at the same agency.If you are real lucky.And both ladies don't have the same translator.Most of the time it has ben my experience with these agencies that the left has no idea what the right is doing.

Offline Neil

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RE: General Questions
« Reply #65 on: February 09, 2010, 12:08:37 am »
Quote from: 'maxx' pid='30919' dateline='1265675159'

You could probably write to two different ladies at the same agency.If you are real lucky.And both ladies don't have the same translator.Most of the time it has ben my experience with these agencies that the left has no idea what the right is doing.

You're right Maxx, but do you want to take that risk?  Especially if you've developed a fairly decent relationship with one of 'em.  If she were to find out you were writing someone else from the same agency, you'd wind up with neither. irresistible as chocolate

Offline Bee964

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RE: General Questions
« Reply #66 on: February 09, 2010, 12:17:00 am »
Especially if you have done something as smart as to write two women at the same agency and posted the same picture to both of them, and they see the picture in eachothers hand. I would love to be there at that moment! :icon_biggrin:

Dave C
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Offline maxx

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RE: General Questions
« Reply #67 on: February 09, 2010, 01:00:52 am »
No guy's I wouldn't do that.I was just showing those who didn't know.What is possible.I do not endorse or condone these kind of tactics.


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RE: General Questions
« Reply #68 on: February 09, 2010, 04:57:48 am »
Quote from: 'David5o' pid='30883' dateline='1265656568'
Chnlove took away the agencies facility to see there clients credit level. Now the agency can see ''nothing''.... They were using that facility to target men with big or larger credit levels!!
Now only chnlove and yourself knows your credit level....



chnlove keeps sending me favorites updates.  My profile is visible.  I have 0 credits and have had 0 credits since I met Peggy, about 8 months.  I do not get any cupid notes.  The last time I got one was when I had credits.  I think they can see your credits because I got cupid notes all the way until my credits reached 0.

« Last Edit: February 09, 2010, 05:05:38 am by shaun »

Offline Bee964

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RE: General Questions
« Reply #69 on: February 09, 2010, 09:37:03 am »
Maxx and the others,
I do not condone the practice of writing to more than one woman either Maxx. And I am not a player. I know nobody has implied this of me either. One woman I was writing to last summer sent me a letter and kept addressing me as John. She knew my name obviously from my profile. I had asked her near the start if she was conversing with other men earlier and she had said no. Then I get that letter so I confronted her about it and she admitted talking to several others, so I said bye and good luck. It was her loss. The women on here can be players too. I could never keep track of writing to two women at the same time. I would eventually screw up and then have nothing for all the effort and extra cost. I was just wondering if there was a way that the women could check up on us guys to see if we are on the level about what we say to them. We are always trying to find out if they are really what they claim to be or if they are being faked by their agency. I would have to assume that the same thoughts have crossed their minds too. If you read ttwjr32s thread PEACE SIGN then you can see how the women can be a little jeleous at times. Just as we would be if our lady was writing to other men too. I for one don't like being played for a fool and I am certain that every other guys here feels the same way. I am sure the women don't want to be played for fools either. I have always done things by your 24 hour rule here, sort of. I like to print the letter and reread it a couple times thru the day before I reply to her. I found it gives me time to think about what she has said in it. I always find that there is something that I miss in the original letter. Like you say Maxx it gives me time to think about what she has said to me and get an idea of what she is really saying to me in the letter. As I have gotten to know her over the short time I have written to her, 2 months, I am starting to get the feel that some of the letters are from her and a couple may be from the translator. I am going to meet her soon so I will find out for sure. I am going to bring the letters that she has written to me, translated of course, and see if they are all from her. I think Vince had found out that not all the letters he got were from his lady, that some were generated by the translator. I did notice that the agency she had signed up with has been given a good rating by the other guys here that were dealing with them. (P508) But I did notice that there were a couple bad marks against them in the past couple months. Possibly a sign they are slipping? Maybe just a couple difficult customers to deal with? I would not know. And as for the agency being only signed up with the ladies, they are the end receiver of the EMF money are they not? That would make you a paying customer to that particular agency too, right? Maybe thats why they feel obligated to find you someone else if it doesn't work out with the lady you come over to meet.

I just wanted to know if there were a way for the ladies or translators to see our credits or credit history. With reguard to my lady, she had written to other men, even had a meet and greet with one, but has told me that I am the only one writing to her now. She insists she is a one man woman. Thats good to know for me. :icon_cheesygrin: I tell her that I am a one woman man. :angel:

Dave C
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Vince G

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RE: General Questions
« Reply #70 on: February 09, 2010, 09:57:11 am »
Shaun, they had changed the "they can see the credits" recently in the past few months or so. I can look it up to see which translator said it? but.... either way we have the info. And yes to the newbies, we have Chnlove translators here as well.

Dave C, Just for the record, my recent lady from the beginning wrote every word in every letter. But before her? was another story.


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RE: General Questions
« Reply #71 on: February 09, 2010, 09:57:43 am »

I did a little experiment last night, on the back of this credit thing.... My profile is hidden and has been for around 4 years... last night i switched to visible, i did not refresh my profile, just stayed on line at the website for about an hour or so. To-day when i open my computer 7 admirers letters waiting for me!!!!  What can i say, ....they knew i was there, that's the way they target the guys.... oh, and i haven't got any credits in my account, there hasn't been any in there for years... I've quickly hidden my profile again ...hahaha!!!

I'll say this for you unbelievers just one more time. ''the agencies cannot see your credit account any longer''!!!!   I'll get conformation of that within the next couple of days from a Chnlove agency, but i'm already 110% sure of that little fact myself...


Offline Bee964

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RE: General Questions
« Reply #72 on: February 09, 2010, 10:58:01 am »
Quote from: 'Vince G' pid='31002' dateline='1265727431'

Dave C, Just for the record, my recent lady from the beginning wrote every word in every letter. But before her? was another story.

Sorry Vince, It was one of the ladies you had written to before? My mistake. I apologise.

Dave C
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Offline odysseus007

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RE: General Questions
« Reply #73 on: February 09, 2010, 11:33:49 am »
Quote from: 'David5o' pid='30888' dateline='1265657648'

No Dave, ....they would translate the reply to a letter you sent a Lady as a matter of course, knowing it would be pointless you writing a lady, and not be in a position to accept the reply from her. The reply would sit in your inbox, until you open it..... only then is a credit deducted from your account.....


No, now they deduct it the moment the EMF arrives, BEFORE you even read it or decide not to. Unless you have no credits. Then when you buy some, they deduct. No escaping death & taxes & credit deductions?

Quote from: 'Bee964' pid='30972' dateline='1265692620'

Especially if you have done something as smart as to write two women at the same agency and posted the same picture to both of them, and they see the picture in eachothers hand. I would love to be there at that moment! :icon_biggrin:

Dave C

Bigamy or even polygamy was practiced in China for 5000 years. If the translator can double their money from you/ladies or their chances of closing the deal. Would they let it on? As for the ethics of writing to more than one at the same time, every man will have his stand, whether publicly or privately. As a businessman & salesman, it is the law of averages. I do not see it as playing. I consider it playing if you are having sex with more than one at the same time (well not a threesome, you know what I mean).
« Last Edit: February 09, 2010, 11:45:53 am by odysseus007 »
Men are great thinkers coz they have 2 heads (just don't think with the wrong one!) & women are great talkers coz they have 2...:icon_cheesygrin:

Offline Bee964

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RE: General Questions
« Reply #74 on: February 09, 2010, 12:12:46 pm »
Quote from: 'odysseus007' pid='31015' dateline='1265733229'

No Dave, ....they would translate the reply to a letter you sent a Lady as a matter of course, knowing it would be pointless you writing a lady, and not be in a position to accept the reply from her. The reply would sit in your inbox, until you open it..... only then is a credit deducted from your account.....


No, now they deduct it the moment the EMF arrives, BEFORE you even read it or decide not to. Unless you have no credits. Then when you buy some, they deduct. No escaping death & taxes & credit deductions?

Dave C

Bigamy or even polygamy was practiced in China for 5000 years. If the translator can double their money from you/ladies or their chances of closing the deal. Would they let it on? As for the ethics of writing to more than one at the same time, every man will have his stand, whether publicly or privately. As a businessman & salesman, it is the law of averages. I do not see it as playing. I consider it playing if you are having sex with more than one at the same time (well not a threesome, you know what I mean).

I may have used the term "player" a little too loosely here and there. I meant it a little more in the old fashioned way as "playing the field"  the way that it was originally meant, dating several people at the same time, not having sex with them as it is meant today. I guess that I'm showing my age a little too much. :icon_cheesygrin:

Dave C
« Last Edit: February 09, 2010, 02:48:29 pm by Vince G »
Life is like a jar of Jalapenos-- What you eat today will burn your ass tomorrow!.