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Vince G:
There is one of the Hard Rock Casino. Ft. Laud. is a fun place to be, if you have the money? There was a photo I didn't put in of a place called River Front. I found it when it first opened 1998, a very hot spot. then it died down and was sold. Now they are tearing it down and putting what else? Condo's.

lots of building going on for the recovery they will be ready hahaha


--- Quote from: 'Neil' pid='30713' dateline='1265567746' ---
I hate to break poor David's heart, but I'm deeply in love with someone else.  

Here's a few pictures of Revelstoke:  

#5 is my Chinese teacher and a buddy's kids, snowshoeing.

The weather's been so warm my igloo melted though...sorry, no pics.

--- End quote ---

Neil, if #6 is your chinese teacher educating a student, I want to enrol now !

Willy The Londoner:

--- Quote from: 'Willy The Londoner' pid='30618' dateline='1265531737' ---

--- Quote from: 'Rhonald' pid='30615' dateline='1265523546' ---
Since I am from Canada - Here is a picture of my summer home and of my winter home.

--- End quote ---

Which is which Rhonald!!!:icon_cheesygrin:


--- End quote ---

Added my picture now.  Willy


Your all wrong,  that's not David's pool......that's his hot tub....haha :icon_cheesygrin::icon_cheesygrin::icon_cheesygrin

Those ducks would't last long in china.....Love peking duck, duck, duck.

A gardner would't hurt...haha   I just noticed that the street signs are on the wrong side, funny how the english always get that wrong...:icon_cheesygrin::icon_cheesygrin:

Not fancy, but there are 40 acres attached along with a couple of horses and other critters.... it's homebuilt.

Vince: is that your dog laying in the water?....hahaha


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