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Bit late now, ...that was taken a couple of years ago.... It's mainly junk stuff anyway, like carrefours fliers hahaha!!


i used to get the neighbors remove my mail at my houses to
keep the undesirables out especially the one in the mountains
took my neighbor 15 minutes to get there every day and it just
cost me 3 cases of beer when i came there in the summer


One big reason i came to live in Cyprus, was the fact that there is very little crime here. You rarely hear of any house breaking going on over here, and if there is an instance, it normally turns out to be a tourist or a foreigner..

That mess of mail probably was only delivered that day anyway, as the next door neighbour normally takes in any mail for us and chucks the the junk!!  lol!!!

Actually i've gotten into some real bad habits here, like leaving the keys to the car in the ignition overnight, and other silly things I'm ashamed to mention. haha!!! Hell i wouldn't be able to do that in the UK or most other places i can think of!!!   So i'm going to have to be careful on trips back home and keep reminding myself, ....i'm not in Cyprus now!!!  lol!!!  


I live in Seligman and we don't remove car keys, or lock doors, shopping stuff in the back of a pickup will still be there in the morning, go into town and come back the
next day, house unlocked, nothing missing.  Love living here.  only time we roll up windows is when it rains or snows....only crime is idiots going down I-40 with a truck load of weed, and they get
them anyway...  so quiet, you can hear the train 10 miles away and even the alien spaceships don't come around...haha
We are totally lost and forgotten (except at tax time).

Vince G:
Man I wish I could be so lack that I wouldn't have to worry about keys and such, BUT just last week I went to Home Depot to put a order for delivery in and they jimmied my door locks open and stole tools from the van parked RIGHT IN FRONT OF THE HD DOORS. I've found my place now, before I moved in with the front door pried open with a crowbar. Who needs keys?


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