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Your home

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I used to live in Phoenix and had it happen one time also, and
lost tools, but since moving here, there is no crime.
not to mention, I own a backhoe....:>)  perhaps some day I'll
be diggin in the back yard and solve the jimmy hoffa mystry...:icon_cheesygrin::icon_cheesygrin::icon_cheesygrin:

Sylvain D:
Here is my 2d house, in South of France.
And the other one, is my Parent's 2d house. We are just as "neighbours" in fact, and there is a way from my home to theirs :)

About my flat in Paris, it is "small"?
I'll take some photos today and upload it here, to give any idea. (32 m²), enough for 2 persons, at beginning, but need to change if a baby would come, next.

David E:

How beautiful....I want one :icon_cheesygrin::icon_cheesygrin::icon_cheesygrin:


Sylvain D:
Just to let you know, guys.
Related to the 2d house, in fact.
At first, it was a "pigeon loft" (birds loft?) and my father wanted to buy it to an old woman because he wanted to do it a home. and because it was very close to their house, the "area" so could be very big, then.
So...  he got it, and then we could make it a very good home :)

David, what do you want ? a home like that one? :D

nice pics Sly looks like a little land with the places also


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