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Sylvain D:
Ted, that's it, in fact. It is also very good to be there in May/June/July and even August, when the weather becomes a bit warm. Because of the swimming pool which is outside, man can always be happy'...
Even my daughter enjoys going there... always asking my parents "when will I go there with youuuuuuu" ^^'
The last pic was taken from my phone, as I saw a rainbow close to my house, I thought I could take a nice photo :)

David E:

--- Quote from: 'Sylvain D' pid='33917' dateline='1268290093' ---
Just to let you know, guys.
Related to the 2d house, in fact.
At first, it was a "pigeon loft" (birds loft?) and my father wanted to buy it to an old woman because he wanted to do it a home. and because it was very close to their house, the "area" so could be very big, then.
So...  he got it, and then we could make it a very good home :)

David, what do you want ? a home like that one? :D

--- End quote ---

Yes Sylvain...I always dreamed of retiring to a house like that in the South of I could drink fine wine and eat fine food in a wonderful climate for the rest of my life :icon_cheesygrin::icon_cheesygrin:


Sylvain D:
David, this is just a small house but well, on 3 floors ^^'
- Bottom : little kitchen, closets, shower room
- Middle : little place, like a living-room.
- Up : Bedroom

It is very nice for a little house, even if a bit "small" one :)
David, have you even come to France, before?

Sylvain D,

I just realised you are living in France. I would love to live there. You have a very nice place. My sister lives in La Roche. I am traveling to France in december. I will have to post pictures.

My house is directly behind the pick up truck. Yes, the truck is mine too. It is the only picture of my house that I have with me. I only just moved there. The other place is my cottage on the lake up north in Ontario. It is in a remote place. You can even drink the water straight out of the lake. There is no hydro, no flush toilets, no running water. But my cell phone works there!  I can see the dock on google earth so I guess there will be no more nude sunbathing. Hahahaha!

Dave C

Sylvain D:
Oh, Bee, your sister lives in La Rochelle? It is a famous place in France, well known by frenchies ^^' or is it "La Roche" only?? If so, sorry but I don't know where it is :blush:
(I can know "La Roche Sur Yon" and "La Rochelle" in fact :) )

I like your house and the place you are living, it seems to be very quite there ^^' so... are you sure that you weren't google Earhted when having a bath outside without your socks??? :icon_cheesygrin:


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