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David E,

I'm jealous of your pool table ... and your pool is lovely with that waterfall. I actually forgot to buy a pool table even if I would have the space here. But then between that, spending time on this forum and on QQ, when would I get any work done?

I won't post a pic of my Napoleon III style chateau, you'd think it's a joke anyway. It's in such bad condition that it wouldn't look that great on a photo anyway, donations are accepted :icon_cheesygrin:


donations Frank? or did you mean suggestions?? lol

My home is like the Phoenix....rising from the ashes of the old home.

David E:

--- Quote from: 'Voiceroveip' pid='34162' dateline='1268432109' ---
David E,

I'm jealous of your pool table ... and your pool is lovely with that waterfall. I actually forgot to buy a pool table even if I would have the space here. But then between that, spending time on this forum and on QQ, when would I get any work done?

I won't post a pic of my Napoleon III style chateau, you'd think it's a joke anyway. It's in such bad condition that it wouldn't look that great on a photo anyway, donations are accepted :icon_cheesygrin:


--- End quote ---

With a swimming pool, a pool table, a good wine cellar and 200 bottles of excellent home brewed beer, I can always be sure that some bunch of reprobates or other come over at the weekend !! Dont know how this can survive when Ming gets here.......I think they will all have to wait for written invitations !!!!



send us all an invite when she arrives lol
we will help to finish all that booze off



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