Author Topic: Guangdong Reloaded  (Read 19823 times)

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Offline Voiceroveip

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Guangdong Reloaded
« on: February 06, 2010, 09:16:08 pm »
So here we are yet again :P This trip number 3 for me in the quest for happiness, if you want to read about the 2 previous ones and find out why they did not work out, have a look here, it's a long thread though. In short, failure was due to the dating model through a third party inherent to Chnlove.

Why reloaded? Because I prefer to draw a parallel to "The Matrix" movie, the matrix being played by Chnlove, me being Morpheus (because of the haircut), Ted in the role of "The one" defeating the Matrix hehe.

So I arrived in HK and transferred with a shuttle to Guangzhou, shuttle cost 230RMB and 3 hours time. Next time I might transfer just to Shenzhen Luohu and take the train, that might be faster.

I'm  looking forward to meet Ted and his wife today.

The hotel I am staying at is the Guangzhou hotel, the rooms are a bit run down but the service is good, I slept well on a not too hard bed and had dinner in the 3rd floor restaurant which proved good and the place was crowded, me being the main attraction :D Breakfast is entirely Chinese but quite good, they do have coffee. Oh and Internet here is fast, PPS is no problem in my room.

More later of course ;)
« Last Edit: March 28, 2010, 05:34:12 pm by Voiceroveip »
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Offline Chong

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RE: Guangdong Reloaded
« Reply #1 on: February 06, 2010, 10:37:56 pm »
Have a fun & eventful trip. On the way back to HK, you can take the train from GZ which will bring you to the "Hum Hong" MTR in Kowloon HK.

Offline JimB

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RE: Guangdong Reloaded
« Reply #2 on: February 07, 2010, 12:28:36 am »
Wish you luck Frank.  I hope it works out for you  Keep up the posts, we (the little old ladies over the fence) really enjoy them. lol  ( the older guys from the facebook days will remember that one.) For the rest, there was once a member that said that we were all like little old ladies hovering over the fence and gossiping.  We had no masculine impulses, we were just old women.  We needed to man up.    He didnt stay around long. lol  
Sorry Frank I didnt mean to Hijack, I was just reminded of that.
Maxx's 24 hour rule, learn it, live it.

Offline Peter

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RE: Guangdong Reloaded
« Reply #3 on: February 07, 2010, 06:01:47 am »
Good Luck Frank..
Better to be married to a wife from Changsha then have 7000 women in Chnlove

Offline Voiceroveip

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RE: Guangdong Reloaded
« Reply #4 on: February 07, 2010, 12:09:20 pm »
I met Ted and his wife, not only are they a lovely couple who seem to be very happy together, but we had a nice time in a coffee shop about 50m from my hotel which Ted discovered and which will be my second home: good coffee and bagels and wifi haha! I enjoyed our conversation very much, I hope Ted did too hehe. My god how much did we smoke Ted?

Back in the hotel I had a lovely chat with lady #1, I really hope she works out, I'm even crossing my toes because our exchanges are so nice, I wish I wish I wish ... :heart: I'll see her Tuesday, tomorrow is guy's day with Ted who kindly offered to show me around :blush:
« Last Edit: March 28, 2010, 05:34:55 pm by Voiceroveip »
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RE: Guangdong Reloaded
« Reply #5 on: February 07, 2010, 12:38:59 pm »
i think we smoked to much and it bothered Sisi but as usual she was a trooper and didnt
complain. i had a good time and tommorrow we will have some guy fun and see if we can stay out of trouble

hey Frank dot forget to return that umbrella to that sweet young lady at the coffee shop.
that was really nice of her to offer that not knowing if she would ever see it again  hahahah
its just how they are here in China   when in need they offer to help

Offline odysseus007

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RE: Guangdong Reloaded
« Reply #6 on: February 07, 2010, 01:41:39 pm »
Quote from: 'Voiceroveip' pid='30679' dateline='1265562560'

Chong, thanks for the info, Jim, you'll love this:

I met with lady#2 today, and the surprise factor was huge :D She was supposed to pick me up at my hotel around 12:30. She calls and says it will be 1:00pm, then she arrives at 1:45 after calling me again from her car, I had been waiting in the lobby already. So she has a share in her own company, a car, has traveled the world, good English, ... too good to be true? Well a car drives up to the hotel park which is fairly busy since it's in the middle of GZ, a lady at the wheel and she smiles at me, I smile back, it's raining but I think it could be her. As she reverses into a parking spot I see her better through the door window (it's raining) and no, it's not her, she looks like past 40 and chubby.

Of course you guessed that it is her ... I'm not impressed. Her photos on CHN are sweet and gorgeous, so sweet that I can only imagine that they took her face (from 10 years ago?) and photoshopped it onto a model's body. In the pic she has nice hands and graceful arms (can't see the legs that much, but her real self is rather stout and her taste in clothes was not my cup of tea, no way the body on the pics is her's, and the face could be, but boy did they work it. She is from the Guanghzou Daniel Agency if you care to know, this is fake advertising as good as it gets. But what do you do, say sorry not interested (we talked a lot on the phone, nice conversations too). She is a nice person but not my type, regardless of her looks too, not as chirpy and fresh as I thought she was on the phone. So we go for lunch, she's not from GZ so we get lost a couple of times but finally manage to find the restaurant recommended by reception, and the food was delicious ... it was the kind of place where you pick up your dishes yourself, they stamp a card for every dish and you pay after the meal. She decides to get the food, I watch the bags :angel: The place is crowded so we share a table with some other people, this is just as good as it gets right? SHe brings back some food and probably thinks her laowai does not enjoy Chinese food, she brings some sweet milky stuff, the simplest dumplings and some other basics. We eat that and then I decide to get myself some real food :icon_cheesygrin: and bring back some more exotic dishes, a pile of veggies and she tells me I chose too fatty foods (yes haha, and too fatty girl too). Now the food is delicious and her English is good so we actually had a decent time. Then on to Beijing lou although the rain cut our expedition short. I won the competition for a taxi and we got home with AC and I thought this would be a good time to end the encounter, but me always too polite end up in a place across the street drinking something with her and we only part at 8pm.

I will write her an email to say sorry not interested when I finish posting here. This proves again that CHN are selling mutton as lamb, I really wish I had avoided that website altogether, what a waste of time and energy, and the lady will get hurt but at least she knows about her pics, but what was she thinking?

Two sides to every coin: The good part of the day was a bit later, I met Ted and his wife, not only are they a lovely couple who seem to be very happy together, but we had a nice time in a coffee shop about 50m from my hotel which Ted discovered and which will be my second home: good coffee and bagels and wifi haha! I enjoyed our conversation very much, I hope Ted did too hehe. My god how much did we smoke Ted?

Back in the hotel I had a lovely chat with lady #1, I really hope she works out, I'm even crossing my toes because our exchanges are so nice, I wish I wish I wish ... :heart: I'll see her Tuesday, tomorrow is guy's day with Ted who kindly offered to show me around :blush:

Back in 2000 I was taken by that oldest trick in the book too, my friend, which is why I am now very good at recognizing photoshopped pics. That was even worse... the "gal" was in her 40s, but she looks hotter than Angelina Jolie in Beowulf. They deserve a special award for Best Special Effects, and also to be incinerated by a firebreathing Dragon. But all in all, it was, shall we say, "a very educational trip" :blush:It ain't over til the fat lady sings ! :icon_cheesygrin:
« Last Edit: February 07, 2010, 11:27:20 pm by odysseus007 »
Men are great thinkers coz they have 2 heads (just don't think with the wrong one!) & women are great talkers coz they have 2...:icon_cheesygrin:

Vince G

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RE: Guangdong Reloaded
« Reply #7 on: February 07, 2010, 02:13:41 pm »
Frank, Your fairly new here but somewhere in the depths of the posts here I explained all they do or can do with a photo. Lightening the skin tone, stretching the body to make it thinner. If the head looks to big for the body that's a sure thing they did. They can also enlarge things so the proportions are exaggerated usually the breasts. They are good at it, aren't they? Hope the other woks out.

Offline Voiceroveip

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RE: Guangdong Reloaded
« Reply #8 on: February 07, 2010, 05:26:43 pm »

I use Photoshop so I'm aware of many techniques, but in this case they placed a reworked face into a whole different body, quite impressive. I've already done that with myself for fun and it's not easy at all. This is more than stretching and shaping, different hands, arms, neck, hair (hair quality). It must have taken a skilled photographer to start with, getting the lady to pose so that her face could be perfectly integrated into existing pics of some other model.

The only thing vaguely recognizable was her smile and nose, and then you have to have a very creative mind.

Now do you believe it's 6:24 am here and I already did my 30 minutes morning exercises, walked around the block and made 2 hotel bookings for the coming days? Bloody jet lag, I think I slept less than 12 hours total the last 3 nights and I'm starving, breakfast only opens in another hour :P


PS: saved by the bell, breakfast opens in 30 minutes hehe, where is MY COFFEE? :D :D
« Last Edit: February 07, 2010, 05:28:39 pm by Voiceroveip »
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Vince G

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RE: Guangdong Reloaded
« Reply #9 on: February 07, 2010, 06:15:25 pm »
Gotta have my coffee. I drink it all day long. :icon_cool:

Offline Voiceroveip

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RE: Guangdong Reloaded
« Reply #10 on: February 07, 2010, 07:00:37 pm »
Quote from: 'Vince G' pid='30740' dateline='1265584525'
Gotta have my coffee. I drink it all day long. :icon_cool:

Drinking it as I'm writing this ... mobile Internet is free on China Mobile prepaid? Or included with the 5 rmb / month IP service I guess. I even get 3G sometimes, I love China  :d

PS let me correct that, data is charged per usage, I just got a 1 rmb bill for 71kb, if I understand the SMS correctly.
« Last Edit: February 07, 2010, 07:34:53 pm by Voiceroveip »
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Vince G

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RE: Guangdong Reloaded
« Reply #11 on: February 07, 2010, 08:23:14 pm »
When talking to my girl I half jokingly said there has to be coffee nearby or I won't come. She said she didn't drink coffee only tea but there was a Starbucks near. So if she can't find me that's where I'll be? Next time on the phone she said wait. wait, I drink my coffee. It was her way of telling me she's trying it out? What a girl huh? I might get a prepaid when I get there just incase.


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RE: Guangdong Reloaded
« Reply #12 on: February 07, 2010, 08:40:48 pm »
thats what is so so special about these ladies Vince.
my wife goes with me to the grandveiw mall and we
sit outside i have coffee and we chat. once in a while
she tries something you know one of the fluffy drinks
but for the most part she just goes with me to be with me
while i enjoy something i enjoyed back home.

can you imagine a woman in the usa? she would say ok
bye have fun drinking your coffee uless of course she
wanted you to buy her one of the fluffy special drinks they have.

Offline odysseus007

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RE: Guangdong Reloaded
« Reply #13 on: February 07, 2010, 09:47:09 pm »
Quote from: 'Voiceroveip' pid='30737' dateline='1265581603'


I use Photoshop so I'm aware of many techniques, but in this case they placed a reworked face into a whole different body, quite impressive. I've already done that with myself for fun and it's not easy at all. This is more than stretching and shaping, different hands, arms, neck, hair (hair quality). It must have taken a skilled photographer to start with, getting the lady to pose so that her face could be perfectly integrated into existing pics of some other model.

The only thing vaguely recognizable was her smile and nose, and then you have to have a very creative mind.

Now do you believe it's 6:24 am here and I already did my 30 minutes morning exercises, walked around the block and made 2 hotel bookings for the coming days? Bloody jet lag, I think I slept less than 12 hours total the last 3 nights and I'm starving, breakfast only opens in another hour :P


PS: saved by the bell, breakfast opens in 30 minutes hehe, where is MY COFFEE? :D :D

Haha guys, now if Neil can get his face grafted onto that body, maybe David will marry him? :icon_cheesygrin: And BTW, there is this very innovative website where half the "working ladies" of Hong Kong advertise their wares.... the photoshop work is even FAR superior to CHN's. The major works involve rebranding mainland Chinese prosties as Jap or Korean part-timers (who charge a lot more). And they get to cut out the pimps to boot (wish we can cut out the translators likewise, eh?) by posting their addresses (even photos of the place), working hours, charges for different "jobs", etc. Quite droolworthy, haha... Luckily it also comes with a forum similar to this one, where "sexperienced members" initiate noobs as to the pros & cons (pun intended):angel: Boy, if the evil agencies ever get their hands on THOSE pics, many more poor "laowai" will fall prey to them, that is why I cannot & will not post the link here. However, samples follow :icon_cheesygrin:
« Last Edit: February 07, 2010, 10:48:58 pm by odysseus007 »
Men are great thinkers coz they have 2 heads (just don't think with the wrong one!) & women are great talkers coz they have 2...:icon_cheesygrin:

Offline odysseus007

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RE: Guangdong Reloaded
« Reply #14 on: February 07, 2010, 10:53:35 pm »
Samples of nice photoshopped pics... whoa hold your hormones !!! haha
Notice #3 is definitely a face graft, and the face is typically enhanced towards the "anime look" that Asians go gaga over, and is supposed to pass off as Korean or Jap. This is the type of enhancement done by the Changsha agency, but with less flair, hehe. A sexbomb is way more dangerous than any WMD eh? How many times have we wasted "just a coupla EMFs" "to test the waters" on such "hotties"?
« Last Edit: February 08, 2010, 12:35:15 am by odysseus007 »
Men are great thinkers coz they have 2 heads (just don't think with the wrong one!) & women are great talkers coz they have 2...:icon_cheesygrin: