So here we are yet again

This trip number 3 for me in the quest for happiness, if you want to read about the 2 previous ones and find out why they did not work out, have a look
here, it's a long thread though. In short, failure was due to the dating model through a third party inherent to Chnlove.
Why reloaded? Because I prefer to draw a parallel to "The Matrix" movie, the matrix being played by Chnlove, me being Morpheus (because of the haircut), Ted in the role of "The one" defeating the Matrix hehe.
So I arrived in HK and transferred with a shuttle to Guangzhou, shuttle cost 230RMB and 3 hours time. Next time I might transfer just to Shenzhen Luohu and take the train, that might be faster.
I'm looking forward to meet Ted and his wife today.
The hotel I am staying at is the Guangzhou hotel, the rooms are a bit run down but the service is good, I slept well on a not too hard bed and had dinner in the 3rd floor restaurant which proved good and the place was crowded, me being the main attraction

Breakfast is entirely Chinese but quite good, they do have coffee. Oh and Internet here is fast, PPS is no problem in my room.
More later of course