cutomer care usually doesnt provide any help they give you
the standard fluff response
im sorry to hear this but stay with it
also maybe she is going to attempt to contact you directly after all she did have 6 months in it
Yeah customer care is more like customer Scare, you have to armtwist them to do any damn thing, mostly you get some irrelevant generic answer. In this case I think it is more with the agency involved than CHNLove.
I agree...does anybody have this agency's chinese web address? And where are they located? These agency scams need to come to a stop! :@
Also Jimmy...access to pc's here (unless located in the deep sticks) is like anywhere else! The I don't speak/write/read/ English excuse is all translator generated...unless woman has no interest in you...she will be willing to have direct contact with you...there may actually be a 1/100,000,000,000,000 chance this excuse is true...butt very rare!
Thnx Big,Ody and ttw.......maybe I been taken for a ride(again!!!!!),may never know cos I just went over all the EMFs I sent and I did'nt give her my email like I thought I had,just asked her 3 times over the course for direct contact.......and yes I have tried with customer care on 2 previous occasions about other dodgy matters to no avail........sigh........
Its a shame cos it all seems so genuine wen you first join up there,guess I'm a little too trusting and naieve........but I'm learning fast I hope
I'll keep up the spirits(pun not intended,haha)and carry on.......
and yes how come its so difficult to find the agencies address's etc?

even their feedbac section goes through chnlove...........sheesh....
My own slant on this is - if this was an agency scam then why suddenly cut of a source of income that has been going on for some months. Jimmy has made no plans to come to China to meet her yet so if this was an agency scam they could get a few more emfs fees out of him yet. So an agency scam I feel not.
I am thinking that a she has cut the connection herself for some reason or has simply not paid any fee that she should have. Maybe she has got cold feet about the amount of fee she will have to pay the agency when she finds a husband.
Jimmy you do not say how old her son is. If he is approaching college years then he may not want to move to OZ. Maybe the boys father will not give permission for him to leave China. There are many other reasons other than a scam. Sometime brothers are too quick to call 'Scam'.
But maybe this is a good time to consider approaching Chnlove as a growing unit and have a rep in place in as many cities as we have members living here who can call on agencies to make enquiries of an individual nature. This will give Chnlove more kudos and certainly help those still looking who may have doubts.
Some say that we are a small unit - but judging by the lack of people writing on the 'official' site then I wonder just how big Chnlove really is.
Thnx willy,yes,good points,I was'nt really thinking it was the agency,just bewildered by the sudden cut off without a word,her son is 7/8 yrs old and lives with the father in another city most of the time,she takes him occasionally and he also stays with relos sometimes,the ex has recently remarried as well she told me,she seemed quite keen to move here though in our letters.........we were actually planning to meet sept last year but I had to put it off till spring this year,she seemed very disapointed,but I had good reasons why I could not make it.......anyway..